posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 06:20 PM
The newest news stream of heightened awareness of possible "terrorist" attacks in London and USA (and elsewhere around the world) in regards to
Osama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Laden's right hand man, Ayman states there will be further attacks. And the Bushes and Blairs say yippee!!! More
reason to justify higher oil prices, implementing the permanence of the USA Patriot Act, asking for monies from Congress to fight the "war" on
"terror", getting everyone used to the fact that Martial Law someday will be inevitable, think tanks polling everyone on the ups and downs of a
"terror" campaign, forcing parents to shield their chidlren with an over-protective stance (hypersensitivity), and giving the new world worder an
edge in the trying times of Iraq political foreign policy - if Bush and Blair can get the focus back on track, we will be at war sooner with Iran.
Everyone strap in for the ride of your life, the FEAR rollercoaster ride, more twisting of the American and European psyche to the point of bending it
to their (NWO) point of view, the conditioning has begun again. Hold on for the ride of your life, up ahead are more colors flashing, low to high
"terror" alerts, let's regulate the emotions of every American. Watch for the bend up ahead, who knows what is next on the agenda bag of tricks
list...screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech, ATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!