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Theory on Phoenix UFO

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posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 10:42 AM
This is my first post so it might not be very good, and possibly rather crazy.

On discovery science, when there was a program about UFOs there was a person who said he was a weapons designer, and he said he had an explanation for a ufo with a bright ring inside it. He said he had worked on a project to use a large electric coil to produce lift. I thought this could explain the UFO which travelled slowly over Phoenix as it could appear as a pattern of white lights if several were used. This could fly slowly and silently.

It could also explain triangular UFOs with a light on each corner which stop, hover and turn, and then accelerate quickly.

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 01:13 PM
He was reffering to a different picture and he said it wasn't stable, I doubt stable enough to do what the pheonix lights did and if it was it wasn't so secret that they couldn't cut their losses and just go out-right and say what it really was.

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 02:26 PM
I had meant the triangle of lights that had supposedly flown over the city, not the "Flares" by the the mountains. I am well aware that they were proven not to be anything significant.

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 02:33 PM
Welcome to ATS apex.

Basically you’re saying that the craft could have been a new secret aircraft. But the problem with this theory is that in order to maintain the secrecy, the military wouldn't be in the habit of conducting test flights over a heavily populated area.

Also witnesses have claimed the size to be much larger than anything we are capable of producing. One person, when asked if it could have been the B2 bomber, replied that "they could have landed all 40 of our B2 bombers on the wing of that craft".

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Hal9000
Welcome to ATS apex.

Basically you’re saying that the craft could have been a new secret aircraft. But the problem with this theory is that in order to maintain the secrecy, the military wouldn't be in the habit of conducting test flights over a heavily populated area.

...ditto on the welcome to ATS, 'apex'

response to quote
yes, it (aka Phoenix Lights) must have been a secret project
but the project that produced the 1997 spectacle was not
necessarily a secret military project,
or done under military authority....

Perhaps not even the much smaller 'triangles' w/lights, are military
directed projects (also reported in Phoenix)....

There are any number of Corporations able to fund a secret & stealth
operation...which may include surveillence UAV's
>be they drones or airships or exotic hybrids.

Foresight by corps. & venture capital, would recognize the need for
a 24/7, skyborne. sensor laden spying platform, considering the
continuing needs to combat terrorists, insurgents, even to monitor
future population movements in cities...principally motor vehicle traffic.

Who might be interested in a product like that? insurance cos, police depts, FEMA, Military, many diverse 'buyers' .
The secretness by the development Corporation of these 'ufos' would
hide the cost of would also allow for less restrictions
& guidelines during development and testing!


i saw that night, and heard all day- the reports from all across the state,
from Kingman thru verde valley thru Wickenberg, over cave creek, then over camelback mountain(~40th St.), s.w. around encanto park via IndianSchoolRoad, and then disappearing until nighttime somewhere around south mountain where it put on the slow dance of lights.

but on 1 dec '96, i witnessed a 12' black triangle w/glow orbs
which glided ~10-15 mph? just above the mercury-vapor street lights,
'it' followed Camelback Avenue from E. to W.....then 25 minutes later
the 12' triangle with lights/orbs at the corners followed the same
Avenue from W. to E., at the same gliding speed.

I'm certain [in my mind] i was watching man-made projects in action-
at both of these event dates. Even if the flight & propulsion systems
have been tested and found reliable...there could be a psychological
study taking place there in Phoenix...
Boeing, LockheedMartin, to mention just two corps. are not located
in Phoenix...but Honeywell, Motorola, and others with defense connections
to those areospace giants are in the valley...
also Intell and that company that makes the automoble air-bags,
demographics/business connections, might make Phoenix a good & available testing area.

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by St Udio
There are any number of Corporations able to fund a secret & stealth
operation...which may include surveillence UAV's
>be they drones or airships or exotic hybrids.

Foresight by corps. & venture capital, would recognize the need for
a 24/7, skyborne. sensor laden spying platform, considering the
continuing needs to combat terrorists, insurgents, even to monitor
future population movements in cities...principally motor vehicle traffic.

Interesting theory, one I have not heard before, but if that were true, I would think they would make it public to show they are doing something to combat terror and it would be good PR. Also I think there would be more sightings of this type.

i saw that night, and heard all day- the reports from all across the state,

Are you saying you saw the large craft on that night?

but on 1 dec '96, i witnessed a 12' black triangle w/glow orbs
which glided ~10-15 mph? just above the mercury-vapor street lights,

Also interesting, if you have described this in more detail on another thread, can you provide a link?

I'm certain [in my mind] i was watching man-made projects in action-
at both of these event dates. Even if the flight & propulsion systems
have been tested and found reliable...there could be a psychological
study taking place there in Phoenix...

Well I don't doubt there are secret surveillance craft of this kind, I don't think there are any the size described by some witnesses. I have not read much about this event, and always wondered how people reacted. Can you tell us about it? Do you think it could be a test to see if people were ready for disclosure?

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 05:30 PM
Regarding the phoenix triangle, according to several eye witnesses, it was gargantuan. 5,000 feet long, cobalt blue/blackish, slow and silent. Got this from the torrent download called "out of the blue". This is a must have avi.file for ufo buffs.

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 06:27 PM

Doesn't look Human made, but the thing with UFO aircrafts is that they should get BETTER DESIGNS

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 07:10 PM

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 11:40 PM

I'm sorry but , 37 B2s in a v formation isn't really a plausible reallity!

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 05:47 AM
There were pictures of this thing?!! I never knew that!!

My guess is military black-ops program, possibly a mothership platform for the TR-3B project, it seems to have similar lights on it.

Triangular aircraft have often been ascociated with Delta Force hence the Delta shapes but this is theory more than observation.

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 05:51 AM
I seen that is well or read it. But I have two or three crystal clear pictures of the coidal ringed UFO. Seems to me the daylight pictures are showing a yellow-orange ring just at the bottom of the craft.


posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 05:57 AM
The thing is, if the miltary was responsable for that in some secret test - they MUST be in contact with a higher being to get to that point in technology AND secrecy because it's most certainly a hard thing to keep hidden, let alone manufacture under secrecy.

It's size doesn't make sense for being a drone or a spy plane. It seems more likely to be for carrying many things.

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by lost_shaman

I'm sorry but , 37 B2s in a v formation isn't really a plausible reallity!

Of course, i photoshopped around 40 B2's in the photo to give people an idea of the size of the craft that was spotted in Phoenix.

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
There were pictures of this thing?!! I never knew that!!

My guess is military black-ops program, possibly a mothership platform for the TR-3B project, it seems to have similar lights on it.

Triangular aircraft have often been ascociated with Delta Force hence the Delta shapes but this is theory more than observation.

I doubt that it's part of any sort of human project, how would you explain the deafness of the craft? No sound at all and the cloaking of the craft that was said by witnesses.

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
There were pictures of this thing?!! I never knew that!!

The first two pictures are an artists drawing of what he saw, and the last picture is by none other than........ "Jeff Wiles".

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman

I'm sorry but , 37 B2s in a v formation isn't really a plausible reallity!

I think he was trying to illustrate what an eye witness had said when he had seen this huge black perfect triangle over the Phoenix skies that night back in March 14, 1997, the night the comet Hale-Bopp was going to pass.

This man had said 40 b2 bombers could have fit on the wing of this thing. That's how big it was.

I wonder why this/these things appeared when a major astrological event was taking place when many eyes would be peeled to the skies. Why not any other night. very odd.

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by scar

Originally posted by lost_shaman

I'm sorry but , 37 B2s in a v formation isn't really a plausible reallity!

I think he was trying to illustrate what an eye witness had said when he had seen this huge black perfect triangle over the Phoenix skies that night back in March 14, 1997, the night the comet Hale-Bopp was going to pass.

This man had said 40 b2 bombers could have fit on the wing of this thing. That's how big it was.

I wonder why this/these things appeared when a major astrological event was taking place when many eyes would be peeled to the skies. Why not any other night. very odd.

Exactly what i was trying to do

Maybe the aliens wanted front row seats too lol.

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 07:50 PM
I'm sure the air space over Pheonix would be the last place the gov would want to test secret air craft. I have spoken to a guy who was there in '97 and went out in his drive way and watched the whole thing. He was in the Army for a few years. He said he knows what flares look like and how they act. He said it wasn't flares. He also said there was complete silence, so air planes flying in formation can be ruled out. And he said the individual lights would move left to right, and up and down in small but quick movements. So there were individual crafts in the sky. He said he could actually make out the shapes of each craft.

Hope this helps, I think I posted this once before but thought I'd post it again in this thread...

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 10:44 PM
This is what the Phoenix Lights were supposed to be.


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