posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 06:33 PM
At the very least, you were lucid dreaming and had realized that you were not awake. Excellent progress. Have you been remembering to do reality
checks throughout your day then? Next time you realize you are dreaming, try taking a jump and see if you can fly around and whatnot. Even if you
can't break through to the astral, it is still fun to have complete control over your dreams. Go exploring and creating/removing things with sheer
thought power in your dreams, it's a blast =).
I assume that you cleared your mind and tried to get yourself out of the dream, which is why everything started going black and you got scared? Easier
said than done, but try keeping your emotions under control next time and see what happens. Emotions, whether getting overly scared or even overly
excited, tends to cut any dream or astral projection short.
Just a little note... you may not want to discuss any of your dreams that are highly symbolic in nature, etc. Some people believe that this conveys
very private information and knowledge about yourself/that is intended for you only, and that if you go sharing this out with the world, you may not
get any more dreams for a while because you cannot be trusted with the info, etc. Higher beings, go figure
. So anyway yeah, keep a dream journal
and keep it hidden, and then try to just discuss the generic stuff of your dream with other people. But it's up to you, just giving you future
reference so if you mysteriously stop dreaming for a while, you know why =).
Ergh, I just woke up myself, and now I have forgotten what else I wanted to say
[edit on 13-8-2005 by Yarcofin]