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Alien Worlds

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posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 11:55 AM
EarthSister, I can't say that I completely believe what you claim because it is pretty wild as you basically admit yourself, but you certainly don't write like the nutcases I've seen elsewhere. You seem pretty down to earth and sane so I won't completely discount anything you say either, and I'd be interested in what you have to say about the 'seeding' of the Earth and your abductions. You mention that it's common for races to seed planets with their own DNA in order to start a civilization elsewhere. Are you saying then, that humans did not evolve from apes, but rather started out as humans? What then do the aliens you come into contact with say about the fossilized remains of species that point to the theory that humans evolved in various steps?

I also find it hard to believe that aliens seeded Earth with human DNA and humans were in their 'evolved' state from the beginning. Why would a race seed a planet with its own kind without interacting with it? If we share the same DNA, then we should also have the same mental capacities and the ability to live among them at their level of technology and interaction. Why wait and let us live without knowing they exist? Considering the way the world is divided now, it seems likely that all their hard work to seed a planet might fail with nuclear war, which is always a possibility. The reasons I can see for seeding a planet with your own kind would be mainly for expansion of territory and for allies, however both of these would be hard to get if you don't interact with the people you created. Did the aliens tell you their reasoning behind this decision?

When you get abducted (not sure if 'abducted' is the right word here since you seem to be on friendly terms with them), is it at your home, do you meet somewhere, or do they just beam you up into their ship? Has anyone ever reported seeing UFO's around you or your home?

[edit on 14-8-2005 by zhangmaster]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 02:03 PM

Thank you for being kind and honest. I will try to explain what I understand, the way I understand it.

Originally posted by zhangmaster
You mention that it's common for races to seed planets with their own DNA in order to start a civilization elsewhere. Are you saying then, that humans did not evolve from apes, but rather started out as humans? What then do the aliens you come into contact with say about the fossilized remains of species that point to the theory that humans evolved in various steps? I also find it hard to believe that aliens seeded Earth with human DNA and humans were in their 'evolved' state from the beginning.

The common way for new races to start development is by advanced races seeding certain receptive planets. I don't know how often it is done or what criteria determines what planet be seeded by what DNA, but I imagine there needs to be somewhat of a match and that it has to be found first.

I was not told exactly that a race seeds another planet with its own DNA, but simply that it is done by advanced races. I was not told that our visiting race of humans are who seeded Earth with their DNA. They, themselves may have been seeded by a non-human race as well. Many of the most advanced races in our area have been closely allied professionally and as friends for a very long time, and this includes the visiting race of humans. They are much further evolved (and older) than we are, but I have no idea of how advanced they were when their DNA got placed on Earth to develop.

I was also not told exactly how the apes fit in. Why my alien contacts would not answer me that, I don't know, but there are many questions I ask them that they decline to answer, at least at the time. Not being an anthropologist by any stretch, it's not for me to be trying to explain this topic on that level- it's for other people to do. I get the feeling that the answer about the link between apes and humans is simply obvious, and they wanted me to just tell others what I know so they can figure it out themselves.

Perhaps humans and apes developed originally from the same "seed" and after some time our species began to branch out separately, naturally and due to some intelligent manipulation. We would have remained very much the same as the apes for a time, but over generations and stages, the differences would have become more apparent, and continued to branch. There are many "breeds" of monkeys and many "breeds" of humans. I could probably never understand a rounded scientific explanation about the link between apes and humans if my alien contacts tried to impart one on me.

Why would a race seed a planet with its own kind without interacting with it? If we share the same DNA, then we should also have the same mental capacities and the ability to live among them at their level of technology and interaction. Why wait and let us live without knowing they exist? Considering the way the world is divided now, it seems likely that all their hard work to seed a planet might fail with nuclear war, which is always a possibility. The reasons I can see for seeding a planet with your own kind would be mainly for expansion of territory and for allies, however both of these would be hard to get if you don't interact with the people you created. Did the aliens tell you their reasoning behind this decision?

All of our visiting races interact with their related humans and with our world as a whole, and at the greatest capacity possible based on all the circumstances about us as a race. As we grow more intelligent and receptive, they have greater reason to visit us, and in more physical, interactive ways. Some of the races visiting Earth now live nearby and know all about us, but are just newly visiting because they had no reason to bother before we were receptive and intelligent enough. There is a very large gray area of what intelligent and receptive means to different levels of interaction, and how much we can do with the advanced races on each level. There is also the consideration that it is necessary for our neighboring races to step in now considering the level of destruction and depletion we are committing on our planet.

Not only has the other race of humans been evolving and advancing much longer than we have, but they live much more progressively and cleanly. They also have the benefits of shared technology with other, older advanced races. We humans on Earth are not ready for that yet, and we also could never live among them because our natural atmospheres are poison to each other's unique biology.

One of the first things Jack and I were told about the organization of our visiting races is that their intention for man was to not allow us to destroy ourselves or our planet. At that time, May 1990, there were 170 races visiting Earth and 30 of them were working together as a unit, organizing the rest. The visiting race of humans are one of the original 30. Now there are 218 visiting and all are working inside of the organization.

From what I understand about seeding planets, it is to populate the Universe for the benefit of the Universe and all who are in it. Not only for one's self for a personal gain of ownership or power or control, which is only normal for human thinking when you look at our own race and planet.

When you get abducted (not sure if 'abducted' is the right word here since you seem to be on friendly terms with them), is it at your home, do you meet somewhere, or do they just beam you up into their ship? Has anyone ever reported seeing UFO's around you or your home?

Usually meetings take place either in our home or on their crafts. They can also meet with us in any place while we are doing anything such as driving, shopping, working out at the park, visiting friends, etc. But when it's possible to schedule meetings for a particular place, they prefer either our home or their crafts.

As far as I know, nobody in our neighborhood has seen any alien crafts over our house except us. Some of our neighbors have had their own alien experiences though, and not because of us. None of them are having experiences to the level we are or want to be known for it.

[edit on 8/14/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 02:29 PM
Thanks for the detailed response EarthSister, I'll try to keep an open mind about this like I do anything else. Despite the fact that we're not ready for full-scale contact yet in your opinion, it does seem like we're well on our way. We have all industrialized nations besides the US signing the Kyoto Treaty to reduce Greenhouse Emmissions (the US is proposing ways to re-engineer the Earth to combat Global Warming) and most nations are putting into place new regulations that should curb the rape of the environment somewhat. There are of course many other problems like contaminated water, air pollution, waste and such, but as the problems get more severe I believe that something will be done to fix it.

We're also making some advances towards unity even if there have been some setbacks (EU, UN...etc). I'm sure that worldwide knowledge of an alien race would speed up the process, but it seems like we're going to have to do this ourselves from your point of view.

By the way, do you know that I live about 10 minutes from your house? I just looked at your last post, I live the next town over in Walpole!

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 04:34 PM

Hey, we are neighbors, that's great! Smaller world every day.

From what I understand from alien life, we do have to change things on Earth for ourselves. But once we ally with our visiting races, they can help us accomplish some important things, like speed up the restoration process after we stop trashing our air and water.

Each member of our visiting races has a specialty in their work here, and many already have ways prepared to help us work toward making things as fair and peaceful as possible for everyone on Earth. There is a great deal of advice they can give us to do things on our own without interfering with our authority over our own world. They can also mediate between our countries when each party agrees.

Of course it's not as easy to put together as just that. It's gong to take a long time and there will be many problems. But the other races all did it with each other's help, and that means we can too. The sooner we break down the walls of dogma and prejudice, the sooner we can start truly getting to know our neighboring visiting races.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 05:12 PM
Wow EarthSister. I dont kno what to say. Ill guess Ill ask some questions.

1. What language do these aliens speak.

2. You say one of the aliens are light. How can light live?

3. Do you have any photos of the aliens or their ships?

4.How do these aliens maintain a council when it takes centuries to travel to another star?

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 07:30 PM

1. What language do these aliens speak.

Each race has its own language, and they vary so greatly that most are unpronounceable audibly by other races. They all speak by telepathy which is Universal. When they speak to me, they usually speak telepathically in my language. When they speak audibly to me in their languages, I understand them simultaneously by telepathy.

2. You say one of the aliens are light. How can light live?

A number of the races that visit Earth are of light. Light is a physical substance. Light beings are as physical and as alive as we are. They are people too, but more accurately described as intelligent energy.

3. Do you have any photos of the aliens or their ships?

No, I am not allowed to have any piece of physical evidence of my experiences or knowledge. If I did, I would not be safe. What is important is that I am free to speak about the alien races so others can think for themselves, especially those who meet the alien races. Anyway, any piece of evidence would be used to "prove" anything against me that anybody wanted it to, and would say it did, because hardly anybody else would know any better.

4.How do these aliens maintain a council when it takes centuries to travel to another star?

It doesn't take advanced races centuries to travel to another star.

All our visiting races are our neighbors. Even though they are relatively close by, it still takes a very long time to travel between our worlds, even with the use dimensional technologies. Other dimensions have different values of time. The average time it takes all of our visiting races to travel here is two weeks.

The beings who are here are the representatives of their races, working here with their crews, and together with each of the other visiting races. They each (race) live in their own large crafts parked outside of our atmosphere while they are on duty at all times. They share one large community craft for their work together and with their human contacts.

All members of the visiting races take turns to vacation home once or twice per year to visit their families.

[edit on 8/14/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 09:18 PM
According to your point of view, it seems like a lot of time and resources are being used to observe and guide Earth and its people. If we are only one world among many that has been seeded by life, why is it that we are so important as to warrant a stay that long near Earth by 208 different races? Are you saying that this is common for the other worlds as well?

I'm also curious about what you've said about planting civilizations for the benefit of the universe. What benefits do the aliens hope to get from seeding planets? Considering our long documented history, no short term benefits such as trading exist. If they put their own on our planet and possibly modified them to adapt to our climate, that might make sense because they would have short term gains, but to wait thousands of years at the very least, not even sure if the race you created will destroy itself or even cooperate doesn't seem very logical to me. I don't understand how the actual universe itself would benefit from more civilizations. Could you explain this. This should be my last barrage of questions, sorry about this

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:36 AM

Yes, a lot of time and resources are being used to observe and guide Earth and its people. and this is common for the other worlds as well. Everything we do here, affects those around us. We are family and friends to other races. We share the same space and the same concerns.

Now, I don't know how many of the 218 races visiting Earth were "seeded" by other races, or how many others out there were. I have no idea. I only know that some are and that we are. It happens naturally too. I don't know the ratio and could not even guess.

Every world of intelligent life has an organization of visiting races. The visiting races are the neighbors of the particular world. This creates a network over which information can be shared across the galaxy, and across the Union, and Union to Union, without members of each world needing to travel outside its area. This is the general way races share information and help each other throughout all the known Universes.

Humans on Earth are pretty new, and just having our visiting races organized now, over this point in our evolution that is thousands of years long already. At this time, our organization's work is based on introductions to help us accept other life for what and who they are, and to get all the visiting race's in line and on the same page. These things are the preparations to opening our diplomatic relationship between our world and all of our visiting worlds, and right now they are being completed.

What I meant about planting civilizations for the benefit of the Universe, is that the benefits of life are for everybody, not just for one race who got a new race started on another world. Think of it like a music artist getting recorded to go out to all instead of just playing alone in his bedroom.

Sure, it takes a very long time to evolve, but if long ago somebody else did not help prepare for us, many of our surrounding races may not be here, and they are the ones who are helping us today. Probably we would not be here either. A few thousand years sounds like a very long time to us, but on an evolutional scale, it is mere moments.

There is a diversity of life, at all stages, close by to us and all throughout the whole entire Universes. It is within every one of us to multiply and survive and evolve and increase our knowledge and intelligence, and to help each other. We share all these worlds and all the space between them. One day we too will be traveling to share what we know with others and help newly developing races of people.

[edit on 8/15/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 01:13 PM

A number of the races that visit Earth are of light. Light is a physical substance. Light beings are as physical and as alive as we are. They are people too, but more accurately described as intelligent energy

I think what vegemite is saying is that light is not organic matter so life as we know it cannot exist as light. Same could be said about like inhabiting rocks. But what vegemite is forgetting is that is may be possible for life to exist in different forms than what we know.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 06:10 PM

You say our DNA was put here by aliens a long time ago. Then you talk quite a bit about your spirituality. Evolution-especailly when started by another race of beings(not a God)-is completely godless. What, then, do you mean by spirituality?

If you mean that God created the aliens that created us, then why wouldn't he just have made us? Also, if you believe in a God, which do you believe in?

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 10:22 PM

"We" are not our bodies. We are our souls.

God creates life by soul, one by one. Our bodies are just hamburger arranged in various mixtures and desingns.

We are still us before and after our hamburger.

[edit on 9/19/2005 by EarthSister]

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