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Bush raises option of using force against Iran

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posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by MajorCee

It is probably correct that Bush will never use this
nuclear bunker buster. It is much more likely that
Iran will be given warning something like "Open your
program to inspection or loose your facility"
If Iran has any sense, they will open their program to
inspection. If they have no bomb program, absolutely
nothing will be lost. If they have a bomb program,
they have to immediately confront the full implications
of nuclear war, is it really a path they are willing to take?
There is only one outcome that can come from this
confrontation if Iranian leadership is sane. If they
are not sane, then this confrontation had to be made
for that exact reason.
The result of not making the
confrontation is acceptance of insane leadership possessing
nuclear weapons. This confrontation is the most logical
one to be made in Bush's mind, at least by my analysis.

There are people in this world you can screw with.
I don't believe the Cowboy is one of them.

We NEED this in a CiC

You sure do have a way of putting very obscure issues into a easily understandable idea. You are exactly right on the money.

Problem I have is these Israeli F-16's you speak of, do the Israelis have a way of getting to Iran under cover and by surprise? I would argue that they do not, the Iranians are expecting them to try and therefore lies the problem.

Although Israel has a very power military, they do not have the capability of hitting these sites in Iran with aircraft imo. Missiles yes, F-16's or F-15I's no.

Then that begs the question, what plane CAN hit these targets? One comes to mind, the B-2. The B-1 has the range and the electronic jamming but remember that Iran has an decent air force and B-1's would be venerable, whereas the B-2 would be less so...

That is why I do not think Israel can do ANYTHING about this realistically. I think that they know that something has to be done on Bush's watch just in case a 'left' leaning President gets in office in 2008. The time clock is ticking.

Think about it, Israel is WITHDRAWING from lands that by any rules of war are now theirs. They are doing this why? They are letting the US drive the car against Iran as they do not have any choice.

I would assume that Bush is letting the EU play its little games and who knows they might actually be successful, but there are plans in place for the more likely scenario that they do not.

The Russians are the key here, they will loose businessmen and contractors if the Iranian sites are taken out. This has to be a touchy issue and you know that Putin and Bush have discussed this. Maybe Putin has given Bush some information on just how far the Iranians are along on this bomb making adventure.....maybe he has enough information that he knows he has time.

how much time remains the question, I would see something MAJOR in this story BEFORE that reactor comes on line.......

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 03:57 PM
"Why don't these guys just give up the damn Nuclear Weapons program? Israel hasn't used theirs and doesn't need to. "

Excellent question, but another question you have to ask is "Why doesnt America give up their nuclear and chemical weapons program?".

Onto some serious questions.
1.) Do you honestly believe the real reason Bush wants to invade Iran is because they posses weapons of mass destruction.

2.) Are you going to fall for that childish excuse for invading a country just like you fell for the exact same childish excuse to invade Iraq resulting in thousands of innocent Iraqi men, women, and children losing their lives, limbs, family, and homes?

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 03:59 PM
"There are people in this world you can screw with.
I don't believe the Cowboy is one of them."

That is an unbelievably childish and stupid statement. With people like you in the United States its no wonder idiots like George Bush get reelected.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 04:34 PM

That is an unbelievably childish and stupid statement. With people like you in the United States its no wonder idiots like George Bush get reelected.

last time I heard you people were saying bush stoled the last election, but now we reelected him?

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 05:18 PM
No, now he stole another one, but lets face it when so many care so much more that "their side" won, and so many angry that "thier side didn't" - it leaves not much for those real people who understand that their are no sides - you are all supposed to be American's.

But I suppose that is a little too esoteric for most people, let alone people who have traded their freedom for the mere promise of security.

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 08:40 PM

But I suppose that is a little too esoteric for most people, let alone people who have traded their freedom for the mere promise of security.

Yeah real esoteric indeed, but tell me what freedom have I given up?

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 09:20 PM
That would depend on what freedom you actually thought you had prior......

See grasshoperson

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 09:28 PM
What freedoms did *you* have that are now suddenly vanished or not available to you Passer By?

Indulge us...


[edit on 27-8-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
What freedoms did you have that are now suddenly vanished or not available to you Passer By?

Indulge us...


[edit on 27-8-2005 by Seekerof]

I can tell you one,

You can't roam around the country, free to move as you please, if the CIA or the FBI have information on you that leads them to believe you are planning a terrorist act.

Why? Well now the CIA and FBI can SHARE information.....

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 09:33 PM
Non, I am lucky and live in Canada

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Passer By
Non, I am lucky and live in Canada

As such, then what you have previously mentioned becomes somewhat irrelevant, eh?

as posted by Passer By
That would depend on what freedom you actually thought you had prior......

If it is not irrelevant, then you are speaking exactly of what freedoms within the US that have now become infringed or taken away? I mean gee, your comment leads one to think that maybe you knew something that we who do live in the US did not know or something....


[edit on 27-8-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
What freedoms did *you* have that are now suddenly vanished or not available to you Passer By?

Indulge us...


[edit on 27-8-2005 by Seekerof]

Sure I'll indulge you....

How about freedom of assembly?
I seem to recall quite few people losing their right to assemble back during the RNC convention in New York.
Despite what you may have heard they weren't all anarchists and rioters either. I was there and I saw quite a few peoples right to assemble being abridged for no greater reason then their being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course in your opinion I suppose that doesnt matter. I mean every knows the only way we can protect our freedoms is by giving them up when the government needs us to right?

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 03:56 PM
I get quite a kick out of some of the replies to
my posts. My last post kicked off some of those
replies that really entertained me. Look at this
reply below. It came after I posted several long
very detailed posts with information on a very
in depth nature. These posts also had information
not commonly known, and has been of interest to
some of those that I have heard back from. Now
after all this in depth writing and detailing I did
I put this ending on my post:

"There are people in this world you can screw with.
I don't believe the Cowboy is one of them."

fishbrain replied:
That is an unbelievably childish and stupid statement.
With people like you in the United States its no wonder
idiots like George Bush get reelected.

I thought my words above very aptly brought up to
date an old motto available on US flags showing
a picture of a rattle snake ready to strike and
the motto said:

Don't tread on me.

I thought it was appropriate because Bush is the present
embodiment of that attitude as president and because
his actions have definitely displayed his basic motivation
to not take any nonsense from parties like Osama Bin Laden
and Saddam Hussein.

Apparently the best fishbrain can do is ignore all
the information I put out and zero in on this little
ending. The rules of this site forbid name calling and
other such things so he had tried to disguise calling
me an idiot by saying people like me are idiots. What
a clever disguise. Fishbrain, did you think that up
on your own, or did you have help?

Next he says people like me are the reason Bush is
reelected. He really is correct there. I did not
actually vote for Bush on his first try back in 2000.
I was not even a republican. I actually became a
Bush supporter when he came under attack from all
sides for his policy of defending the US. I kept
track of how everything was playing out and it became
apparent to me that Bush was taking the best course
possible with a bad hand he had been dealt. I
believe the number one priority of the US government
is defense of the country. When everyone attacked
Bush for carrying out this number one priority I
could no longer vote my old party line and re-registered
as a republican. So idiots like me who can see that
the US should defend itself have been successful at
getting him elected.

I hope us idiots remain successful, because:

There are people in this world you can screw with.
I don't believe the Cowboy is one of them.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by MajorCee

I kept track of how everything was playing out and it became
apparent to me that Bush was taking the best course
possible with a bad hand he had been dealt.

You put it correctly, it was the hand he was dealt. Clinton chose to ignore it, as Bush did at first. When the cards were played though, he anted up and started playing to win unlike the apologists.

Originally posted by MajorCee
I hope us idiots remain successful, because:

There are people in this world you can screw with.
I don't believe the Cowboy is one of them.

Yeah, and thank God he is in office and not Scary.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by fishbrain
"There are people in this world you can screw with.
I don't believe the Cowboy is one of them."

That is an unbelievably childish and stupid statement. With people like you in the United States its no wonder idiots like George Bush get reelected.

I think it is a pretty fair statement. There are A type personalities - a cowboy would be one of them. The US is a type A country - at least with MEN like Bush in office. He is not the most well spoken president, but what he lacks in public speaking he more then makes up for by actually defending this great naiton.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
The US is a type A country - at least with MEN like Bush in office. He is not the most well spoken president, but what he lacks in public speaking he more then makes up for by actually defending this great naiton.

- Jayzuss H; next you'll be talking about 'precious bodily fluids', huh?

The only point of any relevance in any of this whole issue of the Iranian nuclear program is the sheer lack of any credible proof or evidence whatsoever to indicate Iran has anything other than what it claims, a civillian nuclear power program.

Is anyone seriously suggesting they have no right to one of those?

Especially when the US has already been perfectly happy and relaxed to see the birth of an 'Islamic bomb' already, in Pakistan?

There is absolutely nothing to indicate an Iranian weapons program beyond a couple of Iranian opposition rent-a-quotes (coo those guys always prove accurate and worth listening to, not. huh?
) and the current US administrations' insistance (whos' intel track record so far is dismal).
The IAEA is still monitoring Irans activities and has issued no call for any alarm.

Who in their right mind would laud a leader prepared to preemptively attack another nation without any credible proof or evidence.

I'd call that pretty stupid and liable to ultimately be counter-productive and hurt the very people he is supposed to be duty bound to protect; not to mention losing the US almost all of it's allies and friends (something the current administration has been good at).

One might have thought that the disquiet amongst allies and friends who basically share similar values would provoke pause for thought but it appears not with some.

But hey, some of you guys seem to think war and blindly lashing out is 'manly'.

God help us all.

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