posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 03:46 PM
Someday, in about 100 years from now, if things continue to go as they are, any newborns will get a chip implanted into their brains, and everywhere
and anyone that that human has contact with, will be recorded and controlled by the select few.
Only the select few will run things from above via robots; for the masses, their/our brains will become less needed, and robots or computers will do
more for us.
In the next 500 years, the human will have been absorbed so well into the world of robotics or computers that it would be pretty hard to distinguish
between a robot and human based on thought and deed.
The more the space station is developed, the less need for planet earth. And someday, maybe 50 years from now, when and if the space station can
sustain itself without the need of earth, then an all-out nuclear war would occur.
The survivors in Iron Mountain, NORAD, or in any country with such capabilities, those people who seek protection from nuclear fallout, will
re-inhabit the earth. Start anew.
Meanwhile, in the next year or so, gas prices will hit $3.00 a gallon.
Thanks for your time, Edward