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Nazi Technology

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posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 03:11 PM
Did the nazis try to do things with the occult like Indiana Jones and "Castle Wolfenstein" suggest?

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by warpboost
What do you all think about the stories of Viktor Shauberger and the repulsine technology he supposedly invented which is what powered nazi flying saucers/foo fighters?

- There's a Discovery program with a retired guy from Lockheed who demonstrates the levitation effect of passing IIRC household sized current through a ring of couple of hundred winds of heavy gauge copper.

But so what?

There are all sorts of quirky effects in physics.

This stuff is public knowledge, the outline of what is supposed to have happened is available and the world is crying out for all sorts of cheap clean energy.

Otherwise some country somewhere would have freed themselves from the various costs of 'conventional' power production.....

.....or some physicist would have made a global name for themselves and astonished the world demonstrating any of this stuff in public.

The fact that none of this has happened would tend to suggest that whilst these quirks may be demonstratable in the lab in small scale they don't really 'carry across' economically or effectively when scaled up.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by mashup
Did the nazis try to do things with the occult like Indiana Jones and "Castle Wolfenstein" suggest?

- Himmler was a nutter obsessed with the occult and all that nordic mythology crap.
He went in for the idea that the (as he saw it, 'his') SS were the modern tutonic knights and had an SS castle complete with Arthurian round table etc etc.
A deluded fruitcake no less, sadly most of Europe was to experience such crass insanity given full reign.

Interestingly and rather topically he also thought Islam was an excellent and most suitable religion for soldiers (he knew about it through the Bosnian volunteers that joined the German army after the occupation of Yugoslavia).

[edit on 17-8-2005 by sminkeypinkey]

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by mashup
Did the nazis try to do things with the occult like Indiana Jones and "Castle Wolfenstein" suggest?

Someone once told me that one of the reasons why the Nazi's wanted the Italians on the Axis side so bad was because they had a lot of the ancient relgious artifacts in Rome, and the Nazi's believed that it would help make them invincible, but I never researched it to verify so I don't know

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 07:13 PM
There's alot of occult connections to the Nazis from the spear of destiny, the activities of Otto Rahn (often mistakenly ascribed to Skorzeny), the Thule society and the Ahnenerbe organisation. It was by no means limited to Himmler. The elimination of jews, freemasons and occultists is also connected.

The Nazis technology gain is really quite something and the American postwar gain can be attributed to Operation Paperclip and the picking up of so many of the scientists.

I read somewhere that the rocket scientists actually wanted to attempt a moon landing in the 1930s!

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 10:23 PM
Oh lord where do I begin!
[Rant mode on]

The german heavy industry capcity was second only to the USA prewar and they had the capability to out produce the combinded USSR/ UK production. At the start of the war only 1/4 of the auto industry capacity was used while at the end of this war they had only improved that to 1/2 of auto industry. According to USSBS they used only 1/2 of the aircraft and tank industries , while naval industry was used to capacity through out the war. Problem starts from there.

The building of weapons do depend on specialized materials, but the bulk is always steel ....don't matter if your talking tanks, ships ammo, fuel production , the limiting factor is steel production, or more particularly steel allocation and use. The only exception is aluminum allocation for planes production. The shocking fact is that the amount of steel allocated to the Wehrmacht through out the war from 1938 to1944 used the SAME amount of steel per month...about 800-930K tons per month. However from 1938-1944 over all weapons out put increased 5 fold while and upto 10 fold increase in key industries like ammo production . The key was the incredible wasteful production methods used prewar and early war period.

All the other WW-II combatants spent the 1930s overhauling their war-related industries for high efficent massive weapons production. Despite repeated pleas of war ministers [Thomas and Blomberg] , Hitler refused to delegate power away from the gaulitiers etc to a centralised authoritiy to oversee weapons proqurment and resource allocation. Instead each service had to set up its own absurd buracarsy to hitler in direct competition with each other. That neurotic obsession with power control of Hitlers, is what handicapped the nazis through out the war!

As a result of this debacle germans were only able to manufacture 10,000 tons of weapons for every 100,000 tons of steel allocated from the late 1930s through the first years of the war. After Speer had ruthlessly wrestled control of resourse allocation and control of weapons production, the efficency leaped to 40,000 tons weapons for every 100,000 tons allocated. This more than any other factor explains the massive weapons production increase to the end of the war.

The identified changes Speer made were eliminate unnessary duplication and instituting maditory night shifts on all factories [ they had none before 1942], fixed unit pricing and wages incentives linked to out put [prior to this it was cost plus production with no incentive to produce more] and strick resource allocation tied to weapons mass[ prior to this the same mass of aluminum was allocated to factories no matter if they were producing a 3000kg fighter or a 27,000 kg bomber!].

In this example, the air industry, between 1941 and 1944 , production increased 4 fold while the work force fell to 90% and the resources allocated only increased 20%. Overall cost increased but only by about ~ 4 BRm [1941] to 6 BRm [1944]. When weapons go from mass production to massive production they cost per unit often is cut in 1/2 of even to 1/4 so the overall amount of money spent is not that much more.

The critical thing to recognise here is that ALL the other countries did overhaul their war industries, so we are only expecting them to do what their opponents historically did.

Contry to what many report, prewar plans included war start and industial moblisation towards 'total war production' by 1940.The fault entirly rests on Hitler/Goring shoulders since considerable efforts were made on the part of minister Thomas in the 1930s and Reichminister Todt ~ 1939/40 to overhaul these key industries.

So Weapons output could easly have reached 1942 levels by 1940 ; 1943 levels by 1941 and 1944 levels by 1942. In fact given the prewar strategic situation [out numbered 10:1 in tanks 5:1 in planes and warships] , the rearmament programe was completely wasted due primarly to the same inefficencys in heavy industries. Given the money they spent , they should have had by 1940 ....
Completely motorised army of ~ 80 divisions plus 20 Pz Divisions
A naval fleet 1/3 the size of the RN
A strategic bomber force of ~1000 mutliengined bombers
Karin hall synthetic fuel producing ~5 million tons by 1940 and 11 million tons by 1944.

A big part of this type of massive production is eliminating weapons that were not that effective over ones that were. So V-1 and V-2 represent appauling wast of money research and resources since these are 'throw away technolgies' that are essentially not aimed and thus can only be of limited value . Rather than reinvent the wheel,these industries; money ; research and resource would have been better allocated to the hugh familiy of guided missiles [planed prewar] to greatly increase the effectiveness of the existing military troops and units.

The amount of money spent on the Vweapons [atleast 10 BRm] would have financed the Me-262 & Ar234 jets plus guided missiles like the schmetterling SAM ; Fritz X glide bomb; Hs-293 ASM ; Ru 344 wire guided AAM, X-4 ATGM & X-7 ATGM. ALL of these weapons were historically developed prewar and had their development halted or delay so they arrived too late to effect the war. These halts and delays evolved around Goreings short sighted ruling in 1940 to halt all development on any weapons programs not destine to be in production by 1941....since the war was almost won

Historically some of these weapons were developed and produced by 1942/43. Had the other programs not been delayed, production of these weapons would have commenced in 1942 with operational use by 1943.In fact given the prewar strategic situation [out numbered 10:1 in tanks 5:1 in planes and warships] these special programs could have been the implimented about 1 year earlier IE operational ~ 1942.

The historical irony of Germany in WW-II is that they were ineptly prepared for and led into a war that they wanted, planned for and started. Most of this evolves around Hitlers & his nazis arrogant racial views of superiorty and the nepotism that normally follows corrupt dicatorships.

[Rant mode off]

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey

Originally posted by mashup
Did the nazis try to do things with the occult like Indiana Jones and "Castle Wolfenstein" suggest?

- Himmler was a nutter obsessed with the occult and all that nordic mythology crap.
He went in for the idea that the (as he saw it, 'his') SS were the modern tutonic knights and had an SS castle complete with Arthurian round table etc etc.
A deluded fruitcake no less, sadly most of Europe was to experience such crass insanity given full reign.

Interestingly and rather topically he also thought Islam was an excellent and most suitable religion for soldiers (he knew about it through the Bosnian volunteers that joined the German army after the occupation of Yugoslavia).

[edit on 17-8-2005 by sminkeypinkey]

it goes further than that there was even a Muslim SS battalion

as for the occult , the inlfuence of the occult on the NS party high ranking officers is well documented.

thule gesellschaft 1

thule gesellschaft 2

wiki thule

Madame Blavatsky (one of the main sources of the thule gesellschaft)

schwarze sonne - black sun (still very active)

sorry but all the links are in german (still the best sources)

the symbol of the black sun you will see on this last site is the one himmler had placed on the floor of the "round table" room
the influence of these groups is still concerning , they never disappeared from europe , unlike commonly believed, quite the opposite , and even more true now in this time of uncertainty , recession and globalisation, it is the perfect breeding ground for extremists of all obediences (as we sadly all got to know)

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Hvitserk

Interestingly and rather topically he also thought Islam was an excellent and most suitable religion for soldiers (he knew about it through the Bosnian volunteers that joined the German army after the occupation of Yugoslavia).

Do you think that the Nazi's helped instigate the ethnic cleansing massacres in Balkans? I know it was going on before the Nazi's really came into power, but did they stir it up even more?

posted on Aug, 20 2005 @ 07:15 AM
Of course.

It was one of the reasons why the Serbs thought the world would turn a blind eye to what they were up to with their til then Muslim neighbours (many of whom had lived for decades happily and peaceably together)......

......and given the cynacism around maybe that would have been the case if it were not for the 'Christian' Croats (who also were more allied to the German cause in WW2) that the Serbs also tried to 'cleanse' (Jayzuss what a revolting term) from their idea of a 'greater Serbia'.

[edit on 20-8-2005 by sminkeypinkey]

posted on Aug, 20 2005 @ 05:54 PM
It seems as though a lot of our current technology, is technology we had in the past, but only perfected. There are many examples of this, such as TVs, ovens, air crafts, boats, military weapons, and many other different things you can think of.

I would like to know more about Nazi helmets, and its influence on modern military helmets. Any information would be very helpful.

[edit on 063131p://666 by LiquidationOfDiscrepancy]

posted on Aug, 20 2005 @ 06:02 PM
I would also like more information on the Nazi's Arado Ar E.555, Sanger Amerika Bomber, and the Nazi's radio steered tank.

[edit on 063131p://666 by LiquidationOfDiscrepancy]

posted on Aug, 22 2005 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by LiquidationOfDiscrepancy
It seems as though a lot of our current technology, is technology we had in the past, but only perfected.

- Well exactly.

The pity of it is that many seem to imagine that the nazi scientists were the sole and originating source of so much when that is patently not true.

There were one or two things genuinely originating from there at that time but, as you correctly point out, much was either the refinement of that which had gone before or a contemporaneous development of technology occurring in several places at that time.

posted on Aug, 22 2005 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by LiquidationOfDiscrepancy

I would like to know more about Nazi helmets, and its influence on modern military helmets. Any information would be very helpful.

I have wondered this in the past, and your post got me interested so I did a little researching.

I learned that the nazi helmet is referred to as the stahlhelm. Source

I found this article about the current US helmet and its design.

The following is an exceprt from the above article which I found of interest.

"n 1978 Captain Schwerd may have had the last laugh. With the recently invented polymer Kevlar as reinforcement, patented and trademarked by DuPont, the U.S. armed forces were able to create a laminated helmet no heavier than the M-1 with superior ballistic protection. The Army’s designers insisted that the new helmet, based on exhaustive scientific measurements of actual heads, was engineered from scratch and that similarities to the Stahlhelm were superficial, but they were unmistakable. In any case, the new model proved itself from the Grenada campaign to the Gulf War, and sarcastic nicknames like “Nazi helmet” and “Kevlar Fritz” faded away as the shape became more familiar.

I don't know if anyone has mentioned the Enigma in this thread, but that was a pretty amazing piece of technology.

posted on Aug, 22 2005 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey
Of course.

It was one of the reasons why the Serbs thought the world would turn a blind eye to what they were up to with their til then Muslim neighbours (many of whom had lived for decades happily and peaceably together)......

......and given the cynacism around maybe that would have been the case if it were not for the 'Christian' Croats (who also were more allied to the German cause in WW2) that the Serbs also tried to 'cleanse' (Jayzuss what a revolting term) from their idea of a 'greater Serbia'.

[edit on 20-8-2005 by sminkeypinkey]

That is true. They were called Ustasha at the time. The were allied with the Germans (as Croatia is a historic ally of the Germans). But what is interersting is that even the Germans thought the Ustasha were going too far with exterminations:

The Ustaša gangs ravaged villages across the Dinaric Alps to the extent that the Italians and the Germans started expressing their horror. By 1942, general Edmund Glaise von Horstenau had written several reports to his Wehrmacht commanders in which he expressed his dismay at the extent of the Ustaša atrocities, which actually preceded the Final Solution. These were corroborated by those of field marshal Wilhelm List.

Ustasha History

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by warpboost

Originally posted by LiquidationOfDiscrepancy

I would like to know more about Nazi helmets, and its influence on modern military helmets. Any information would be very helpful.

I have wondered this in the past, and your post got me interested so I did a little researching.

I learned that the nazi helmet is referred to as the stahlhelm. Source

I found this article about the current US helmet and its design.

The following is an exceprt from the above article which I found of interest.

"n 1978 Captain Schwerd may have had the last laugh. With the recently invented polymer Kevlar as reinforcement, patented and trademarked by DuPont, the U.S. armed forces were able to create a laminated helmet no heavier than the M-1 with superior ballistic protection. The Army’s designers insisted that the new helmet, based on exhaustive scientific measurements of actual heads, was engineered from scratch and that similarities to the Stahlhelm were superficial, but they were unmistakable. In any case, the new model proved itself from the Grenada campaign to the Gulf War, and sarcastic nicknames like “Nazi helmet” and “Kevlar Fritz” faded away as the shape became more familiar.

I don't know if anyone has mentioned the Enigma in this thread, but that was a pretty amazing piece of technology.

Wow, wonderful find, thank you

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 06:26 AM
We can also talk about US/RUSSIA's WWII technology. I have found some interesting air craft from Russia; that I'll post about later. Their ideas were way ahead of its time. Some of the ideas, we still can use for today's standards!

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 10:20 AM
LiquidationOfDiscrepancy, There is a show on the History Channel that I just saw about how the German aircraft industry was taken over by Russia after WWII almost operation paperclipish

posted on Sep, 4 2005 @ 07:05 PM

In spite of the constant danger of being arrested for expressions of radical ideas and false accusations of treason, Soviet aircraft designers mastered technical hurdles astonishing even by today's standards.

The innovative aircraft include a cutting edge swept-wing Delta aircraft design from 1933; a rocket-powered fighter from 1939; a long distance fixed wing aircraft with features incorporated two decades later in the U-2 spyplane; a flying tank prototype; a submarine-bomber combination designed to attack unsuspecting enemy ships in port; and a canard wing, mid-40s aircraft that resembles a modern day Burt Rutan-designed plane.

I would like to know more about 1930's - 40's Soviet Union aircraft. They were even working on invisible planes.

Nazi UFO claims

"The Nazi party had a secret flying disc already off of the drawing board and flying and it was capable of 1200 miles an hour. Vertical take-off, 90ƒ changes, much like a helicopter, and of course was far superior to anything the Allies powers had at that time. Secondly they also had another craft about to be up and going it was capable of doing 2500 miles per hours, which was double the original. Not only did it have the characteristics of the original craft, but it also had a laser weapon aboard it which capable of penetrating four inches of armour. Needless to say that really spooked the allied forces into making a redemptive attempt against Von Braun and bringing him … into a state of capitulation."Bulgarian Physicist Vladimir Terziski also wrote the following about these mystery craft. "According to Renato Vesco … Germany was sharing a great deal of the advances in weaponry with their allies the Italians during the war. At the Fiat experimental facility at Lake La Garda, a facility that fittingly bore the name of Air Marshall Hermann Goering, the Italians were experimenting with numerous advanced weapons, rockets and airplanes, created in Germany. In a similar fashion, the Germans kept a close contact with the Japanese military establishment and were supplying it with many advanced weapons.

This may or may not be true; but there was certainly a high level of occult activity in mid-Europe at that time, and no doubt organisations did exist then with unconventional beliefs just as they do today. Whatever the truth of this, by 1934 the Vril Society had apparently developed its first UFO shaped aircraft, known as the Vril 1, which was propelled by an anti-gravity effect. (This was the same year as Viktor Schauberger discussed his flying disk ideas with Hitler.)

By 1939 the SS had produced the RFC-5, which it called the Haunebu 1. In August 1939 the machine made its maiden flight and proved its viability, being more than 65 foot in diameter and offering considerable storage space. By the end of 1940 the RFC-2 (Haunebu II) had entered service as a reconnaissance aircraft and there is certainly photographic evidence to support this, for example an RFC-2 was photographed near Antarctica in 1940 (see next chapter.)

After the end of the war in 1945, Russian and American intelligence teams began a hunt to track down this perceived military and scientific booty of the advanced German technology. Following the discovery of particle/laser beam weaponry in German military bases, the US War Department decided that the US must not only control this technology, but also the scientists who had helped develop it "to ensure that [America] takes full advantage of those significant developments which are deemed vital to our national security." It therefore launched a project to bring these personnel to the United States. Whilst initially publicised the nature, extent and secrecy of the project, later termed `Operation Paperclip' remained classified until 1973

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 08:11 PM
Do you think Hitler, or Nazi Germany had contact with EBE's?

posted on Nov, 24 2005 @ 02:13 PM
More on the Sänger Amerika Bomber

In June 1935 and February 1936, Dr. Eugen Sänger published articles in the Austrian aviation publication Flug on rocket-powered aircraft. This led to him being asked by the German High Command to build a secret aerospace research institute in Trauen to research and build his "Silverbird", a manned, winged vehicle that could reach orbit. Dr. Sänger had been working on this concept for several years, and in fact he had began developing liquid-fuel rocket engines. From 1930 to 1935, he had perfected (through countless static tests) a 'regeneratively cooled' liquid-fueled rocket engine that was cooled by its own fuel, which circulated around the combustion chamber. This engine produced an astounding 3048 meters/second (10000 feet/second) exhaust velocity, as compared to the later V-2 rocket's 2000 meters/second (6560 feet/second). Dr. Sänger, along with his staff, continued work at Trauen on the "Silverbird" under the Amerika Bomber program.
The Sänger Amerika Bomber (or Orbital Bomber, Antipodal Bomber or Atmosphere Skipper) was designed for supersonic, stratospheric flight (please see diagram below). The fuselage was flattened, which helped create lift and the wings were short and wedge shaped. There was a horizontal tail surface located at the extreme aft end of the fuselage, which had a small fin on each end. The fuel was carried in two large tanks, one on each side of the fuselage, running from the wings aft. Oxygen tanks were located one on each side of the fuselage, located forward of the wings. There was a huge rocket engine of 100 tons thrust mounted in the fuselage rear, and was flanked by two auxiliary rocket engines. The pilot sat in a pressurized cockpit in the forward fuselage, and a tricycle undercarriage was fitted for a gliding landing. A central bomb bay held one 3629 kg (8000 lb) free-falling bomb, and no defensive armament was fitted. The empty weight was to be approximately 9979 kg (22000 lbs).

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