posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 10:14 AM
Hello to all at this site! I have been an active reader of ATS for over two years now, but just recently joined. I can't say exactly why it took me
so long to join. Regardless, here I am
From the time I was a young child, I was interested in the unusual and unexplainable. I went on to receive multiple degrees in Philosophy, Religion,
and Psychology.
I have been a practitioner of the martial arts for 12 years, both internal and external. However, I feel like I have only begun to scratch the
surface of our multi-faceted existence.
I wish everyone much energy! I would also like to thank especially the moderators for ensuring that the posts on ATS continue to be of a high
standard. Especially here lately as it would seem like it has been more of a job of MEDIATOR instead of MODERATOR!
Geezz...I just reread my posting and I guess the job of a moderator is to mediate, huh? Anyway....GREAT JOB!
[edit on 13-8-2005 by Kongfuey]