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Clinton Lawyers: Mohamed Atta Off-Limits

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posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 12:34 AM
Clinton Lawyers: Mohamed Atta Off-Limits

A year before the 9/11 attacks, Clinton administration lawyers told a group of military intelligence officers that information they had developed on 9/11 ringleader Mohamed Atta could not be shared with the FBI, saying of Atta himself: "You can't even touch him - it doesn't matter what information you have."

Yes, it was the Clinton administration. Lawyers said there were two reasons why you can't do that. And they even put stickies over the face of Mohamed Atta on this chart they had. They said: "He's here legally. He's either got a green card or he's got a visa. So you can't even touch him - it doesn't matter what information you have." [END OF EXCERPT]

Moments later, Weldon said he was determined to find out who it was who ultimately gave the order to protect the lead 9/11 hijacker.

WELDON: The American people need to have answers. They need to have answers about who made the decision to stop our military intelligence from sharing information with the FBI, and how high up the ladder that went.

Did it stop at DoD? Or was the Justice Department involved in that decision? Or was the White House involved in that decision?


So does this explain the government 911 cover up? An embarrassment that we had them and had to let them go so as to not infringe upon their rights?

This folks is why the Patriot act was passed, so information can be shared between those that need it and the damn lawyers can not decide national security on the basis of the ACLU's interpretation of the laws.

[edit on 13-8-2005 by edsinger]

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 12:44 AM
I'm glad the material on the lack of prosecution in investigations into Miami flight schools is coming to the surface, but you can be certain of one thing: it was not Clinton or his administration's lawyers that ground this to a halt.


That came later.

Nice try, newsmax, I'd give it 2/10 as an act of obfuscation and lies in covering up where the culpability is.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatarI'm glad the material on the lack of prosecution in investigations into Miami flight schools is coming to the surface, but you can be certain of one thing: it was not Clinton or his administration's lawyers that ground this to a halt..

I might agree with this as it was a HUGE embarrassment to the government as a whole.

I guess the argument then is the same as now, rights are more important than public safety right?

Notice that this was PRE-911 and that one you can in no way blame Bush nor Ashcroft, this one lies with the Reno!

Media absent on 9-11 scandal

Rush Limbaugh: Media
absent on 9-11 scandal Calls panel probing terror attack 'absolute joke,' says coverage would be Page 1 if tied to Bush

Radio talk-show giant Rush Limbaugh calls the 9-11 commission an "absolute joke" for ignoring and suppressing evidence that terrorists were identified in the U.S. long before the Sept. 11 attacks, and he's blasting the mainstream media for its lack of coverage on the matter.

"They blew it sky high. They didn't get what was really going on. They didn't get in their report the fact that there were terror cells already here, and that the ringleader of 9-11 was in the country for a year, and it was known," said Limbaugh of the panel which probed the 2001 onslaught. "If you ask me, the 9-11 commission ought to be profoundly embarrassed."


Yeah the Press really is dropping the ball on this one....

[edit on 13-8-2005 by edsinger]


posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 09:56 AM
AP broke this story Aug 10, 2005.


Weldon said that in September 2000 Able Danger recommended that its information on the hijackers be given to the FBI ''so they could bring that cell in and take out the terrorists.'' However, Weldon said Pentagon lawyers rejected the recommendation because they said Atta and the others were in the country legally, so information on them could not be shared with law enforcement….
…Defense Department documents shown to an Associated Press reporter Tuesday said the Able Danger team was set up in 1999 to identify potential al Qaeda operatives for U.S. Special Operations Command.
AP Article Link

Possibly, how did this happen….

And this is the same commission that included one Jamie Gorelick, a deputy attorney general in the Clinton Justice Department. She's also architect of the policy that established a wall between intel and law enforcement, making "connecting the dots" before 9-11 a virtual impossibility.......Maybe Oliver Stone can fit all this into his new movie on 9-11. Maybe the focus will shift from how George Bush could have prevented 9-11 in his eight months in office to what Bill Clinton failed to do in eight years. All this happened on his watch.
Atta Boy Democrats (emph added)

The democrats deffinately had thier hands all over this information and restricted the flow of information based upon their 'social' policies.


posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 10:06 AM
I heard Rush talking about this yesterday....the name I heard was "able Danger" and Michael Savage talked to Rep. Curt Weldon (R-Pa.) the day before that live on radio.

The fact of the matter is....I wanna see the lawyer or politician who blocked this information from being passed on to the FBI tried and locked up for 50 years!

Whats worse, is Rush mentioned the Bush administration was not really interested in getting to the bottom of this and I wondeing why this is not on the front page of every newspaper in America.



posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by LA_Maximus
The fact of the matter is....I wanna see the lawyer or politician who blocked this information from being passed on to the FBI tried and locked up for 50 years!

From above mentioned article:

Jamie Gorelick, a deputy attorney general in the Clinton Justice Department. She's also architect of the policy that established a wall between intel and law enforcement, making "connecting the dots" before 9-11 a virtual impossibility.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 11:23 AM
And Jamie Gorelick was a member of the 9/11 commission! Can you believe it?

This will make excellent material for negative ads against Hillary in her 2008 presidential race!

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by LA_Maximus
Whats worse, is Rush mentioned the Bush administration was not really interested in getting to the bottom of this and I wondeing why this is not on the front page of every newspaper in America.

that's because the liberal media loves suppressing anti-conservative articles.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 11:45 AM
It's all politics. Just shows there's no real difference who is in power.
These people play games with our lives all the time, we just provide the cash and the bodies to enable them to do so.
The FBI, the CIA and all the other law enforcement and intel agencies report into the suits at the top, the politicians. Even the people who head up these agencies are political appointees

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
And Jamie Gorelick was a member of the 9/11 commission! Can you believe it?

This will make excellent material for negative ads against Hillary in her 2008 presidential race!

I had forgotten that but it does explain a lot now doesn't it?

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 08:57 PM

Yes, it was the Clinton administration. Lawyers said there were two reasons why you can't do that. And they even put stickies over the face of Mohamed Atta on this chart they had. They said: "He's here legally. He's either got a green card or he's got a visa. So you can't even touch him - it doesn't matter what information you have.

So... you're telling us that this group of people had all this intel, but they didn't even know his immigration status?

Man, do you have a cold or something? If you cant smell the BS in this storey you must truly be stuffed.

Stories making liberals look bad doesn't have to make sense, right? As long as there is mud to sling, smearing the opponent is more important than fact or logic.


posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 10:09 PM
Twitches and kneejerks
You dont tire, Ed. You're amazing. The bomb could drop on your lap and it would be worth it to you , if that was the Republican wish.
Do you beleive what you post? You keep parroting Rush Limbaugh and its most unflattering. I'd like to see less cut and paste from you and more of your "own" thoughts. Do you have any?

Have you ever formed your own thoughts and conclusions about this world based on what you know and how you feel? Does it matter at this point whether its the fault of the Republicans or the Democrats? Its my opinion that it doesnt. WHAT MATTERS IS WHO'S MINDING THE STORE NOW.
Spreading of ignorance and lies takes less time than how long it takes me to spread peanut butter on my bread.
Oooh, its Clintons fault! Its Clintons fault....NOT unless President Bush has him up his ars, and i highly doubt it.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 10:28 PM
Well actually its the American voters fault, both times.

They knew Clinton had no morals and so did the world and that is EXACTLY what they love about him.

Do I have my own thoughts? You bet I do. I laugh at those that actually think that Bush and his cronies planned 911 and the like. It conspiracy that has gone wild.

next you will be believing that Kennedy was assassinated because he was going to reveal an alien presence and the treaty that was signed with the greys.

I live in the real world thanks and when I come in hear and see the hate directed toward our CiC, it amazes me. I mean I hated Clinton, but never did I question the 'job'.

You know something, when you Google Tulipwalker, you will see that its purely an ATS thing....I wonder why.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
Well actually its the American voters fault, both times.

They knew Clinton had no morals and so did the world and that is EXACTLY what they love about him.

Do I have my own thoughts? You bet I do. I laugh at those that actually think that Bush and his cronies planned 911 and the like. It conspiracy that has gone wild.

And Bush has morals? Oh , stop, Ed, i',m going to crack a rib laughing! Good talking to ya.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 11:55 PM
Speaking of lawyers, I don't remember your outrage when James Baker was involved in representing Saudi Arabia against the families of the victims of 9/11. You know Baker, the same guy who was the lawyer for W Bush in the 2000 election. James Baker, Chief of Staff for Reagan, Secretary of State for HW Bush.

You seem so selective about your outrage. You create names like, "Poo-poo Pants" to promote your brand of ideology, without ever thinking what is best for America. Maybe we, as citizens, should stop being so blinded by party loyalty, and just concentrate on how to make our country better.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 01:01 AM
Wait a minute!

You guys certainly know that stuff goes on in security that not even the White House knows about.

The blame for this goes to CIA director George Tenet and FBI Director Louis Freeh for not doing their jobs to protect and serve the American people.

They were funded with billions if not trillions back then leeching off the American taxpayers to protect
the citizens and national security.
So what the hell happened to all that money they wasted?

I'm sure there were also many other miltary hawks and corporate entities involved in this cover-up.

Clinton was no great leader, but he did mention many time that he learned the hard way about
the government within the government trying to make progress.

911 was CREATED to fleece the American taxpayers of every penny they can get and every constitutional right they are stooopid enough to give up.

The bull you guys are swallowing protecting one political party or another simply shows me that "they"
have succeeded to divide our nation on petty crap so that we won't merge together and clean house

Our political "leaders"
are nothing more than opportunists, taking advantage of every perk they can get,
while the people really pulling all the strings literally get away with murder.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree911 was CREATED to fleece the American taxpayers of every penny they can get and every constitutional right they are stooopid enough to give up.

And that is complete rubbish! Those who think it was an inside job have been reading to many 'B' grade movies and listening to to many wackos.

But then again, it is a conspriacy site.......Personally I think it was planned by Elvis....

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 02:11 AM
Edsinger, IF.... I accused you of being a government plant to these forums, you might be either
greatly insulted or complimented depending on your perspective.

My guess, and it really is just a guess, is that your livelihood depends directly on the success
of this administration.

Otherwise, I can only assume that while you may consider yourself a patriot,
you are in fact blinded by partisan political rhetoric preventing you from seeing the obvious.

It's quite sad really that you simply refuse to consider that our leadership is capable of this
manner of corruption.

[edit on 14-8-2005 by FallenFromTheTree]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree
Edsinger, IF.... I accused you of being a government plant to these forums, you might be either greatly insulted or complimented depending on your perspective.

Well you wouldnt be the first, and just so you know, I campaigned AGAINST Bush! But my candidate lost the straw poll and I went with Bush over Gore for obvious reasons. Actually I like Bush more now than ever, reasoning is , no one has pissed the liberals off more and how can you not like a guy like that?

Originally posted by FallenFromTheTreeMy guess, and it really is just a guess, is that your livelihood depends directly on the success of this administration.

You would be wrong, as an engineer I can work under any presidential administration, as long as people are building and buying, I eat.
I just am thankful that a president will balls finally confronted this enemy instead of brushing it off via Clinton.

Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree
Otherwise, I can only assume that while you may consider yourself a patriot,
you are in fact blinded by partisan political rhetoric preventing you from seeing the obvious.

Oh not at all, I am a Patriot that values the constitution. I do not much like the Patriot Act but I am smart enough to understand that these times are perilous and measures need to be taken. The openness of our society is a weakness that our enemy WILL and HAS exploited. Political rhetoric? Yeah I heard all that crap in the 80's and then I saw Democrats take credit for the next 10 years of the fruits. I am not a Republican btw, I am a independent as I feel the Republican Party is to liberal for me.

Originally posted by FallenFromTheTreeIt's quite sad really that you simply refuse to consider that our leadership is capable of this manner of corruption.

To think that this administration could attack its own country is lunacy, they could never keep something like that under wraps anyway. Bush is a GOD fearing man and that is what you liberals HATE about him. Well deal with it as this nation is predominately Christian and even though your agenda of killing the unborn has cost 30 million lives, we are still to this day blessed as a nation by God (why I don't understand anymore). Bush leads from a Christian viewpoint (although I could argue this is bs because he said the Moslem's worship the same God but that is another thread altogether). Hate Bush all you want, but deep down America knows that this crap that you are spreading is hogwash, no wonder it began in France. Problem is, the Arab world believes it and it just makes things worse.....

So continue to help your nations enemy and you will reap what you sow.

[edit on 14-8-2005 by edsinger]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 08:04 PM
9/11 is completely the fault of the Bush administration, its all about oil and bush could have stoped it but did not out of greed.

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