Just an idea ... How about selling stuff like virtual trading card's designed by you or ATS member's? People could buy them from the store and/or
trade them with other people ... Just a quick thought lol
How would it be difficult? By virtual, I mean *online* ... not actuall physical trading card's. I was thinking people would get there own virtual
storage area type thingy to put their virtual (not physical ) thing's in ... Something along those line's anyway's
1. Still some preparation involved to get good cards up. I wouldn't let someone else do my card's content. Would you?
2. I guess I am more of a touchy-feely person than some. The feel of the shiny card, the smell of ink and bubble gum. (Haven't had any for years
Continue floating this project to the powers that be. Maybe you'll be put in charge of design!
How about out own personalized ATS tin foil hyats? An ats logo, with foil in your choiuce of colors. A pillbox style tinfoil hat would be very stylish
and look quite smashing with an ATS jacket!
No way in hell will I design a card ... I suck at graphic related stuff lol
What if people who wanted to design a card can submit one for the mod's or even just Simon to decide upon wich card make's it to the store? Doesn't
have to be ATS member related card's ... Just thing's related to what's discussed in ATS.
Just had another idea, let ATS member's sell e-book's. Good way to earn point's lol