posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 06:09 AM
Wow! Real dragons! I had no idea they could get that big. This is fantastic, photographic evidence and everything. Points points, points, thanks for
the dragons. Its unbelievable I mean incredible. I have a pair of shoes that look like they may have been made out of a dragon, I wonder….
Of course in China dragon bones are what they call dinosaur bones. They make tea out of them. That’s how Peking man’s remains were lost. Peking
man was cannibalized millions of years after his death. Yes truth is often way way stranger than fiction.
from the article:
During the late 19th century, amateur fossil collectors and professional paleontologists knew that some of the more interesting specimens of bones and
teeth from prehistoric animals, such as elephants, three-toed horses and rhinoceroses could be found in Chinese pharmacies. The artifacts were usually
collected in quarries and mines by peasants throughout China's provinces and sold to apothecaries where they were ground up and sold as cures for a
variety of diseases. The skeletal pieces were genuinely believed to be the bones of dragons and thought to have magical healing properties that could
cure anything from epilepsy to demonic possession
Wow the tea can cure demonic possession! Hurrah!