posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 03:49 PM
"Well, one day around 1978 I was also wondering the same thing myself. I had seen the pictures of Saturn and it's rings and moons and I was also
wondering, wow, 10's of 1,000's of electronic photos were being transmitted from, what was it, Voyager?. I kept wondering, How? Of course, they
could just be models and photos were taken. But, then, one day, just after Star Wars II came out and Star Trek the movie (# 1) came out I had got hold
of a movie industry magazine that was called Business Pictures. In it were ads from special effects companies who work for Hollywood. This was the
dawn of computer graphics being used in motion pictures. Star Wars I was made using mostly models, but, after Star Wars I, George Lucas used some of
the profits to set up a new lab called Pixar, which strove to push the technology and create stunning effects using state of the art Computer
Workstations. CG, or Computer Graphics. I was looking at some of the ads and articles in the magazine and I found a peculiar one. Unfortunately I do
not recall the name of the company running the ad. But, they were selling computer graphics "programming", not a finished program, but the
algorythms and 'basic mathematical building blocks' used to create a program. What they claimed to be was a company that does contract work for JPL,
NASA and the military. What they were selling were the software foundations and routines that did texture mapping and perspective, surface reflection,
shadow mapping, etc. Then, what really caught my eye and peaked my interest was that the ad stated that the information they were selling had been
developed over 10 years prior by NASA and the US military and had, up until now, been considered highly classified and secret information. With this
technology and the use of super computers they claimed it was possible to create virtually any special effects scene. The reason given that the
information was now being declassified and being offered for sale was that the movie industry (specifically the work done by Lucas's Pixar team -
which became the foundation for Industrial Light and Magic, the premiere computer graphics company of the entire industry), had begun to catch up with
the secret technology and it was decided there was no longer any reason to keep the information classified.
Wow. The same technology that helped to produce the visual effects of space, planets, and space crafts used for Star Wars II and Star Trek I had been
developed and used by NASA and JPL for over 10 years earlier. That would mean that NASA and JPL had the ability to create virtual reality graphics
effects as early as the late 1960's. Texture mapping, shadow mapping, light reflection, etc. Then I instantly realized how JPL was turning out 10's
of 1,000's of electronic photos of Saturn and space. They had CG technology for a long time before Hollywood finally caught up and learned how to do
it. The 'fly-by' probes that mapped Venus and Saturn, etc. all sent back to earth electronic data and photos. It was feasible to generate all of
this on computer. JPL had at it's disposal the fastest and most powerful super-computers of the day, like the Cray. All they had to do was bounce
signals off a distant satellite so that the ground crews would receive real signals that they thought were coming from deep space. "
I still don't think that you got my point, probably bcz my first language is not English. I will wait until you can open the APOLLOSCAM site and see
the highlighted features by arrows, then, maybe you will get me. I am not speaking about thing behind the Area 51 mountain, but the mountain itself,
with a small hill that has a crater to the right of it..etc..
Edited to add
I will make my self clearer. It is not only a crater in the same position. It is also a mountain that if consized will give a similar outline to Area
51 mountain. Also, a small curved hill at the bottom of that mountain that if stretched and reversed will give the same shape as the moon photo. Of
course, I have heard about the craters stuff in Area51 and Nevada desert being created by NASA to "resemble the moon" and for training purposes. I
haven't seen the photos though to see if this is the same crater they are speaking about. What I find at odds is the multiplicity of things mensioned
above to be similar to the moon mountain(you need to go to powerpoint and try to consize, switch,etc..). After doing them on powerpoint, I would like
to get the idea of the members on this forum, maybe I am mistaken. If the mountain is the same, surely NASA didn't create a mountain in Area 51 that
is the same as the moon mountain..
[edit on 6-8-2005 by Wind]