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Astral Projection 101

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posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 10:38 PM
...I'm New To The Site, But I've Been Viewing It As A Guest For About Three Or Four Months...I've Read A Lot On Astral Projection, And I Believe I'm On The Brink Of Reaching The Astral Realm. If There's Anyone Who Would Like To Work With Me One On One, And Guide Me Through This, Maybe Even 'Pull Me Out' Sometime, Please U2U Me, Or Post In The Thread...It's Something I'm Really Anxious About, And I'm Training And Meditating Hard For. I Keep A Daily Dream Dictionary To Help Induce Lucid Dreaming, When Remembering The Previous Ones I've Had. I'm Not A Beginner Or Newcomer To The Subject Matter...I Know How 'Professionals' Feel About Dealing With The "Amateurs"...Anyway, I'd Just Like To Know If There's A Single Person Out Here That Can Become My "Astral Mentor" (To Be Frank)...I'll Be Waiting Anxiously For A Response From Someone...Thank You. And I Know The Astral Plane Holds Some Of The Keys And Answers That I Am Searching For, This Is Why I'm So Dedicated To Finding Out What It's All About...Help Me.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 10:45 PM
r drugz bad for astral projection?

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 10:51 PM
I am willing to teach everything that I know to anyone that is willing to listen. I have been thoroughly researching Astral Projection for over five years now. But I don't think there are "professionals" and "amateurs" when it comes to astral projection. Maybe in remote viewing there is this gap, but I find that people interested in astral projection tend to view each other as equals. Some people may know more than others, but that doesn't matter.

Pulling someone out is often pretty hard. Especially if they are not aware enough and they just keep falling asleep

May I ask what sort of progress you have made so far, the basics of what you know, etc.

PS: Why do you capitalize the first letter of every word?

Tha_Watcher: Yes, it is generally believed that drugs and alcohol are bad for astral projection since they lower your vibrations, and when you try to project under these conditions, you will probably end up on a lower plane than the astral; a place where the laws of nature are more restricting rather than looser (because you are going down in planes rather than up). Also, there tends to be a much higher concentration of negative entities there, and they are attracted to you in general while you are under the influence.

[edit on 11-8-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 11:41 PM
I Have A Bad Habit On Forums To Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word, B/C It's Some Type Of Compulsive Perfectionist Disorder That I Have, Where Lowercase Words Just Look "Un-Perfect" To Me...As Far As Astral, I Know A Lot About It, But I Haven't Really Got Past The Vibrations B/C I Keep Falling Asleep...Also I Work Really Late, So My Sleeping Schedule Is Really Messed Up. I Get About 5 Maybe 6 Hours A Day. If There's Any Way We Can Contact Eachother Outside Of ATS (Like An Instant Messenger) Let Me Know Please...One.

Also, Yarcofin You Say You've Researched For Over 5 Years...Have You Reached The Astral Plane Yet? If So, How Long Did It Take You. I Believe That It Does Exist, But I Also Think That The Majority Of The Members On ATS, Claiming To Have Had Experiences Are Fabricating A Bit...

[edit on 11-8-2005 by NaCirema_NY]

[edit on 11-8-2005 by NaCirema_NY]

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by NaCirema_NY
Also, Yarcofin You Say You've Researched For Over 5 Years...Have You Reached The Astral Plane Yet? If So, How Long Did It Take You. I Believe That It Does Exist, But I Also Think That The Majority Of The Members On ATS, Claiming To Have Had Experiences Are Fabricating A Bit...

I have learned something while trying to AP, here is what I have learned..

Dont try and do it if you only want to prove it.
Dont try it just to say "Wow Gee I did this."

Instead try and do it because you want to spiritually learn from it.

Also there is a million threads on ATS and other forums that have this same exact subject...

Astral Projection? Need 411?

And try RiverGoddess's Post she made.. its kinda like a Diary of here AP/OoBE exp's

conscious Oobe....It's Real!!

There are also some cool techneques in there.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 08:07 AM

Also, Yarcofin You Say You've Researched For Over 5 Years...Have You Reached The Astral Plane Yet? If So, How Long Did It Take You. I Believe That It Does Exist, But I Also Think That The Majority Of The Members On ATS, Claiming To Have Had Experiences Are Fabricating A Bit...

While I have been researching and learning about the Astral Plane for about five years, I spend a lot more time researching than actually doing. That would be my main downfall. I can answer just about every question there is about it, but I have never done it myself. For example, I haven't really tried to have a concious projection in months really.

Although I have never been in the astral flying around and whatnot, I have felt the split taking place, etc. I have felt my astral arms and legs moving independant of my physical body when I get relaxed and start trying to project, I have felt the extremely strong vibrations and felt all the other things associated with AP. I have had a number of weird experiences and always come pretty close, but never actually make that final step. You see, I am not the bravest person out there. I am not afraid of Astral Projection, but every time I start to feel myself split, my body just sort of automatically jerks a muscle or I start breathing hard/pulse goes really fast and I lose my concentration. It's sort of like an automatic response; seems my body doesn't want to die
. Hearing some of the scary experiences some people have don't help either. The first time I laid down and tried to do it, I felt the vibrations though. In fact the first time, I didn't even know what AP/OOBE is. It was unintentional.

I think that if I tried every day and was really devoted to it, then I would have been in the plane by now. But when I have no success in a week I tend to get discouraged and give up for a while. I am really just giving it a half-assed effort, so I don't really expect anything to happen. In a way I may not be ready to encounter the astral yet and it is just not my time to learn to project yet. I have a feeling that it would overwhelm me and I might just freak out and have a heart attack and die when I do finally make it, so maybe some sort of higher being is preventing me from getting there for a reason at this point. Dunno. I'm still young though. I will learn all I can about it, and then give it my best effort. You wouldn't jump out of a plane and go parachuting before you had read up on the risks, how to do it properly and safely, etc I would hope. The astral is like jumping into a whole other world, and I just want to be ready.

Reaching the astral plane can take anywhere from your first try to a few months if you are trying hard and practicing every day. If you don't give it your best it can take years.

Dont try and do it if you only want to prove it.
Dont try it just to say "Wow Gee I did this."

That is good advice, but I already have a number of very valid and spiritual reasons to visit the astral plane, what I will do there, etc. The first few times of course I will just experiment with it, learn how to get around, etc. Then I would start to get down to business, as well as help others alongside.

I have MSN and AIM if you want to contact me that way. Send me a U2U with your username and I'll add you. Anybody else that wants to talk about astral projection or any other topic on here can do the same too =).

[edit on 12-8-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 10:31 AM
I used to do astral projection back in high school (around '97-'98).

I actually got very far with it, and actually was able to get myself almost completely away from my real body. All that was left for me to do was to cut the "rubber band like cord" that holds my projected self to my body. I spent months mastering the ability to get to this point. But, like many, I was very scared to cut the cord and totally leave my body.

Well, I finally convinced myself that I would actually go thru with it. So it began. That evening I got the the rubber band point, and prepared to sever it completely. I felt as if this was like a new enlightenment for me actually going thru with the complete seperation.

I did it. I completely sepearated from my body. It was weird for the first few moments, but then quickly and suddenly, a sense of overwhelming fear enveloped me. I quickly returned to my self and snapped out of the trance. OMG it was honestly the most frietening experience I have ever had. I never tried OBE/AP ever again after that.

That was my experience with it. It took me a total of about 9-12 months to get to the point where I was. I always found that the best time to try to do AP was either right before bed, or right in the morning when you first wake up. I found that at night was better for me because I could concentrate and clear my mind much better. If I happened to not make it to the AP then I would just fall asleep.

I have recently been reflecting back to this time and wonder if the reason for the fear was due to my heavy drug use at the same time. I happened to be into many psychadelic(sp?) drugs during that time. I have become more and more interested in trying this again.


[edit on 12-8-2005 by xmaddness]

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 11:49 AM
Thanks, Yarcofin...But Yeah I've Already Read About All Of RiverGoddess' And Everyone Elses Experiences Already. I Know It Requires For One To Suspend Their Disbelief, But Most Of It, I'm Really Not Buying...I Believe Some People On Here Are Actually Lying, Overexaggerating, Or Just Flat Out Fabricating About The Whole OOBE/AP Experiences They've Had...This Is Why I Want Someone Who Actually Claims To Have Done It To 'Tutor' Me (For Lack Of Better Words)...But Yeah, The Main Reason I Want To Go Is To Find Answers, And Find My True Inner Self, I Don't View AP As Fun Or Entertainment At All...I'll Get In Touch With You, Yarcofin Whenever I Can, But If There's Anyone Else Out There Willing To Help That HAS Gotten Completely Out Of Their Body, Please Let Me Know. One.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 01:37 PM
xmaddness, how often did you practice in those 9-12 months leading up to your projection.

You also talk about cutting the cord (I assume you are referring to the Silver Cord?) I don't know if you are supposed to cut that... I have always heard that everyone has that when they AP, and that it cannot be broken by you or any other being until the moment of death :\. You shouldn't need to break it, as it theoretically can stretch forever. Most of the time you should not even be able to feel it or see it from what I have heard.

NaCirema_NY, I agree that there is probably quite a bit of people over-exaggerating and outright lying about their experiences. Sad. I try not to lie about any of it though. I could say that I AP every night etc, but I don't. I am devoted to the accuracy and validity of the Out Of Body Experience (as well as all other paranormal phenomenon), and I try to keep all of my facts truthful regarding it, even if that means admitting I have never actually had a projection myself. Which really isn't anything to be ashamed of anyways.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 03:46 PM
At that time I was doing it regularly. I would do it when ever I got a chance to. This was usually about 2-3 times a week, depending on whether the house was quiet enough to do it.

I have never heard of this "silver cord". Back when I studied it, people have explained that there was a rubber band type feeling that kept you from going away from your body. From what I understood, you had to finally sever this connection in order to move away from the body, as it would always pull you back in. Hence why I refer to it as being a rubber band type feeling.

Perhaps when I was attempting to break it was the reason I was overcome with fear?!? Perhaps I did not break it fully, and this is why I snapped out of it asap. I must admit, it was a very very scary and horrble feeling that overcame me. It was so bad that after doing it extensivly for 9-12 months, I completely stopped altogether and vowed I would never return to it again. Although now I am starting to possibly get into it again. (i actually tried a week or two ago, but I could only get so far as feeling my arms leave, and that was it) I need to work on my concentration and meditation again. It was to a point where I could completely free my mind of all but the one "concentrator" thought, but I have since lost that ability. The method I used was to concentrate on one thought in my mind. Mine was an arrow, liuke a bow and arrow type arrow. I would sit for a while and work on getting all thought out of my mind except this arrow. In the beginning the arrow would spin uncontrollably and I was almost powerless to stop it from spinning. By the end I could get the arrow to spin in any direction I liked at will. This was my meditation exercise that would allow me to start my obe/ap.

I will have to start meditation again before I can really attempt to do obe.

Thanks for the input on the silver cord. Perhaps that "safety net" will allow me to go furthur.


oh, I also learned to be able to actually control my dreams. I was able to realize that I was in a dream state, and was able to start controlling them how I pleased. I must say that this was a very fun side effect.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by NaCirema_NY
I'm Really Not Buying...I Believe Some People On Here Are Actually Lying, Overexaggerating, Or Just Flat Out Fabricating About The Whole OOBE/AP Experiences They've Had...

This is a really half ass statement here.

How do you know if someone is lying?? or not..

The thing about this is I dont think with an attitude like that you will get many people to help you.. Hell calling most of the people who had an AP/OoBE exp a liar isn't a good selling technique.

I myself had 1 exp AP'ong, It last only a few seconds. I can tell you this.. Its as real if not more real than what you would call reality.

My advice to you would be to change your attitude and go about this another way... Really..

And someone cant tutor you on how to do this, you have to read and find a good nitch for you.. That is why so many people are having problems. They edspect every Tom, Dick, and Harry to give them thier idea that more than likey will not help you anyway.

Goto Robert Bruce's, Monroe's, or Peterson's sites and get what you need there.. go buy thier books and read up.. As Yarcofin stated he researched this whole thing for a few yrs.. Why dont you try the same instead of edspecting answers now..

Remember Rome wasnt built in one day.

[edit on 8/12/2005 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 05:54 PM
I have ordered the hemi sync tapes from the Monore institute to futher my dealing with this realm. At this point I just wait for the correct 'sound' to come to my ears and I can get out with this, but inducing this state is still not in my capabilities, so I am working on it all the time.
I truly hope you have luck finding a 'Yanker' I know how blessed I was to be given this hand and will forever be gratefull.

Someday I myself will be much more proficiant and then I hope to be able to help people like I was helped. Untill this time comes however I work on myself and my spiritual growth, and find joy when the 'sound' comes to me. At this point I am only getting the 'sound' about once every 2 weeks.

I was taking pain killers for an old back injury where I fell off a cliff and broke it, and when I am on those the sound comes every night! But then I find myself just on drugs in the Astral. I am going without the medication at this point, just working on grinning and bearing it......mainly to further my Astarl abilities. When not under the influance the OOBE is much clearer and I am able to comunicate with others in that realm.........this is why I am working hard on NOT taking the painkillers. There is SO MUCH to learn and explore in the Astral!

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 09:32 PM
That's good that you are doing it without painkillers now, Rivergoddess. It makes it easier in the beginning, but it is much better to not rely on things like drugs to help you AP. It also opens up to a lot of yelling from the skeptics if you say "I AP so good, whenever I'm on drugs!"

If you can AP by yourself without any aids, that is the best way to go. I think the Hemi-Sync tapes could be included in this catagory. It is a good way to get associated with the astral, etc, but it is good to be able to AP without having to be listening to the CDs as well. How much are those things these days anyway; last time I looked into it, they were like $500 a set

I wish that painkillers helped me AP
. When I had 4 wisdom teeth and 4 other teeth removed all at once, I was given demerol in the hospital and then percocet for at home. I was hoping that maybe it would help me finally break into the astral plane, but it just ended up making me dizzy and feel like throwing up all the time
. No good side-effects at all. haha.

Speaking of Monroe, I think his books are wonderful. He was my first real insight into out of body experience, and if i was to recommend one author on the subject, it would be him. Plus it is the only books on the paranormal that I have actually purchased
. "Journeys Out of The Body", "Far Journeys" and "Ultimate Journey" are all great books on the topic, although they overlap a little. There are free E-Books of all three laying around the internet if you look hard enough.

The Astral Travel course on Mysticweb (now called Gnosticweb) was great too. I say WAS because unfortunately they have messed it all around due to problems with piracy and stuff, and now you have to buy the book to take part in the courses, etc.
. It was the most comprehensive course of information on Astral Projection that I ever encountered in one source. If you want to shell out money for the book, it would be worth it. (I assume the book is the same as the free courses I took).

Those are two excellent resources to start with, and from there you just have to search around the internet and libraries until you find what is right for you.

[edit on 12-8-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 10:15 PM
link, i havent had a good astral projection experience since like april or may.

To me its like some random outburst, but like therivergoddess, i hope one day to achieve full control of it.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 11:11 PM
You are beyond the Hemi-sync tapes just so you know...they help tapes are collecting dust/....once in a while I do use them ...but it is pure energy and will that allows you to escape... and from then on it is pure balls, once you see what is out there...or IN there...Once you KNOW the "how to" ...Astral projection is a journey within, if Ive said it once, I ve said it 1000x.....The encounters are pure energy manifested into a visual, sensory, olfactory form, in which we can comprehend on a conscious level...IN my opinion..but I wont go there AAAAgain

By the way...anyone who thinks this journey is a figment of imagination, think twice............ Just because you cant do it, doesnt mean it s not real...It is a fine, almost nonexistant place between wakefullnes and sleep that is most profound and nearly impossible to locate...Most of us stumbled upon it and learned through constant effort to regain it once again and again, purposely..because we HAVE to ...Dont minimize it through lack of understanding or frustration because everyone here is willing to help...and when you ask for help, you will receive it, whether you want it or not.really

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

Originally posted by NaCirema_NY
I'm Really Not Buying...I Believe Some People On Here Are Actually Lying, Overexaggerating, Or Just Flat Out Fabricating About The Whole OOBE/AP Experiences They've Had...

This is a really half ass statement here.

How do you know if someone is lying?? or not..

The thing about this is I dont think with an attitude like that you will get many people to help you.. Hell calling most of the people who had an AP/OoBE exp a liar isn't a good selling technique.

I myself had 1 exp AP'ong, It last only a few seconds. I can tell you this.. Its as real if not more real than what you would call reality.

My advice to you would be to change your attitude and go about this another way... Really..
[edit on 8/12/2005 by ThichHeaded]

Wow...Some People Just Are Too Ignorant For Their Own Good.

1.) I Never Said EVERYONE Was Lying About APin, I Clearly Said That I Thought SOME (Keyword 'SOME' -- Genius) People Were Lying Or Overexaggerating About Their Experiences...Which Is Pretty Much A FACT.

2.) I Never Said I NEEDED Anyone To Walk Me Through AP, I Was ASKING For A Little Help/Guidance. I'm Not Looking For Answers RIGHT NOW...So You Can Keep That 'Rome' Comment To Yourself. If You Would've Read My WHOLE Post, You Would've Seen That I've Been Working/Studying AP For Quite Some Time Now.

I Think It's YOU Who Needs The Attitude Change, Buddy. Next Time, Try To Be A Little Smarter When Addressing Someone . I Don't Know Why I'm Even Debating This With You...It's Not Even Worth It.

Deny Ignorance.

[edit on 14-8-2005 by NaCirema_NY]

Mode edit_(You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner,)

[edit on 14-8-2005 by asala]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by NaCirema_NY
1.) I Never Said EVERYONE Was Lying About APin, You IDIOT. I Clearly Said That I Thought SOME (Keyword 'SOME' -- Genius) People Were Lying Or Overexaggerating About Their Experiences...Which Is Pretty Much A FACT.

Wow interesting post there man, I give you that one.. I said calling Some people a liar or fabricator isn't a good selling technique isn't a good thing..

I dont think there is a big difference between some, most or anything else you can throw in there. Fact is you called people Liars and that is that. from that point on I regarded you as someone who isn't willing to learn considering you aren't taking things at face value.

Originally posted by NaCirema_NY
2.) I Never Said I NEEDED Anyone To Walk Me Through AP, I Was ASKING For A Little Help/Guidance. And DUH, I'm Not Looking For Answers RIGHT NOW...So You Can Keep That 'Rome' Comment To Yourself. If You Would've Read My WHOLE Post, You Would've Seen That I've Been Working/Studying AP For Quite Some Time Now.

I Think It's YOU Who Needs The Attitude Change, Buddy. Next Time, Try To Be A Little Smarter When Addressing Someone With A Higher Mental Capacity Than You. But With A Name Like ThicHeaded, I Don't Know Why I'm Even Debating This With You...It's Not Even Worth It.

Deny Ignorance.

[edit on 14-8-2005 by NaCirema_NY]

The irony in that statement speaks for itself.

I came here and helped you.. I didn't say nothing that wasn't posted already. Do yourself a favor and go learn something instead of telling people to help you.

Anyway I dont care what you do..

[edit on 8/14/2005 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Yarcofin

Speaking of Monroe, I think his books are wonderful. He was my first real insight into out of body experience, and if i was to recommend one author on the subject, it would be him. Plus it is the only books on the paranormal that I have actually purchased
. "Journeys Out of The Body", "Far Journeys" and "Ultimate Journey" are all great books on the topic, although they overlap a little. There are free E-Books of all three laying around the internet if you look hard enough.

[edit on 12-8-2005 by Yarcofin]

What is the URL for the eBooks, sounds really interesting.

[edit on 14-8-2005 by Striker122]

[edit on 14-8-2005 by Striker122]

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

Wow interesting post there man, I give you that one.. I said calling Some people a liar or fabricator isn't a good selling technique isn't a good thing..

1st Off...EVERYONE Knows That There's A More Than Couple People On This Site Who Fabricate About Their Experiences, So Questioning Wether Or Not They DO Is Just Senseless...

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

I came here and helped you..



Originally posted by ThichHeaded

i dont care what you do

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

Do yourself a favor and go learn something instead of telling people to help you.


Originally posted by NaCirema_NY

I've Read A Lot On Astral Projection, And I Believe I'm On The Brink Of Reaching The Astral Realm.

LMMFAO...See, You Contradict Yourself So Much...And Keep Making Yourself Look Dumb. Just Do Us All A Favor And Stop Posting. I Don't Even Have To Say Anything Derogatory To You, B/C You're Basically Hurting Yourself In Each Post You Make...Have Fun.

[edit on 17-8-2005 by NaCirema_NY]

[edit on 17-8-2005 by NaCirema_NY]

[edit on 17-8-2005 by NaCirema_NY]

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 06:56 AM
*Skips quickly over the arguing posts*

"Journeys Out of The Body", "Far Journeys" and "Ultimate Journey" are all great books on the topic, although they overlap a little. There are free E-Books of all three laying around the internet if you look hard enough.

Care to suggest which would be the best start?

Also - could anyone clear up the difference between Remote Viewing and Astral Projection for me? I've seen several different versions of AP described so it would be good to hear it from the horses mouth so to speak!

I take remote viewing to be your concious travelling outside your body to view places within the world that actually exist. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

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