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Fox New Live had this guy on saying the dud bomber was working for British Intelligence but at the same time was working with Al Qaida.
Group was used by Brits in Kosovo in the late 90s.
The London Independent also reported 2 days before the London Bombings how MI5 has previously used so called Al Qaeda operatives as informants,
allowing them to be left alone as a trade off.
Loftus' information is backed up by the New York Times and CNN who reported on this incident also.
Saudis warned UK of London attacks
London Observer | August 7 2005
Comment: Perhaps these warnings were ignored because the mastermind bomber was working for MI6
Saudi Arabia officially warned Britain of an imminent terrorist attack on London just weeks ahead of the 7 July bombings after calls from one of
al-Qaeda's most wanted operatives were traced to an active cell in the United Kingdom.
Senior Saudi security sources have confirmed they are investigating whether calls from Kareem al-Majati, last year named as one of al-Qaeda's chiefs
in the Gulf kingdom, were made directly to the British ringleader of the 7 July bomb plotters.
One senior Saudi security official told The Observer that calls to Britain intercepted from a mobile phone belonging to Majati earlier this year
revealed that an active terror group was at work in the UK and planning an attack.
And that
Scotland Yard was 'Not Interested' In Talking To 7/7 Bomb Mastermind
Scotland Yard police headquarters said on 7 August that detectives were not interested in speaking to Aswat about the London attacks.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "The Americans are obviously very interested in this arrest in Zambia and we are happy for them to take precedence.
The man in custody there is not our priority at the moment."
Despite that statement it is believed that representatives of both British and American authorities are now in Zambia holding discussions over his
possible extradition. A Batley family confirmed to the Yorkshire Evening Post they do have a son of the same name. They described him as an "angry
young man" who they have had little contact with for 10 years.
But they stressed they have no confirmation that their son is the same Haroon Rashid Aswat.
They said: "We are being asked about Haroon Rashid Aswat.
"He has not lived at this house and we have not had contact with him for many years.
"We ask the press to go away and we ask police to make sure our privacy is not invaded further."
One report said Aswat had left the UK to fight in Afghanistan.
Two years ago it was suspected Aswat had been killed in Afghanistan when his British passport was found on the body of a Taliban soldier.
But it was later revealed he had slipped into Pakistan where it is claimed he became a trusted associate of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
At least three of the July 7 bombers – Khan, 30, from Dewsbury, Hasib Hussain, 18, from Holbeck, and Shehzad Tanweer, 22, from Beeston – visited
Pakistan in the months before the attacks.
Aswat's phone number is thought to have been found on Khan's mobile phone.
[edit on 11-8-2005 by TrueLies]