posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 04:30 PM
Dr love:
Yes and no...
that is EXACTLY what it looks like,
BUT if this is John hutchinsons lab, then there are many other possibilities...
If you haven't read about the man, do so... he is an enigma wrapped in a bunch of wierdness...
John Hutchinson
There are a couple of documentaries that explain "him" and he is mentioned in several others.
he can jellify aluminum at room temperature...
he can make metals combine without heat.
he has a battery that will run a flashlight forever without running down...
and.... he can make objects float, but not consistantly... (sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't...
in the last film link, it looks like there is a pulley to the right of the camera (that moves as the ufo moves)
IMO it is actually a tube connected to one of the many machines that he cranks on when he trys to demo his effect. Probably a vacuum tube, or a tube
that contains metal, that was also being affected.
Enough said... whenever you have an afternoon to blow... look him up... he will remind you of a hippie version of Tesla.
then tell me how you would like being his neighbor...
Ahhh, honey... please hold the TV down while i watch the game... Johns doing his demos again...