posted on Nov, 13 2002 @ 03:16 PM
The issue with the complexity of a suitcase nuke is size. A warhead is also concerned with size, but for a suitcase nuke (or backpack nuke, as the
U.S. Army calls theirs) it has to be small enough and light enough that a soldier can practically carry it alone and place it at the target (a bridge,
a dam, etc.) andthen unass the area. A warhead is deployed on a rocket or missile that can be made to compensate for much more weight than what a
soldier can.
As was already stated, the Soviets seem to have lost accountability for many of their suitcase nukes during the fall of the Empire. Another thing to
consider is the fact that during the Clinton administration, many nuclear secrets were either sold to the Chinese or they were allowed to be stolen by
the Chinese. Was this technology among the secrets, and if so, would China be willing to share their new-stolen technology with those who wish to
harm a country they see as an adversary?