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Warning! Watching these videos could do a 180 on your views on Freemasonry

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posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by 2nd Hand Thoughts
Apparently there's some sort of "I'm a Mason and know everything about it and am all trusting of what I'm told about it from other Masons" versus "Gee, maybe it ain't all good." argument going on here.

Same argument. Different masons.


If you don't want to be a Mason, then don't petition to become one.

If you don't like Masons, oh well, everybody can't like everybody.

Masons have no power to control what you think. Or maybe we do and your doing exactly what we want you to do on ATS. Are you sure that your thoughts are not a form of Mason mind control replacing your thoughts with ours?

I would tell you, but its a secret.

[edit on 12-9-2005 by df1]

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 09:59 AM
Whew! How did this thread degenerate into yakkety-yak about Crowley's so-called sex magic?! What people do in their own homes or Lodges is their business.

Anyway, earlier this thread piqued my interest in the "Flower Of Life", and I picked up a book by Drunvalo Melchizedek called "The Ancient Secret of the Flower Of Life". Suffice it to say, it is "way out there" in New Age territory, but then again, as people who make such things their study know, "there is nothing new under the sun". "New" Age is just another term to put a fresh spin on the same old "Ancient Mysteries" that have been around for "aeons".

The book discusses such tasty morsels such as:1) REMEMBERING OUR ANCIENT PAST::How the Fall of Atlantis Changed Our Reality,

2) THE SECRET OF THE FLOWER UNFOLDS::Sacred Geometry, the Seed of Life, the Star Tetrahedron, the Wavefrom Universe, the Shifting of Earth's Poles,

3) THE DARKER SIDE OF OUR PRESENT AND PAST::Our Endangered Earth, Ice Age, the History of the World,

4) WHEN EVOLUTION CRASHED AND THE CHRIST GRID AROSE::How the Lemurians Evolved Human Consciousness, the Martians' Fateful Decision, the Planetary Grid,

ying, resurrection and Ascension, the Brilliance of Akhenaten, the Story of Genesis,

6) THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SHAPE AND STRUCTURE::The Torus, the Labyrinth, the Egg of Life, the Platonic Solids, the Living Crystals,

7) THE GEOMETRIES OF THE HUMAN BODY::Leonardo da Vinci's Canon, the Mystery of the Mason's Drawing, the Golden Mean, Spirals, the Fibonacci Sequence, the Divine Phi Ratio.

All in all, an interesting read for those who would rather have the book instead of a website (mentioned by someone earlier under the name of "Drunvaldo" (sp?).

I have certainly learned a lot about Ancient Mysteries, Ancient Wisdom, Secret Societies and the like on ATS, but can't help but get a giggle out of the way so many of these threads degenerate into bickering, name calling and "I saw what you guys did" innuendo.

If people are really that disgusted with the Freemasons, there are really two choices that they can make: 1) Join and see what the rituals and symbols are really about, or, 2) Study the Ancient Mysteries until you are blue in the face, because that is where most Secret Societies, Theosophists and the like have taken their material from. The book that really explained what the real goal of Freemasonry was to me is "The Meaning Of Masonry", written in the 1920's by Walter Leslie Wilmhurst. He is quick to explain that meaning of "Fiat Lux", where men with the proper minds can "come to the light" and be "illuminated" to a regenerated state "far in excess of normal man's mind". He goes on to explain what sounds remarkably like "the Solar Fire" or a "Kundalini" awakening that such candidates experience. But he is quick to point out that not all Masons "see beyond" the symbology to experince such, and that those who would be tempted to use such powers "without moral perfectedness" and the proper prerequisites could divert that power to "unholy, demoniacal, astral and dangerous uses".

To add fuel to the fire, he points out that the Church and Masonry are but the same paths but by different methods....the (Church) says "Via Crucis" (the Cross), whilst Masonry says "Via Lucis" (the Light). BTW, the Alice Baily series of books are still published by Lucis Publishing (originally "Lucifer" Publishing Co.).

BTW, Masonic Light, "Fiat Lux" was easy enough to understand, but what does "cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt" mean? (If you can tell us!)

ars longa, vita brevis!

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by D_Emissary56
BTW, Masonic Light, "Fiat Lux" was easy enough to understand, but what does "cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt" mean? (If you can tell us!)

"When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults."

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 02:25 PM
Thanks for the prompt reply ML. It sure looks like we are in dire need of an American Catapult Association to protect our rights!

omnia vincit amor


posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 02:41 PM
i want to be a mson so badly now i dunno why its so intresting i cant stop thinking about freemasons and illuminati how do i join? i want to aquire secret knowledge

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by fum
i want to be a mson so badly now i dunno why its so intresting i cant stop thinking about freemasons and illuminati how do i join? i want to aquire secret knowledge

Print out an application off the internet.

(You might want to have someone check it over for punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors.)

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 05:49 PM
Jojo, there is no connection between the Knights Templar and freemasons none at all, there has never been a proven fact that there was a connection, no proof, and knights templar never killed children and to even say that is wrong, knights templar were betrayed by the vatican & a greedy self centered self absorbed egomaniacal king, who only cared about having as much money & wealth as he could obtain and framed the templars & had the vatican destroy the order or so goes the story. Knights templar were innocent Jojo completely innocent. How can you even assume that they were evil when the templars never were or such a connection to freemasonry?.


posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 05:55 PM
lol ty 2nd hand lmao ok ill let some1 check over to see if i missspelled anything
btw where do i get a aplication

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 09:53 PM
I am always glad to see crowley defenders. He was by far my favorite writer on the topic of fresh baby's blood.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by eudaimonia
7 minutes - 61mb (unrar it)

New World Order, Masonry & Illuminati Connections

25 minutes - 178mb

The Invisibly Visible - Identifying Masonic Symbols

Wow, no wonder conspiracy theorists get a bad name. Between 15 year old smaking crappy windows media files like this and badly made geocities pages talking about Denver Airport and aliens it's just a shame.

I'm surprised this little hodge podge of fooey didnt mention the Torth on the statue of libery, made by French Masons...or the black pentagram flame where Princess Di crashed under.

At any rate, the maker of this video seems to tie in ancient Jewish cabbalistic thought with anti masonic hysteria and a potporri of other stuff found on really badly done websites. The JFK Masonic connection is novel but reaching way too much.

Anyways, the real new world order has to do with the manipulation of currency since 1913, and the creation of wars alongside corporations that benefit and create slave labor. AKA business as usual.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 10:02 AM
wouldnt be nice for change to just know the truth of everything instead of all this secret and conspircay crap. its really gets old. religions are for the sheep and the fanatical, if you want to believe in something believe in your self and your connection with the real world.


posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by cybnetic
religions are for the sheep and the fanatical, if you want to believe in something believe in your self and your connection with the real world.

Baa Baaah Baaa-ah: Interesting opinion of religion. Mother Theresa was a sheep. Interesting thought...I guess if you're going to generalize, you just as well should do it right and include billions of people.

I must go get sheered by farmer Bob now. Thanks for reminding me that I am a sheep, Smarty Pants.

Fanatical? How does religion have a lock on that? I'm religious and I don't do or say anything in general that promotes that fact. I'm more fanatical in certain areas like music and sports in that I am a fan(atic). Not so in religious matters.

Your statement of generalization is not unique and in that fact your statement or belief is like that of numerous others that I have read. So you are a sheep too. Welcome to Pasture Earth. Beware of Farmer Bob. He is farsighted and his shears are sharp and terrifyingly unbiased.

[edit on 27-9-2005 by 2nd Hand Thoughts]

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 05:14 PM
The only 180 degree turn I did watching this vid was in my seat to go to the bathroom. I see nothing earth shattering, awe inspiring, or anything even remotely solid linking freemasons to the NWO. Just seems like the same baseless crap with no real authority or sources to back it up.

I fell asleep towards the end.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 04:09 AM
I didn't want to have to go into this but seeing as how someone said religion is for the fanatical which I think is pretty right on point... example eric rudolph was paid by prolifers in churches to bomb medical clinics, how is that for fanatical. He took it to heart when they asked him to do it, and then these prolifers that told him to do it cry foul in the churches and lie besides. I'll say it again freemasons are very very nice people and in no way are there any connections to jack the ripper or the knights templar or any of these other conspiracy theories about freemasonry. If freemasons don't want to reveal what they do in their lodges that is their right under the constitution especially since half the signers of the declaration of independence were freemasons to begin with
. Now that has been said I think there is NOTHING evil or so secretive about freemasonry really I don't get why most of the posters on this thread seem to believe there is some all sinister motive behind the freemasonry lodges & their members. Freemasons are innocent of any sinister world domination conspiracy or secret conspiracies. It's like alot of you want to find something or someone to blame world problems on like the innocent freemasons when the blame squarely goes on bush's shoulders.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by MisticDragon
It's like alot of you want to find something or someone to blame world problems on like the innocent freemasons when the blame squarely goes on bush's shoulders.

Yeah... Bushy-boy controls his administration all by himself, so no one else is to blame; only him.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by MisticDragon
I didn't want to have to go into this but seeing as how someone said religion is for the fanatical which I think is pretty right on point...example eric rudolph was paid by prolifers in churches to bomb medical clinics, how is that for fanatical.

Ted Kaczinski did his share of "prolifers in churches"-free bombings. He seemed pretty fanatical. I currently go to church every weekend. And for about 28 bomb-free-years now off and on in four states and 10 towns. I always look for bombers. Except when I'm in the Middle East. Then I just look away.

I'll say it again freemasons are very very nice people and in no way are there any connections to jack the ripper or the knights templar or any of these other conspiracy theories about freemasonry.

I think you just described the Smurfs. They are "very very nice" also.

Now that has been said I think there is NOTHING evil or so secretive about freemasonry really I don't get why most of the posters on this thread seem to believe there is some all sinister motive behind the freemasonry lodges & their members. Freemasons are innocent of any sinister world domination conspiracy or secret conspiracies.

"World domination" conspiracies are improbable. I doubt it too but stranger things have happened. "Secret conspiracies" can cover anything between a handful of members or more of any group or groups. I'll venture out onto that flimsy limb named Pretty Good Possibility (that something is happening or has happened somewhere...especially if you are going back hundreds or years (or more) and include every mason on every masonited continent or planet). And as far as "NOTHING evil", I flat out disagree with that one.

It's like alot of you want to find something or someone to blame world problems on like the innocent freemasons when the blame squarely goes on bush's shoulders.

Bush's shoulders aren't that broad and are more rounded than square. That's why everything rolls right off of him.

...Then of course if you think about it you are back to the skulls and bones and circles and triangles and secret (although quite constitutional) meetings again.

[edit on 2-10-2005 by 2nd Hand Thoughts]

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 09:14 AM
Look, Freemasonry contradicts Christianity... Sure they believe in Christianity, or aspects of it, just as Satan believes in GOD, because he knows he exists, he's met him... lol

But yeah, some of these ignorants have forced me to join the Knights Templar which are now officially based out of the UK, and I'm from Chicago, and they're very accomodating., find email address, and send email with subject "postulant application request"

But yeah Freemasonry is steeped hardcore in Sacred Geometry, and anyone claiming to be a Mason and claims that they have never heard of Sacred Geometry being brought up, is probably someone that's not going to make it beyond Master Mason, or probably won't even go the route of Cryptic Mason to learn some sacred geometry..

Then again, anybody claiming to be a mason and hasn't heard of Sacred Geometry, is just some internet poser that wants to be a part of something they've only read about.

Someone claims on page one that they never even heard of "Sacred Geometry" being spoken of in their lodge....

Well moron, why speak of what's in your face 24/7 when associating with the brethren.

But yeah.....

I rather the Vatican tell you Masons off.. A school for the ignorant is more like it, and I'm sure most "internet masons" or "old timers" have no clue what the "Sons of Belial' are...

But then again, that's why I joined the St. Clair bros.' Templar lodge.

How can anyone claim to be a Mason and not know their geometry... sacred or not....... I don't know, maybe some people join to be part of a club or something that fills them with community spirit...but then again, Masonry has lost it's touch and many members have moved on to higher organizations, or more prestigous families...

also please excuse me, i am very very tired and lazy..

[edit on 3-10-2005 by boombye]

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by boombye
also please excuse me, i am very very tired and lazy..

... and rude.

Well moron, why speak of what's in your face 24/7 when associating with the brethren.

Who are you calling a moron? Best be clear, in case the wrong people are offended.

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by boombye

But yeah, some of these ignorants have forced me to join the Knights Templar which are now officially based out of the UK, and I'm from Chicago, and they're very accomodating., find email address, and send email with subject "postulant application request"

I went to

Needless to say, this is not a Masonic organization, nor does it claim to be one.

But yeah Freemasonry is steeped hardcore in Sacred Geometry, and anyone claiming to be a Mason and claims that they have never heard of Sacred Geometry being brought up, is probably someone that's not going to make it beyond Master Mason, or probably won't even go the route of Cryptic Mason to learn some sacred geometry...

Then again, anybody claiming to be a mason and hasn't heard of Sacred Geometry, is just some internet poser that wants to be a part of something they've only read about.

So you, a non-Mason, are telling Masons what they teach in the Lodge, while the Masons here who actually are active in the Lodge are "posers" for setting the record straight. That's some interesting logic you've got going on there.

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by boombye
...some of these ignorants have forced me to join the Knights Templar which are now officially based out of the UK...

Funny. The OSMTH and the SMOTJ seem to be linked somehow...

I'm curious how "ignorants forced you to join" and what did you expect when you joined and what has been your experience so far with them?

I started a thread a long time ago on this topic here but got only a few responses...

If you really are a member, I would appreciate it if you could add your experiences and general overview of what they are about, from an individual member's perspective. If you don't mind though, do it on the other thread so as not to hijack this one.

I find it curious that a member of such a society would have such harsh words to say towards Freemasonry...

While Sacred Geometry may be of interest to some individual Freemasons, it is my understanding that it doesn't come up explicitly in the ritual. Of course, I haven't seen the ritual, but there are those here that I have complete trust in. If they say it's so, unless you can show some damn good evidence to the contrary, it is so.


[edit on 10/3/05 by The Axeman]

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