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What Are Ghosts Made Of

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posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 06:48 PM

Ghost are they same thing as a spirit, right? and then we have to ask, are souls the same as a spirt, or is a soul something else. I always wondered about this myself.

I went through a period of time thinking and asking them about that myself.
Are the spirit and the soul the same thing? I have to say no. Up until a few years ago I would have had a different answer.
The soul, and the spirit do live on forever. But the soul and the spirit are seperate things. The soul, the spirit, the body = 1 physical person.

Hang on... I asked them about this once and wrote the answer down so I could mull over it again later....

Ok, found it. Of course it would take too long to type in the entire dialog, and I supose this won't make as much sence since you won't be getting the entire 'conversation'... but here's the part I was wanting to tell you about.

*spirit uses soul as soul uses body. The soul is the vehical for spirit. The body is the vehical for soul and spirit. The mind is the intellect of the soul.*

But the way I look at it and have my own 'proof' is from a Christian standpoint, which I will share.
I believe the soul 'sleeps' in wait for the judgement day. The bible tells me this and I believe by faith that the bible is 100% accurate and true (which is why it was so hard to learn about this stuff and understand why it was in my life to begin with... had to make it all fit :-)
Anyway. So the soul, when the body dies, 'sleeps in wait. Ok. I beleive that and know it's true. BUT (and this is a big but), I personaly know, for a fact, that there IS something that is here, after the body is gone even while the soul sleeps. That something is the spirit. Like the personality and energy that makes the person.
And you know when the spirit is gone...
A man or woman hooked to life support machines may be physicaly living because of the medical community, but you are very aware of the difference in that body when the spirit is still within it.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 07:43 PM
So if the soul sleeps, Then is the spirt aware? like say we will go into our spiritual body??? LOL.. that sounds complex.. no really, I personally do not believe in a day of Judgement, well lets say I feel Hell is here on Earth, think about it, what we all have to go though here.
But you did do a good job on your post and I enjoyed reading it.
Now I remember reading a part in the Bible yrs ago an It say " the spirit returns to the one who gave it" Dang, cant remember what book, I know its the Old Testament...
Your post sounds like this could be true as far as the soul sleeps and the spirit goes on, hmmmm I have to read your post over again. try to figure this out..

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 07:55 PM
>So if the soul sleeps, Then is the spirt aware? like say we will go into our >spiritual body??? LOL.. that sounds complex..

***Well, I supose I should have left the bible out of that reply - sorry. But still, there are 3 parts of us. Body, soul, spirit. The body dies. The soul and the spirit live forever. The spirit is aware, yes. After death of our body it is free to sense everything freely and is not limited. We become much more aware and wiser - far more knowing. It is VERY aware! Think of the spirit as the 'real you' that is limited by a physical body. This body can only do som much... after it is out of the way...
This is why most people get messages or visits by thier passed on loved ones in their sleep or almost asleep states. During sleep the person (spirit) is more free of the physical body than at any other time. (Well, there are other times, but that's a bit ot).

>Now I remember reading a part in the Bible yrs ago an It say " the spirit returns to the one who gave it"

***I think that's the soul that returns. But I can look it up for you if you'd like.

***Alot of my information I get directly from them... I figure who'd know better than someone already dead right? And they, just like the rest of us, have their own way of saying things and helping us to understand. Sometimes answers can cause more confusion and questions than help!

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 08:03 PM
What about reincarnation? and do you really talk to a dead person? If so then , beings that you believe, lets say as a Christian does, I think this is what you mean, and dont feel bad about quoteing the Bible, But dont Christians think talking to the Dead is a bad thing, Like they think this is the devil ( I dont believe this either) How would one know though if its a true spirit or a Bad one. ? or are all spirits good, its just when we are in the flesh we are bad? do you see what I am saying?

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 08:06 PM
Could the Soul be like a Bad thing and the Spirit is good, and when both are in the Flesh then its like The Good an Evil are as one. This could be where we get the Good an Evil thing, Since the soul sleeps, this would be lets say Death, an we all know this is not good, so its Bad, But the spirit is Good because it never sleeps and it never is corrupted. What do you think???

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Chasrac64
What about reincarnation? and do you really talk to a dead person? If so then , beings that you believe, lets say as a Christian does, I think this is what you mean, and dont feel bad about quoteing the Bible, But dont Christians think talking to the Dead is a bad thing, Like they think this is the devil ( I dont believe this either) How would one know though if its a true spirit or a Bad one. ? or are all spirits good, its just when we are in the flesh we are bad? do you see what I am saying?

I don't believe in reincarnation. Unfortunately there are some things said that make me wonder how it all fits together.
And yes, from the Christian standpoint it is wrong. It is taught as very bad/wrong. It also talks about gifts and such though.
That is why I had such a problem with all of this. But, then I got to thinking - I was born this way. God would not 'mess-up' or make a 'bad one'. So, my new line of thinking was that it was reffering to those who do the cult thing or other methods that cause spiritual blunder.

Not all are good, not all are bad. There are different kinds - I guess that's what you'd call them. SOme are, just as we were talking about, dead people. Those, just like us, come in every flavore you can imagine. They have personalities and beliefs of their own. They are more aware and wiser now - can see the bigber picture, but some good, some bad.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Chasrac64
Could the Soul be like a Bad thing and the Spirit is good, and when both are in the Flesh then its like The Good an Evil are as one. This could be where we get the Good an Evil thing, Since the soul sleeps, this would be lets say Death, an we all know this is not good, so its Bad, But the spirit is Good because it never sleeps and it never is corrupted. What do you think???

The soul is good. The person, or the spirit - well, they can decide to do bad things and they can have a bad attitude and bad ideas or just plain be mean and onery.

The spirit is something we have to keep our watch over - we have to take care to lead it towards good things and shelter it from the bad things with wisedom and staying away from temptation.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 08:44 PM
Reincarnation was very much in the Bible but the Church took it out and destroyed these writing that talked about this. so its hard to say because they have destroyed everything that taught this. I truely believe because there are so many cases of this so they all cant be wrong, maybe some are, but alot of them seem true. Now I do believe in spirit guides!!!

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 09:01 AM
Ghosts are like humans but live in a different dimension. We cant see them because our eyes are not designed to detect their emmisions. They are made of the fourth state of matter called plasma. Plasma is the very component of fire. They do have souls like us humans and in order to live on earth and in their dimension, they do need a vessel. Like us, we do have a soul which resides in a material body. A body which is made of the earth's soil (chiefly carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous,potassium, selenium and other minerals). Thus our bodies only enable us to live in our dimension. The dimension ghosts live in cannot be seen by us and since their bodies are made of the finer elements, only they can live in their own dimension.

We cannot see the true form of ghosts. However, we have heard reports of people seeing ghosts. Those apparations are ghosts which is not their in their true form. Ghosts are in fact, here to wreak havoc in human lives. They make us believe the fiction. They deviate us from god and this category of ghosts are called "Satan." Satan works for the devil and in hell shall them all perish. Satan plays with our minds by transforming into these apparations to make us believe in the false. They made us believe the dead can return and haunt the living. This is impossible as the souls of the departed no longer exist in this material world. Souls cant make their existence in the material dimension without a body. In the muslim point of view, souls of the dead are resting in their graves and awaits judgement day.

The other category of ghosts are called 'Djins'. These guys are like us; they work, feed, have families, love and die. They will also be judged on the day of judgement and will go either to heaven or hell. Many species of Djins exists. I draw this conclusion from the fact that they have existed on earth far before the first humans set foot on this earth. Djins too are made of fire, but they do not exist to wreak havoc in the lives of humans.


note: Pls feel free to discuss my views. I seeking enlightment too.

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 11:03 PM
--Now I remember reading a part in the Bible yrs ago an It says " the spirit returns to the one who gave it"-- Quote: by AngelaLadyS

I believe "The One" refers to god.


posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Zefy - Now I remember reading a part in the Bible yrs ago an It says " the spirit returns to the one who gave it -I believe "The One" refers to god.~Zefy

Then what is God made of? I think the original poster was looking for the physics of the spirit while trying to figure out what it may consist of. Everything is made of something, so what is the spirit made of?

I realize that this is a dead thread and I hope the original poster is around to read this so I'll take a chance here.

I think that the spirit is made by more than a few things while still with the body, and the nature of the spirit designed by the body for as long as the human lives. However, there would have to be a beginning of such things, a fabric so to speak. The fabric would have to be something that we cannot see with the naked eye so the odds are probably the earth's magnetic field since it is plentiful and everywhere. This could be something we receive upon birth through osmosis (gradual absorption) or simply by taking it in upon first breath.

The magnetic field makes a lot of sense because we would need a substance that allows memories and pictures to be applied. Similar to that of photographic solutions, our own bodies' hormones could be such a solution that help apply memories and pictures to the fabric. Similar to that of a VHS tape or a cassette tape, we may continually be laying pictures, thoughts and memories down on such a fabric. One such hormone (solution) might even be Growth Hormone since it is prevalent in the Hippocampus where we store our thoughts, memories and pictures. Essentially, this would make the soul a product of the mind, which is laid down upon the fabric, which is the spirit. And I'll reiterate, the nature of the spirit would be the creation of the individual (the body).

Some people believe that we return to our original source but I don't think we return as one and meld with the original source. Something capable of separating the spirit from the whole of things could very well be the nervous system, which continues to grow in size along with the human body making us separate from the whole of things and an individual entity. For those of us who have seen such things we already know that they are individuals and not a part of something larger.

Some of the directions the original poster may want to pursue in his search (that is if he's still around) would be atoms, photons (light), magnetic field, electromagnetic spectrum and bio-electromagnetic energy.

Who's to say? It's a tough one certainly one that scientists will probably have the answers for in the near future anyway.

The nature of the spirit is obviously the most crucial part and to think that we are directly responsible for what we make. Oh well, you know the old saying, you get what you make.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 07:04 PM
Some things in this world is just there and we can't explain why its there, you can't scientifically explain everything, but ghosts are probably made of energy that we can't explain.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 12:05 AM
Casper says he's made of the tingly feeling when your foot falls asleep! Why can't you people just leave it at that! WHAT DID CASPER EVER DO TO YOU!!!!?!!

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
To ask of what a ghost is made is to ask the very question of the ages, of what is the soul made of. No one truly knows, atleast no mortal man.

Many answers can be offerred, none can be proven. The person who actually does offer the proveable answer will be a shoe in for the nobel prize.

I think this answer best suits this question. If you want us to be honest with you bottom line.. No one knows..
We really dont know what frequency band range ghosts come from. As it seems there are many different types of ghosts. Which in essence boils down to different frequency bands and ranges. That are outside our own understanding of science.

Some people deny that ghosts are even real. So there you have it. an honest answer from 2 people who agree on this subject.

We simply dont know.."yet".

[edit on 27-5-2008 by zysin5]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by umwolves123
what a ghost is made of would never be known by human beings, since we havent even PROVEN there really are ghosts. so how could anyone possibly know what a ghost is made of...this is common sense....and if we did know how could it possibly affect us? what help would that knowledge actually bring us?

Actually, if you see a ghost yourself, do you need proof? They can't prove ALOT of things exist (black holes), but they have models and theories and other objects around them that react to their presence that, to scientists and their followers, proves their existence. To me, black holes and ghosts are no different... nobody will ever be able to see a black hole with their own eyes, just the influence on surrounding matter and energies. Is that enough proof for you that black holes exist? That is about the same amount (not the same KIND) of proof they have about ghosts, except people can actually SEE ghosts.

Ghosts are made up of the exact same thing that we are all made up of... ENERGY. Energy makes up the particles that make up the atoms that make the molecules that make up the cells that make up the being that helps make up part of our planet which makes up our solar system, galaxy, universe.

There are different types of ghosts, though. Some hauntings are residual. They are repeated patterns, like a movie clip. IMO, these ghosts are manifestation of energy patterns left in a building structure, the ground, or surrounding natural structure.

Some ghosts seem bound to their location with some intelligence. Other ghosts seem free to wander, choosing which building to haunt. Personally, I don't think there's any difference between the two except awareness of their existence. IMO these ghosts are just a 'memory formed energy pattern'... I think the energy from the live person is released in such a way that the energy stays together in an intelligent form rather than dispersing.

Occult sacrifice alludes to this idea. When a sacrifice is made, it is within some kind of circle or figure in order to bind the energy together and keep it from dispersing properly. This way they can collect the energy and use it for whatever their purpose is.

The intelligence of these energies can be thought of in the same way as "ghost in the shell", whereas a computer becomes self-aware. This energy, however, doesn't 'become' self aware, but rather retains it's awareness.

THIS IS MY OPINION! If you want to argue with me about it, you will be just whistling in the dark. If you want to DISCUSS it, I'm all down for that
I have formed these opinions from 32 years of living on this earth and seeing ghosts (and NO, I didn't see ghosts because of a NEED to... I never even gave a second thought to it until I became aware that there were alot of people that didn't believe in them).

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by ShreddedIce

I know many think ectoplasm; however, I think it would be fitting to shed some light on the history behind this mysterious substance that is supposedly left behind. I have been reading an interesting book written by a lady who has looked at scientific research for proof of an afterlife.

So, anyway, here's some stuff about ectoplasm and its origins:

History of Ectoplasm

In the heyday of séances—the 19th and early 20th centuries—ectoplasm oozed from various orifices of mediums (known as physical or materializing mediums). A bit of white cloth-like (very cloth-like) material oozing from someone's mouth, ears, or nose was considered strong evidence for the afterlife by those who think spirits are not dwelling in Heaven or Hell or some other distant gated community but are floating around the earth trying to give us material hints of their existence. Most photographs of ectoplasm make it look like the kind of stuff you could pick up at the local yardage store or buy from Amazon (see my ad to the left for unbleached cheesecloth).

Basically, séances were performed often, and some pseudo-scientists got interested in the whole idea. So they entered the scene. Unfortunately, they never intended to look at it objectively (something we still have trouble today with in science and mostly politics). They set out to prove that this ectoplasm was real.

Unfortunately for them, some real scientists then decided to get involved once the media got hold of it. It was proven that many of these mediums were just shoving the cloths in every orifice they could (vagina, anus, down the mouth into the stomach and regurgitating it).

There's a lot more on the history of this subject, but that's all I feel like going into.

But I just wanted to point out the history of ectoplasm, and how it's amazing that it still gets cited as a possibility even with its ridiculous history.

*Edit to clarify my point:

So a lot of people think of ectoplasm as a oozing like substance, when in reality, it was really just a long fabric that mediums were shoving in their bodies and pulling out (since the séances were required to be done in the dark).

[edit on 27-5-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by Sublime620

That's interesting. Personally I had never heard of ectoplasm until the movie Ghostbusters.

I would like to note that MOST public mediums were frauds. They used things like wax masks worn by people in black jumpsuits. Basically, MOST meduims of old were no different than modern day magicians (David Copperfield, etc). The lesser known mediums didn't resort to such trickery, and were largely disregarded. Some of those mediums actually gave in to the public and began using trickery elements just to make the money, which ended in them being discredited later on. (I think I spent too much time at the Library when I was in high school, lol).

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 01:33 PM
Well apparently when people see ghosts they often report a temperature drop. I can't say I experienced this myself, but I probably wouldn't have noticed it as I usually where so many layers of cloths!
Anyway then there's changes in electric magnetic fields that ghost hunters usually pick up with devices.

Because ghosts can be picked up by camera the light they produce must therefore be real, just like the physical movements they sometimes cause (as opposed to being in your head which would obviously be the most energy cost effective way of making a communication).

Well in quantum physics: "A pure vacuum is never empty because it is always filled with "Virtual Photons" (real photons being the packets of energy that make up light, and magnetism).
A virtual photon is also a packet of energy. But it begins with zero energy which (for some reason unknown to me) divides itself into two. This produces a plus, and a negative photon. Normally the two re-combine fractions of a second letter, going back to zero again.
Real photons simply "fill-in" one of these virtual photon spaces, thereby creating a real ripple effect (which transports light). (I don't know why light travels in straight lines, rather than ripples like radio waves).

Anyway what we have is....
1. Something to do with heat disappearing into thin air
2. That has something to with a change in magnetism
3. Which has something to do with making light come out of thin air (in the image of a ghost).
I wonder if it starts of by willing the virtual photons to be real? If that's granted the Conservation of Energy (a law of physics) must demand that this energy be replaced (hence a temperature drop).
Once real; the ghost light-magnetism is produced.

The magnetic field must be something to do with the "will" i.e. moderating the way organised real light is produced from virtual photons. (I don't what else it does).
I suppose it must take a random event to activate the ghost apparition i.e. a brief, and uneven division of virtual photons, which therefore momentarily violates the conservation of energy, before this violation is spontaneously self corrected, (as in the normal recombining of virtual photons).
However since you have billions and billions of virtual photons recombining in an “empty” space every fraction of a second, I suppose waiting for a suitable freak release of energy (that could be briefly used to moderate real energy), might not be such a big deal.

Note: Perhaps interfering with e.g. plus photons = light release, and negative ones = movement release?

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 11:11 AM
I'll just wait till I die to find out.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 11:11 AM
I'll just wait till I die to find out.

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