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Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?

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posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 12:40 AM
Sources have offered a different explanation for Byrnes' dismissal which ties in with the Bush administration's unpopular plan to attack Iran and the staged nuclear attack in the US which would provide the pretext to do so.

Earlier this week, Washington Post reported that the Pentagon has developed its first ever war plans for operations within the continental United States, in which terrorist attacks would be used as the justification for imposing martial law on cities, regions or the entire country.


American Conservative Magazine recently reported that Dick Cheney had given orders to immediately invade Iran after the next terror attack in the US, even if there was no evidence Iran was involved.


According to reporter Greg Szymanski, anonymous military sources said that Brynes was the leader of a faction that was preparing to instigate a coup against the neo-con hawks in an attempt to prevent further global conflict. Indications are that, much like popular opinion amongst the general public, half the military oppose the neo-con's agenda and half support it.

Further revelations were imparted by journalist Leland Lehrman who has army sources, including a former Captain in intelligence, became outraged when they learned that the official story behind 9/11 was impossible.
They told Lehrman that the imminent Northcom nuclear terror exercise based in Charleston, S.C, where a nuclear warhead is smuggled off a ship and detonated, was originally intended to 'go live' - as in the drill would be used as the cover for a real false flag staged attack.

This website has relentlessly discussed similar style drills which took place on the morning of 9/11 and on the morning of 7/7 in London.

"Speculation exists that he had potentially discovered the fact that it was gonna go live and that he was trying to put a stop to it or also speculation indicates that he may be part of a military coup designed to prevent the ridiculous idea of doing a nuclear war with Iran, " said Lehrman. link

Lehrman said that other sources had told him all army leave had been cancelled from September 7th onwards, opening the possibility for war to be declared within that time frame.

Northcom officials also admitted to Lehrman that CNN had been using its situation room as a studio.

Earlier this week, Washington Post reported that the Pentagon has developed its first ever war plans for operations within the continental United States, in which terrorist attacks would be used as the justification for imposing martial law on cities, regions or the entire country.


Another interesting thing:

Ever since the terror attack of September 11, 2001, the Bush administration has gradually done away with all the nuclear brakes that characterized American policy during the Cold War. No longer are nuclear bombs considered "the weapon of last resort." No longer is the nuclear bomb the ultimate means of deterrence against nuclear powers, which the United States would never be the first to employ.

In the era of a single, ruthless superpower, whose leadership intends to shape the world according to its own forceful world view, nuclear weapons have become a attractive instrument for waging wars, even against enemies that do not possess nuclear arms.

Remember the code name "CONPLAN 8022." Last week, the Washington Post reported that this unintelligible nickname masks a military program whose implementation could drag the world into nuclear war.

Please google CONPLAN 8022

Many hits, and will allow you to have an understanding of the 'neo'conplan - 8022......

[edit on 11-8-2005 by TrueLies]

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 12:46 AM
I do not buy it and I will give you my reasons:

If he truly was going to lead a coup agains the NCA why would they simply fire him? It makes a heck of alot more sence to:

1) Have him enjoy the view from Leavenworth or better yet Gitmo
2) Have his plane "Crash" ala Ron Brown
3) Have Air America II renumerate him to a different country to put him on ice.

It would be dangerous to leave the leader of a potential coup free and unrestricted.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by FredT
It would be dangerous to leave the leader of a potential coup free and unrestricted.

I tend to agree with Fred's logic on this one. If the guy was really planning a coup and the administration found out about it, the guy would simply be assassinated. I’m sure the secret services have plenty of methods of killing someone and make it appear they died of natural causes, or make it look like an accident even.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by FredT
If he truly was going to lead a coup agains the NCA why would they simply fire him? It makes a heck of alot more sence to:

1) Have him enjoy the view from Leavenworth or better yet Gitmo
2) Have his plane "Crash" ala Ron Brown
3) Have Air America II renumerate him to a different country to put him on ice.

Why put so much work 2 when they could easily create a false story to discredit him.......Media buys anything these days. Hardball isn't quite hardball is it?
And if I was in their position I probably wouldn't even be thinking about Air America or thinking any positive thoughts' about allowing him to enjoy any view...

Also what about the cia woman being discredited?

[edit on 11-8-2005 by TrueLies]

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 12:50 AM
I find it hard to believe he was going to lead an insurrection against the cabal. That just seems highly unbelievable. However, the plans being in place for another 9-11 style attack, at the behest of Cheney, is true to the best of my sources.

I do find the General's firing highly suspicious, though. Torture's ok, but you can't fool around on a wife who's left you long ago. That whole thing is preposterous. Especially considering the 4 star's on the verge of retiring.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by TrueLies
Why put so much work 2 when they could easily create a false story to discredit him.......Media buys anything these days. Hardball isn't quite hardball is it?

One thing about the military that is pretty much universal is the contempt they have for the media. If he had a coup in place ready to go, he has a following and this type of administration action will simply harden thier resolve and may send even more people into his camp. TO be honest I had never even heard his name before the story broke and I follow military stuf pretty closely.

I would buy that he and Rummy got into a tiff and they forced him out. That is entirely in Rums charecter to be this petty and vindictive (He has done it before).

[edit on 8/11/05 by FredT]

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 01:03 AM
One thing is for sure, the official story makes no sense.

You don't drum out a 4 star (or any star for that matter) over something as minor as this. Be sure of one thing, SOMETHING went down.

The weird thing is, I don't recall hearing that he was in any real position to be even involved with any kind of national training exercise.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by FredT
I would buy that he and Rummy got into a tiff and they forced him out. That is entirely in Rums charecter to be this petty and vindictive (He has done it before).

why would he do that?

And despite the reason for his dismissal, don't these 'drill's and the like raise your eyebrow?

I never even heard of this story until I went to hannity's website, which made me think of alex jones... I try to load northcom's site but it takes forever...

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
The weird thing is, I don't recall hearing that he was in any real position to be even involved with any kind of national training exercise.

Maybe he found out or overheard something he shouldn't have? There could be a hundred different reasons why this general was targeted, and I agree that the official story smells like BS to me.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 01:11 AM
That's possible, I suppose. 'Course, he could also be one of the few Generals to speak out against what this administration is doing. Even if he isn't anywhere near being a part of those leading a national exercise, he is a general. He's got to be privvy to things most of us (especially in the media) would love to know about.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 01:15 AM
It's terrible when there are people who knows what is possible and what isn't.
For example, a nuclear weapon cannot simply go "live"; there are some serious security checks in place to make sure a weapon is only detonated when it is supposed to. Also, a real item is never, ever, NERVEREVER used in any sort of exercise.

Total hogwash.

Sounds like some crap that might be put out to muddy the water and make those of us with suspicious minds look insane and extreme.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 01:25 AM

I forgot this was a conspiracy board.

Did you ever think that he COULD have done something unbecoming of an officer? Seems to me they do expect certain conduct from senior staff officers.

Thing that makes me wonder....why not do it quietly, like normal?

[edit on 11-8-2005 by edsinger]

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by FredT
I do not buy it and I will give you my reasons:

If he truly was going to lead a coup agains the NCA why would they simply fire him? It makes a heck of alot more sence to:

1) Have him enjoy the view from Leavenworth or better yet Gitmo
2) Have his plane "Crash" ala Ron Brown
3) Have Air America II renumerate him to a different country to put him on ice.

It would be dangerous to leave the leader of a potential coup free and unrestricted.

Here's a question to fathom.. has this general been seen in public since he was 'outed'? Has he made any interviews, has he been captured on film?

Edit addition:

Here's some more to add to this discussion:

General Byrnes had been separated from his wife since May last year and their divorce was finalised on Monday, the day he was relieved of command, Colonel Robertson told the paper.

A spokesman told the Post that army officials could find no instance of another four-star general being relieved of duty in modern times.

Having an extramarital affair can be deemed adultery and a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. But such cases rarely go to court-martial and usually end in administrative punishment such as a letter of reprimand, according to military lawyers.

What do you do when one of your 11 four-star generals is about to spill the beans? Fire him, lock him up to keep him quiet, and hope it all disappears after the grand finale?

[edit on 8/11/2005 by QuietSoul]

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 03:08 AM
This thread should be merged with Grady's other one about them trying to discredit the General'
i had a feeling something that something like this was going down.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 04:42 AM
Does no one care that a nuclear retailiation for the next terrorist attack has been authorized? According to the link they have already given the ok for the military to use tactical nukes on iran. as it stands, iran is a non-nuclear power.

[edit on 11-8-2005 by XphilesPhan]

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 04:51 AM
Yawn.. oh the US is getting ready to use their toy again, oooh thats news... NOT!

Well it's been a whole 60 years since they nuked japan, that itch on the trigger finger must be becoming unbearable.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 05:20 AM
wasn't he like the #4 in the army and wasn't he allso in charge of this new
"test " they are going to have about the a "nuke", being broght in to the US ?
before they fired him ?
did he all so have something to do with running the base there having the " test"
at ?, wich they normal have at FBI headquater, when they do any "tests" dealing
with stuff like this ?
i would think if you are a 4 star gen , you would have a lot of power, and allso
if it'd true that he was #4 in the army, he would be allmost all powerfull,
know that the dudes who would be in power like that would be really scarey lol..
i really hope this is just more BS for us to talk about and that it dose not mean
that there is some sort of coup going on ....

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 05:23 AM
He could be #1 in the Army and if he violated the UCMJ he'd be just as wrong as anyone else, and should actually be held to a higher standard. He violated the UCMJ by having an affair, whether he was separated from his wife or not, and therefore was removed from his command. Generals SHOULD be held to higher standards than the lower ranking troops, and I'm glad to see they did in this case.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 05:26 AM
There have been other occasions when senior officers like this have been forced to resign, such as Richard Macke, the Admiral in charge of the Pacific Fleet, who was fired over insensitive comments made regarding the rape of a japanese schoolgirl by us servicemen. There was also that senior General during the first Gulf War, whose name I forget, who was fired over comments made.

This isn't to argue for or against a reason beyond that stated by the Army in the current situation, just to show that there is some precedent for this kind of thing.

-koji K.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 06:45 AM
Kinda funny we can hold a four star general to the UCMJ but not the CinC. One would think that since he is in charge of our armed forces (from a management pov at least) that he should set an example for the rest. And as for it not making sense to oust him in public it actually makes perfect sense; it sends a clear message to anyone else thinking of defying the status quo to reconsider their actions given what can befall a high ranking officer.

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