posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 07:56 PM
I am going to be honest with you I knew about the Texaco, Chevron investments in the Niger Valley and I don't know if you knew about the paid
mercenaries that they use to protect their oil fields against the citizens of the area for protesting the pollution of their lands, they opened fire
on the men and the women took over with their children and go the human rights involve, back in the nineties, the funny thing is that Condi was
sitting at the time in the board of one of them in behave of the Bush family.
The incident went to court, but it was made public the way that these companies used force when protecting their investments in foreign lands even if
it has to pay the countries government to get protection. Occurs they denied that it was under their command that the paid soldiers open fire on the
Now with the way Mr. Bush seems to favor big companies, I guess is not surprise that he may used the military to protect them and their
But it has been common knowledge that the African coast has vast oil resources.
Funny that the people is dying of hunger.