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Islamic Perspective of the last days..

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posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 04:24 PM

The minor signs of qiyâmah

The following minor signs of qiyâmah have been mentioned in the Hadîth:

1. People will begin considering Allah’s wealth to be their own wealth. They will find it extremely difficult to pay their zakaat. They will consider the wealth which has been entrusted to them as an amânah to be their own wealth.

2. The husband will obey his wife, disobey his mother, consider his father to be an outsider, and consider an outsider to be his relative.

3. Knowledge of the Dîn will be acquired in order to earn a livelihood.

4. Leadership and political power will be given to those who are unqualified. That is, to those who have no self-honour, no manners, and those who are there for their own benefit. Tasks will be handed over to persons who are not suitable for those particular tasks.

5. People will honour and respect oppressors out of fear of being harmed.

6. Alcohol will be consumed openly.

7. The custom of singing and dancing women will become rife. Drums, fiddles, tambourines and other musical instruments will become rife.

8. The later generations will begin criticizing and speaking ill of their pious predecessors.

9. Rasûlullâh sallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam said that at such a time, expect the following punishments: a red hurricane will come and some people will be drawn into the ground. Stones will rain down from the skies. The appearance of people will be transformed, i.e. they will be turned into pigs and dogs. Many other calamities will follow one after the other in quick succession just as when a string of beads breaks up and the beads begin falling off in quick succession.

Visit the link to read the full article

* If u need any terminology translated.. ask!

[edit on 6-8-2005 by XTasawwufX]

*edited large copy-paste

[edit on 8-8-2005 by dbates]

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 04:27 PM
21.05.2005 (12 Rabi` al-Thani 1426)

* The GHF feels with a high degree of certainty that the Mahdi will appear within two years.

* The GHF feels that it has already spotted and identified the celestial object spoken of in hadith as heralding the Mahdi. What remains is for this object to reach a greater size. This can happen either this year or the next.

* Since the signs for the Mahdi's emergence are multiple, the GHF feels that all of our sincere students who have been following our education campaign will be able to discern for themselves the approximate date of his emergence. For clarification purposes, the Mahdi emerges approximately six months after al-Sufyani. Thus, our formal declaration would be superfluous for these sincere people. Others, as we explained, will not recognize al-Sufyani, similar to how they were unable to recognize the reformer Seyiduna al-Hasani, Hajim al-Hassani.

* The entire dominant system of the world will totally collapse within eight years of the beginning of the Fitnah period. We are gauging this currently as beginning in June 2005.

* All nations during this time will cease to exist. The first countries which will be affected will be the Middle Eastern Arab States followed by the US (approximately within two years after the Mahdi's emergence).

* All high-level government organizations and advanced technological programs run by these organizations will also cease to exist within eight years of the beginning of the Fitnah period. [Those in deep underground bunkers and cities will be turned into broiled meat when the earth's crustal temperature rises at an astounding speed before the second pass. (Obviously, many large tree forests and tracts of vegetation will also instantly incinerate during this time.)]

* After the Mahdi's emergence, all residents of large cities and those living near coastlines are in grave danger. The main threats they will face are three: (a) inundation, (b) foreign attack, and (c) riot-type activity from the local residents. The recommended safety distance is 40 miles (65 km), but 100 miles (160 km) is more likely to leave one less-affected.

* The Mahdi and his supporters will be fighting a three-front war as will be made apparent during the events. We cannot give more details for obvious security reasons.

* The death rate during the Fitnah period will be phenomenal, beyond anything the common man would be expecting right now. The Mahdi and many Muslims will also die near the end of the Fitnah period. [However, the Mahdi will have established a limited-time sanctuary for the Muslims who emerged victorious in the Mulahamah. Also, he will have ensured that the major kaafir players in the world have no chance of "making it to the other side" so to speak.]

* Not all of the deaths will be caused by the global wars taking place during this time. Rather, the deaths will be caused by both man-made and natural disasters. The last event of the Fitnah period (towards the latter half of 2012 C.E., we are estimating at this time) is actually a cataclysmic natural event which will affect everybody. People alive at this time are recommended to move to non-sesmic mountains far from the ocean (taking shelter in places such as caves or if not too hot, basements/cellars).

* After all is settled, the entire face of the earth will be have been wiped clean of structures and most vegetation. The geography of the planet will be significantly different. Many of the remaining living people will not be able adapt due to lacking basic survival skills (such as knowledge of constructing rock calendars) and navigating the vastly different terrain (arba`eena sanatan yateehoona fi l-ardi fa laa ta'sa `ala l-qawmi l-faasiqeen).

* People will eventually be reduced to wandering tribes. Most of them will look dirty, unkempt, dressed in tatters, bruised, and bewildered in a state of paralyzing shock (not knowing what just happened and what awaits them). No kings, princes, lords, presidents, prime ministers, politicians, diplomats, or others who are used to preferential treatment and pampering are likely to survive the events intact.

* Anyone one living in an island nation equal in size or smaller than Ireland will only survive if protected miraculuously by the Hand of God. All small island nations will be wiped off the face of the map after the second pass. Large island nations (e.g., Japan and Great Britain) will still have a number of survivors who will be ankle-deep, knee-deep, or neck-deep in mud.

* The GHF feels that it will play a major role in laying the foundation stones of the coming post-Fitnah Golden Age of our din, with the help of Allah. Our staging location will be where the Central Appalachians are now. Those in North America who wish to help us can move to this location sometime before the second pass or (shortly afterwards). The GHF will also have limited air transportation for those outside of North America who want to join us after the second pass. The reason we have chosen this as our temporary staging location will be made apparent after the events are over.

* The GHF is an open-ended organization and will provide ample opportunity for sincere members of this ummah to join it during the next twenty years.

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 04:38 PM
That was great thanks
I wish I had a way ATS vote.

One question though. You know how christians draw parallels to current events to strengthen their claim that the end times are upon us? Are there any events that you can do that with?

Are there any people in power that are of the family lines of which you speak? Have you seen any red tornados or anything else described? Thank you.

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 04:48 PM
Oh yeah and if you could help wtih these as well, tht would be appreciated. Thanks
What is?
Fitnah period
the staff of Mûsâ ‘alayhis salâm
ring of Sulaymân ‘alayhis salâm
Hajr-e-Aswad and the Maqâm-e-Ibrâhîm
imam mahdi

Who is?
Rasûlullâh sallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (Îsâ's ‘alayhis salâm (the same?))
Abu Sufyân

[edit on 6-8-2005 by phoenixhasrisin]

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
That was great thanks
I wish I had a way ATS vote.

One question though. You know how christians draw parallels to current events to strengthen their claim that the end times are upon us? Are there any events that you can do that with?

Many pious people from my circle insist the times are very close. We have signs that have past. We have the Al Sufyani family which will come to power. Currently we do not know of them all we know is that they are a descendents of Sufyan.

Are there any people in power that are of the family lines of which you speak? Have you seen any red tornados or anything else described? Thank you.

I personally haven't seen anything. But the circle i am around insists the times are very close. All we know is to prepare spirtually for such problems. This page might be of help for where i cut and pasted the information.

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 06:34 PM
Oh yeah and if you could help wtih these as well, tht would be appreciated. Thanks
What is?
Fitnah period - Period of Trials..Tribulation..etc
the staff of Mûsâ ‘alayhis salâm - A staff of Moses
ring of Sulaymân ‘alayhis salâm - The ring of Soloman
Ka'bah - Sacred shrine of Muslims .. we pray in the direction of it
kuffar - disbelievers
Dín - The religeon (Islam)
amanah - not sure..
sayyids - Descendents of the Prophet
tawaf - Going around the Kaaba
bayáh - To take a pledge usually from a Saint
Hajr-e-Aswad The black stone sent from heaven - mounted on one side of the kaaba
Maqâm-e-Ibrâhîm - The place next to the kaaba wear Abraham and one of his sons Ismael built the kaaba
qiyâmah - Day of Reckoning or resurrection
imam mahdi - The savior .. who be come to unite all muslims.. he will rule and fight against people who oppose him.. for some years. Then the Messiah will descend to fight the anti christ. Mahdi and Isa will be on the same side! Isa's only objective is to fight the anti christ.
kâfir - a person who disbelieves in Islam

Who is?
Rasûlullâh sallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam - The Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him
(Îsâ's ‘alayhis salâm (the same?)) - Prophet Isa is Jesus peace be upon him
Abu Sufyân- a Ruler who will take rule.. in the middle east as in the text a descendent of Sufyan
Dajjâl - The anti christ

[edit on 6-8-2005 by phoenixhasrisin]

[edit on 6-8-2005 by XTasawwufX]

[edit on 6-8-2005 by XTasawwufX]

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 12:18 AM
Phoenix, manyh of the above-mentioned signs are upon us now. There is a Christian sign that will prevent people from realizing the signs, and that is hearts hardened and turned over to their own lusts and desires.

Seems all roads lead to Rome, after all.

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 12:22 AM
What an interesting post!

I am curious about something. Do you know if there has been any "development" of the main players in Muslim eschatology over time?

I am thinking of something akin to the development of the Christian "Antichrist legend". The Bible says very little about this figure, but by the Middle Ages there had developed very full physical descriptions, accompanied by detailed stories of his exploits in The Last Days. Bishop Adso's letter to Queen Gerberga of the Franks (10th century, if memory serves)is an excellent example of this development.

I would be interested in knowing if any of the central figures of Muslim eschatology have undergone the same transformation?

I am asking because, in examining prophecy (or conspiracy theories for that matter) it can be quite helpful to chart any changes or developments in the "storyline".

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 01:43 AM
what is GHF? Please post a link.

Where in the Appalachians? What state?

Have you read Edgar Cayce's Earth Changes?

What is the object in the sky you referred to?

is UBL the Mahdi?

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 08:27 AM
The dajjal has been described to us in many hadith or sayings of the prophet and his companions. Here is some from a website i found. Dajjal been the same person.. since day 1.. You will see the features described etc. One must remeber there is many dajjals... The dajjal or anti christ i am talking about here is the main one who Prophet Isa (Jesus) will fight.

Will be of some help..

[edit on 7-8-2005 by XTasawwufX]

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by apocalypticon
What an interesting post!

I am curious about something. Do you know if there has been any "development" of the main players in Muslim eschatology over time?

I am thinking of something akin to the development of the Christian "Antichrist legend". The Bible says very little about this figure, but by the Middle Ages there had developed very full physical descriptions, accompanied by detailed stories of his exploits in The Last Days. Bishop Adso's letter to Queen Gerberga of the Franks (10th century, if memory serves)is an excellent example of this development.

I would be interested in knowing if any of the central figures of Muslim eschatology have undergone the same transformation?

I am asking because, in examining prophecy (or conspiracy theories for that matter) it can be quite helpful to chart any changes or developments in the "storyline".

The main players in the final days is The Mahdi..The Messiah Isa (Jesus) the anti christ. These been there since day one .. and the stories have not been altered. The timing is unknown but we have the minor and major signs to look for.

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 08:36 AM
Originally posted by Where2Hide2006

what is GHF? Please post a link.

Where in the Appalachians? What state?

Central .. not sure.. It will be made apparent after a few yrs.

Have you read Edgar Cayce's Earth Changes?

No i haven't.. Plz do explain them if you have the time..

What is the object in the sky you referred to?

certain eclipses (from a weak haidth).. a voice from the sky announcing the Mahdi as the leader.. That is yet to happen. I belive they are talking about certain eclipses in Ramadan. I think it was 2003. One should know that there is also 2 eclipses if i am not right.. in this ramadan coming up. Which begins in early october.

is UBL the Mahdi?

UBL? I amnot familer with the term..

[edit on 7-8-2005 by XTasawwufX]

[edit on 7-8-2005 by XTasawwufX]

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 08:37 AM

Very good info on the last days from an islamic perspective.

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 08:40 AM
great thread
here's an older one on the topic, also good reading

Islamic Prophecy- Final Signs of Qiyaamah

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 10:04 AM
If anyone has any more questions .. feel free to ask

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Where2Hide2006

what is GHF? Please post a link.

Where in the Appalachians? What state?

Have you read Edgar Cayce's Earth Changes?

is Usama Bin Laden the Mahdi?

You answered 1 out of 5 of my questions...not bad!

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 08:32 AM
UBL is not the Mahdi. The Mahdi will have the name of Mohamed Bin Abdullah or Ahmad bin Abdullah and will be a descendent of the Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him.

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 08:54 AM
I just wanted to say thank you for a great thread. I have always wondered what Islam said of the end times. Hopefully by then we will have learned to get along with one another.

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 02:07 PM
First off let me say thanks again for the info, a really good and thorough post.

I find it particularly interesting especially when noting the similarities between the Christian version and the Arabic version. Of the most signifigance is the agreement on almost all of the minor signs.

Now when both these philosphies are compared to the Hindu Kali Yuga, you get even more similarities, and unfortunately a few more differences.

IMHO- I think this leads more to the theory that all modern religion can trace it's roots back to Hinduism and India, but I suppose that is neither here nor there. I have not read up enough on this so i will reserve my judgement. I suppose I could be one of those peoples with a hardened heart, who is unable to see the signs who knows. (right Thomas?)

When one looks at both the Hindu,Christian, & Islamic intepretations side by side, the immediate difference is the duration of the last days.

To get to my point- The Kali Yuga is supposed to last for quite a while longer according to hindu sources. How does this factor into the interpretations that we are now seeing?

It would appear that both Islam, and Christianity both have a sense of urgency to their line of thought. Are you, or is anyone reading this, aware of the similarities AND contradictions between the three schools of thought, and has there been any attempt to explain said similarities, and discrepancies? Any info would be appreciated. Thank you.

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 07:45 PM
From an islamic perspective. We believe that 144,000 prophets have been sent to mankind. Hinduism is one of the oldest and has quite a few followers. I am sure they were sent a prophet but maybe who they call their dieties might of been prophets. Only Allah knows that best. I believe the kalki avatar what the hindu call it.. is highly posible the the mahdi. Who will descend at the end of times. Many people will claim to be Kalki. As will be many ppl claiming to be Mahdi and other false prophets etc. Looks like everyone is awaiting the messiah. Islam is waiting for ISa (jesus peace be upon him).. Christians awaiting Jesus peace be upon hom also.. The jews awaiting a messiah. Its just a matter of time before time tells everything.

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