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Norfolk VA UFO Returns....Video Here

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posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 01:18 PM
UFO witness report
Wednesday, July 27th 2005
Norfolk, Virginia USA
9:00 PM

Oh how I love storm watching. The rumbling thunder and spectacular lightshows, to the pouring rain and endless candlelit games of charades during power outages. On the evening of July 27th, 2005 at approximately 9:00pm, my girlfriend and I witnessed an object flying that was, and remains, unidentified. Was its purpose to view the storm, or for the storm to help view it.
The anticipation of an ending record breaking “heat wave” had been felt all day. Finally these 100+ degree daytime highs were going to be crushed by a cold front, resulting in large, severe thunderstorms. In fact, weather reports earlier in the day were claiming that the huge ban of thunderstorms (from Texas to New England) were producing wind gusts up to 60mph, and large hail stones. As soon as I heard the emergency broadcast alerts by means of television, I knew it was coming.
After a few rumbles of thunder were heard, I decided to head outside to spectate. It was about 8:45pm and the sun was set, yet there was still a shimmer of light in western sky coming through the clouds of the oncoming storm. I sat in my usual spot on the deck steps. Our deck is roofed which provides excellent storm watching without getting wet. My eyes were wondering back and forth between my 11mo old puppy playing in the yard and the inconsistent flashes of lightning reflecting off neighboring houses. As I looked to my right, I noticed a bright star in between two parallel power lines from my vantage point. It flickered violently between white and amber colors, just as a star rapidly twinkles in the distance…the object didn’t appear to be moving at all and I thought to myself, maybe this is a planet because it seems much larger than even the largest, brightest star. So there I was trying to decipher the object and realized that whatever it was seemed to be under the veil of storm clouds. There was no clear patch in the clouds to peek at the humbling vastness of space. So as I watched this mysterious light in the sky, it became clear that it was moving. I performed many visual tests with stationary objects (power lines) to make sure the object was moving. This went on for about two minutes before I decided to ask my girlfriends opinion and grab my video camera. I began recording for a total of 6 minutes. The glowing object ever so slowly hovers to my east and descends. There was approximately 4 more min of viewing before the object descends below the treeline and out of view. That are not in this footage. As far as the objects actual size and distance I have no idea. At approximately 9:45 pm I decided to call the non-emergency line of one of the Norfolk police depts. I asked the officer (or whomever answered my call) if there had been any reports of unidentified flying objects in the area within the past hour or so. He said not at that particular station, but inquired about my sighting. I explained and his response was that a logical explanation was that there is always a high amount of helicopter traffic from local tv stations etc in the area. I thanked the man for his time and hung up. This object was NOT an airplane (although Norfolk International Airport is within about 7 miles from my location). The object was definitely NOT a helicopter (my sister flies CH-46 helicopters for the navy and my father is a retired commander). There were no signs of any flashing beacons. The object was NOT a star or planet due to its movement and location under the clouds. I am not 100% sure on the following topic of balls of light appearing in storms due to the electrically charged atmosphere so I cant rule it out. More personal research will tell. Here is a video capture in mpeg format from the original, non duplicated hi-8 sony video camera tape. The transfer appears darker than the original tape, but I didn’t want to edit the picture quality in any way. The only editing done is a layer of text with date time location and my name. The most exhilarating image however appears when I took a still photo of the image during the illumination of a lightning flash. I challenge all of you to dissect this footage with my full cooperation to help in ANY WAY NECESSARY. I was privileged to witness this event and hope this footage can provide some stepping stone closer to truth. This video was available but was almost 300mb!! So I will make a short clip shortly..check out next sighting..

Still lightning photo:

please feel free to contact me with ANY questions…
[email protected]

thank you for your eyes, ears, and mind,

UFO witness report
Norfolk, Va.
9:10 PM

To make a long story short, I was on the way with my girlfriend to her grandfathers house to help with some laundry when the same object witnessed 8 days prior, was spotted again, in roughly the same location. I thought at first I was just still amped from the last sighting and was transforming a bright star into a UFO. Luckily the stoplight ahead just turned red so I had a minute to perform a movement test with a stationary telephone pole. The object was indeed moving but I tried to convince myself that my head was moving ever so slightly to reveal the object from behind the pole.
We live only 2 miles from her grandfathers and were within a block from his house. The mild amber flicker the object emitted however was all to familiar and fresh in my mind to take the chance of letting it go undocumented. I floored it, dropped my girlfriend off and sped back to my house to grab the camcorder (and tripod this time!!). I still was very pessimistic. I flew back to the end of my girlfriends grandfathers street where there just so happens to be a baseball field and park and set up to record.

There is a total of 12 minutes of footage, edited into a 5min clip of different vantage points. The object moves very slowly and descends into the trees. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at: [email protected] for there are many other details. I would also love to hear feedback with possible explanations of what this object might be.
5min clip…100mb…long dl

1min clip 20mb…

Thanks for your interest

[edit on 10-8-2005 by d e v o l u t i o n]

Mod Edit: changed all caps title

[edit on 10-8-2005 by ZeddicusZulZorander]

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 01:42 PM
First, the links you provided for the video doesn't seem to work.

Second, Norfolk, like you said has a major airport there, along with a dozen or so smaller airports in the area, along with the skies being filled with military aircrafts all the time (I live in VA Beach, so I see them every day, all day long). I would have to say, that with so much in the air all the time in the Norfolk, VA area, it is likely not an extra terrestrial aircraft. If it were, you could guarantee that a couple of fighter jets would have been scrambled in an instant and have either escorted it down, or shot it out of the sky.

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 01:50 PM
I'm not sure I would go as far as calling Norfolk Airport a "major airport."
NAS is bigger, maybe even Langley.

But your right on the amount of air traffic in and around Norfolk, between civil and military, thats alot.


[edit on 10-8-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 02:01 PM
norfolk houses the largest navy base in the world...along with orf being located about 5mi from sighting. we are all to familiar with jet noise..oceana etc. and our skies are full of aircraft...what is more interesting is langley afb in hampton..about 15-20 miles from sighting...langley is rummored, along with nellis, edwards, a51, to have recovered et aircraft for reverse engineering...project AURORA seems to fit some descriptions.."fireball in the sky"..yes, lots of sightings are accompanied by military helocopter/jets..this is why it could be an af black project...

works for me

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 02:08 PM
Nothing like a copy and paste directly from, ATS just couldn't live without that...

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 02:12 PM
thats why that IS my report, sent to HBCC on 7-27-05....i didnt know it was on rense also!! thanks!!

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 02:12 PM
The link makes you wait for 45 seconds before you can download...
after you download, it only loads a jpg... no video...
sorry, the pic doesn't show anything other than a light...

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 02:15 PM
hmmm...megaupload is tempermental...which link??

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Lazarusthelong
The link makes you wait for 45 seconds before you can download...
after you download, it only loads a jpg... no video...
sorry, the pic doesn't show anything other than a light...

Sigh... Above the link that is clickable it clearly says "Still lightning photo". The others are videos and work fine. The download just takes a while to initiate.

[edit on 2005/8/10 by bracke]

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 03:27 PM
megaupload is down...does anyone know of other upload host sites?

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by d e v o l u t i o n
megaupload is down...does anyone know of other upload host sites?

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 03:32 PM
wow! i would say that helps!! thank you

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 03:38 PM
try this

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by d e v o l u t i o n
try this

That link takes you to Rapid Share, but where's the video?

After uploading you should get a direct link. I think you copied the wrong one. It will not have html on the end. I tried it without it, but no luck.

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 08:09 PM
scroll down and click might have to do it twice if there is too much traffic..when the next page appears, scroll to the bottom..the link will appear on the new to this site too!

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 12:49 AM
has anyone been able to download??

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by d e v o l u t i o n
has anyone been able to download??

Yup, I just downloaded it right now and have watched it a few times.

It sure looks like a plane coming in for a landing (it has navigation lights/beacons which flash in the same set pattern), and you take the camera out of focus (zoom in/out) a couple times to make it blur and "grow" in glow size one or two times, then you quickly pan your camera at a close light source at 0:43 (for shock value? or were you just climbing back into your car? If it's inadvertent, why is it included in the video, that you say you edited down time-wise).

Is this an attempt to fake a UFO video? I'm curious to read what others have to say about it.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 01:32 PM
i admire your skepticism and psychoanalysis of the footage...with topics as have to tear up the evidence to get to the fact of the matter.

as far as a plane...nope.. remember there is a total of 16 min of footage with the 2 sightings. if you were able to see light beacons with the same flash pattern..than you should have seen the tree limb that the object goes behind which causes the camera to go in and out of far as panning the camera for shock value.. i was changing vantage points to get out of that treelimbs way... the reason it is in the edit version is because im not a producer and could give a ..... about the last 2 seconds of the clip. please download

this should exhaust the airplane factor...again i liked your approach on the matter...i can assure you this is no hoax

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 02:59 PM
I didn't see this that night and I live in Va beach as well. There was a very nice storm though. If there was a UFO around, I wouldn't hear it with all the dang blasted jets shooting out of Oceana all the time. They seem to be increasing the flights for jets. Probably because NAS is on the BRAC. But nice to know some ATS'ers live near me. We'll have to go out and have a few buds sometime. As for langley there are some projects going on over there, about reverse engineering i don't think so. I have an offer to go work there but i would rather not since i don't want to move out of Va beach and tunnel traffic is crazy. Plus i get paid more here.


[edit on 11-8-2005 by Azathoth]


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