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Do you really think a new U.S. president would make a difference at this point in the game??

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posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 12:22 AM
Do you really think if Pres. Bush was somehow replaced or stepped down from office that things would dramaticly change around the world?
IMO I think everything is pretty much set in motion and we are all along for the ride. It seems there is no turning back now regarding the war in Iraq,on Terrorism and the race for nukes. I for one like Bush. He is not without fault but he has backbone and he is a true American. I know he will protect America at all cost. There will always be a dominant country in the world. Im just glad its The U.S.

[edit on 3-8-2005 by Digital_Reality]

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
Do you really think if Pres. Bush was somehow replaced or stepped down from office that things would dramaticly change around the world?
IMO I think everything is pretty much set in motion and we are all along for the ride. It seems there is no turning back now regarding the war in Iraq,on Terrorism and the race for nukes. I for one like Bush. He is not without fault but he has backbone and he is a true American. I know he will protect America at all cost. There will always be a dominant country in the world. Im just glad its The U.S.

[edit on 3-8-2005 by Digital_Reality]

Yes. I think it would make at least some difference. Bush is a flippin idiot IMHO, i mean, i honestly thought your country had a whole system setup to stop people who don't know the meaning of national sovereignty from becoming president.

I'm sorry but I cant help but feel you have a rather selfish view upon all of this. I mean, how many innocent people must be killed to help 'protect america'?

How many lives will it take?

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 02:57 AM
I, for one, would be willing to try.

>we are all along for the ride

Interesting that you seem to approve of the Preseident, but you would say something like this. Please...claritfy. What exactly do you believe will happen on this ride we are "along for?" Where does it lead?

>there is no turning back now regarding
>the war in Iraq

Why not? Is there any reason we couldn't, today, order troop carriers to start returning soliders to our shores? Any reason other than extremely foolish and misplaced pride, that is?

>on Terrorism

Forgive me...I have always found this expression a bit...amusing. I mean...are you terrified? I'm not terrified. What exactly are you terrified of?

>race for nukes

What race? Anyone in the world who wants nuclear weapon can have them. They're simply not that difficult to build. Do you remember that great big concern over Iraq having purchased aluminum tubes because they were a "major component" is the construction of nuclear weapons?

Aluminum tubes?

>I for one like Bush.
>he is a true American.

What are your criteria?

> There will always be a dominant country in the world.
>Im just glad its The U.S.

If I may paraphrase: You're just glad that you're not on receiving end of what we dish out?

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 10:17 AM
Obviously terrorists are trying to get their hands on nukes and not to mention Iran and Korea trying to further their nuke programs. And you think at this point we could just bring all our troops home from Iraq and stop the war on terrorism and watch other country’s that are less civilized just continue killing their own people by the thousands.
And LordBucket, no im not

"just glad that you're not on receiving end of what we dish out"

Im glad im not in a third world country that kills people in soccer stadiums and makes their women wear bed sheets over their whole body like ghosts and not let them attend schools and. oh and lets not forget mustard gassing innocent civilians for no reason at all.
And as far as there being no turning back now and being along for the ride I ment that. We have declared war on all terrorist and they have on us as well. Americans are hated more now than ever. Gone are the days of Americans vacationing in Egypt or Iraq or any other country at all for that matter.
And im sure your thinking we are hated because we force our beliefs on other country’s or we try to police other country’s or we want to steal oil or blah blah blah. But it is really because we are about the most civilized country in the world and other country’s hate our freedoms and beliefs and want us to be miserable and to live by horrible standards like they do because they are monsters. (I’m referring to the terrorist by the way). I’m not saying our President and our country are the saviors of the world and we are without fault and wrong doing. But Bush lives in America and its his country also .I don’t think his intentions are to destroy the American dream or ruin the country he lives in.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 10:32 AM
Of course not.

The Power in America no longer is with the President, it is with big business.

The Senate, Congress, et al are just pawns. Look at NAFTA and CAFTA, they have not been good for the American people or the Mexican people (NAFTA) yet they go and pass CAFTA?

Who will benefit? Big business - as normal.


lets not forget mustard gassing innocent civilians for no reason at all.

Let's all be glad America has never got involved in any sort of genocide on its own people...oh mistake, they have - several times in fact.

Imagine that?

High horse - off of it.

[edit on 3/8/2005 by Odium]

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 10:32 AM
Good question, sorry I cannot answer to my satisfaction though..
Your point regarding his backbone I find interesting as it'd that backbone that decided to go to war in Iraq without UN Support; that backbone who stood up in the UN saying 'do we consider the UN irrelevant?'.

The man's words and actions have created distrust and hate from former allies and friends. He came on like a Worldwide Bully like all nations shared some kind of responsibility for the 911 Disaster, which now many are looking at him for it's cause.

Personally, I respected Bush 1 but somehow his working with allies ethics didn't make the pass to Bush 2 and now look at the mess. With more Americans dieing each day in that oil infested dust bowl.

Yah..he has backbone though..


posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 11:11 AM

Let's all be glad America has never got involved in any sort of genocide on its own people...oh mistake, they have - several times in fact.

Imagine that?

High horse - off of it.

When and where has America knowingly and purposely been involved in this mass genocide on its own people?
And before you compare some lame unproven conspiracy or incident to the evil doings of a monstrous dictator or terrorist. Think about what you type.

[edit on 3-8-2005 by Digital_Reality]

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 11:19 AM
A) I live in Europe.
B) Native Americans.
C) Hispanics.
D) Blacks.

Stannard, David E. "American Holocaust" 1992 Oxford University Press Inc.


I can source hundreds of books, which proove my point.

America is not the highly moral, beautiful nation which can lead us by example. Until what 1979 it still had segregated Schools?


And don't assume I live in America, my Great-Great-Grandparents were smart enough to leave the hypocritical nation whose own constitution is abused by racist, bigots still today. (Like not allowing Native American's to practice their religion in prisons till 98 or 02.)

[edit on 3/8/2005 by Odium]

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 11:49 AM
I caught the fact that you live in Europe a little late.
As far as the genocide of Americans, Blacks? Hispanics?
I know we brought Africans to America to use as slaves but I don’t remember trying to wipe their race out. (Not saying slavery is in any way more humane than the other) Hispanics are at this minute crawling thru a ditch or climbing a fence or paddling in a river in a hulled out 57 Chevy just to get to this so called horrible country. But we are a different country than we were then. And Native Americans. Well that was a horrible chapter in American history that you are indeed right about. But in modern day America, Native Americans, African Americans and even Hispanics hold government offices in this great country. And are Voters,Teachers,Doctors,Lawers,Senators and so on and so on.. We are as far as I am concerned "America the great" and President Bush would get my vote again if he could run for another term.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 12:04 PM
No. If the NWO is smart enough and and strong enough they could probably take even a president down.

[edit on 8/3/2005 by Lifeadventurer]

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 12:10 PM

And don't assume I live in America, my Great-Great-Grandparents were smart enough to leave the hypocritical nation whose own constitution is abused by racist, bigots still today. (Like not allowing Native American's to practice their religion in prisons till 98 or 02.)
Oh and im sorry our country does not jump at every want need and request right away and get Apple Pie, Cable TV and prayer beads for murders and rapists and other criminals. I don’t consider that a disregard for religious rights .I see it to be a loophole criminals sometimes use to take advantage of the system that they put themselves in. noone is stopping them from praying in their cell or dancing in their cell to the moon god. The system is just not giving them access to a holy mall of relics books and trinkets because it is impossible to do so..

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 12:25 PM
NWO took down Kennedy and he was a million times the president Bush is.

Plus if Bush is impeached or steps down u get cheney. are you crazy? You want to get rid of red riding hood to get the wolf?

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 12:44 PM
Vote Jeb Bush for president for next term!

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by RebelSaint
NWO took down Kennedy and he was a million times the president Bush is.

Plus if Bush is impeached or steps down u get cheney. are you crazy? You want to get rid of red riding hood to get the wolf?

LOL! Really? A thousand times better? Kennedy dealt the nation many blows via EO's that furthered the NWO. I would have to ask you the same question you posed to another; what is your criteria?

I think we've seen that it makes little difference. Reagan didn't belong to any of the clubs, but his cabinet was stacked. Bush 1 was a deep member, and Clinton was even worse, belonging to the CFR, the Tri-Lats as well aas the Bilderburgers. While Al and Kerry are also members and Bush isn't, Bush's cabinet has them there, and the Veep is a serious member.

We've allowed those against liberty and individual freedoms to shape our future for so long that it is like trying to stop a runaway locomotive; you don't do it easily and it doesn't happen in a blink of an eye.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 01:40 PM
I think its safe to say perfect Government is an oxymoron

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

LOL! Really? A thousand times better? Kennedy dealt the nation many blows via EO's that furthered the NWO. I would have to ask you the same question you posed to another; what is your criteria?

Kennedy had his faults but damnit, he was a man who atleast formed his own opinions and coherent complete sentences. Kennedy's last two EO's were to end the Vietnam War and curb the growing power of the rogue CIA, both of which were immediately reversed by his replacement LBJ.

I agree that it seems there is no hope and regardless of the puppet-in-chief presented to the people, the same cabal of powerful men behind the scenes are continuously running this country going on 40 years now.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 02:17 PM

I hope that you are either:

1 in the milatary
2 on your way to boot camp
3 have applications and resumes out to civilian contractors.

or is it ok by you for others to do the dirty work.

We are talking lives of our precious young people here. Not some abstract ideology just to make us feel superior. I personally don't give a damn about bringing freedom to Iraq. If they wanted freedom they would have staged a revolution like we did or anyother people that hates tyranny.
But if it's about oil so i can drive my SUV; thats different. Just tell me the truth! I didn't like it when Clinton lied and and I don't like it now.

[edit on 3-8-2005 by whaaa]

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 02:34 PM
Mother-Retired Army
Father-Retired Airforce
Me-Computer Tech./American,Taxpayer.
Willing to do my part in any way be it with a Gun,Tank, or a keyboard.
I did not think I needed to valadate my opinion by serving in the millitary.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 02:51 PM

Do you really think if Pres. Bush was somehow replaced or stepped down from office that things would dramaticly change around the world?

No. Especially if Cheney got in, it'd just be a hell of a lot worse.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 07:19 PM
Last I checked D.R. you were not guilty, till proven. While under-arrest you are still innocent.

Several Native American tribes (in the South) were black.
I quoted you a nice source, which if you get a hold of you'll see explain what the Government was getting up till - till well into the 1980's.

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