posted on Sep, 16 2002 @ 07:12 PM
The dems, as Bob noted, were all in favor of dealing with Iraq in '98 when Mr. Clinton spelled out the dangers of Hussein. They didn't even even
demand that Clinton ask Congress first before he made any moves (on attacking other nations, not on interns). Of course, they knew Clinton had no
intentions of actually dealing with the problem, so it was a safe move, I suppose.
Its funny, though, that what with fled Iraqi scientists saying Hussein is as little as six months away from nuclear weaponry, the dems want to hold
off until after the November elections before passing any resolution. The democratic party seems to be willing to play with the well-being of
my family in order to play politics. Speaking of which, Daschel has prevented a House-passed bill on prescription meds from going before the Senate
and then on to the oval office so it appears that others are not concerned about the poor citizens of this nation, yet he says the "kitchen table"
topics of discussion (or is it breakfast table?) are more important than dealing with the dangers of Hussein.
The democratic party leadership see everything as politics and strategy, including the safety of the citizen.