posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 03:25 AM
The issue of Bin Laden is another thing that drives one to think Uday and Qusay aren't ded. I hope you watched the program at 11 september of last
year about the connections btw Bush and Bin Laden. The Coke that the Americans drink has a material cvalled "alsomgh alarabi" which comes from the
company of Bin Laden . At that same day of 11 Sep. when the attacks occured, there was a meeting btw Bush and Bin Laden, not to speak about the oil
deals btw both. There was a lady who wanted to go via plane to uSA to see her dead son at the attacks. SHE COULDN'T BCZ SHE WAS TOLD THAT THE PLANE
IS CONSERVED FOR bIN lADEN'S FAMILY. I am not saying that we should believe azzawahiri doesn't exist and every conspiracy theory, but governments
lie and there is NOTHING they wouldn't do. In Lebanon, ppl from the Mossad where arrested trying to assassinate the Hizbollah leader. They admitted
that they were also sent by the Mossad to Algeria to supply the fanatics there with drugs. Do you see now the big game played on people? Those who you
see to be enemies are the dearest friends when out of lights.