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What if a PRez-Candidate Promised to Disclose?

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posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 11:51 PM
So, say during the next election a presidential candidate swore to the nation that if elected, he will do everything in his power to not only break open and obtain access to information related to alien life, but force it's discloser to the public.

Would you vote for them based solely on this?

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 12:06 AM
They would never let him get elected...
and you assume it would be a HE :O

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 12:52 AM
Would I vote for him or her just based on this one thing, not a chance. The job of President is just too important to base on a single stance, no matter how much I might want to do so.

We have kinda already had this happen actually. Jimmy Carter said he would do basically what you stated, although not quite as strongly. However, once he got in office that was the end of it. Kinda makes you wonder.


posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 12:56 AM
Would it really matter if they said it BEFORE being elected?

After all, its a POLITICAL promise. Doesnt mean it comes true.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 01:08 AM
Do you honestly think the president has the power for full disclosure? I think its a lot like on ID4 when they are talking about Area-51 and the president says it doesnt exist and his secretary of defense says thats not exactly true.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 01:10 AM
"If I become President, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists. I am
convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen
one." President Jimmy Carter during his
Presidential campaign.

Infact, he had a UFO sighting too.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 01:14 AM
There is the matter of "need to know basis" for such information.

The ones that want to know, do not need to know. Including the president.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by Dulcimer
There is the matter of "need to know basis" for such information.

The ones that want to know, do not need to know. Including the president.

Speak for yourself, I need to know!
Who decides who needs to know anyway? What do they KNOW?

Regarding the original question....I think presidents have promised to disclose in the past. Carter's one and I think there were a couple of others who had the question asked of them. I know Clinton asked about UFOs when he first got into office.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Flinx

Who decides who needs to know anyway?

I have wondered that myself. I made an entire thread about it once.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 02:53 AM
Doesn't matter if they promised disclosure or not. Once they get elected, they become puppets on a string. The big bucks run the show. If the President tried to get full disclosure, rest assured it will never see the light. The 'powers that be' or 'New World Order' would put so much pressure on the President's party that if he/she tried to continue with the disclosure, he/she would be committing political suicide. If that shouldn't deter our Disclosure hopefull, then they might try to get the President impeached on trumped up charges. And if that doesn't work there's always the drive down a narrow street in an open car.

The only way we will see a President call for disclosure is when the money bags(NWO) think its time.

There is a way but it would be such a massive job, I don't think any group would be up to the task. "And what would that way be?" A simple petition, well I shouldn't say 'simple', more like a 'massive' one. Getting 2,000 to 10,000 signatures will not do the trick. You will need to go to all 50 States and try to get signature count of at least 70% of the U.S. populus. The government is there to serve the people and if such a petition ever came to their front door they would have to honor it, even if they are being pressured.

Going to leave it here and let others have their say.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 03:19 AM
I dont think the NWO could do alot if once they start pressureing him/her he/she could simply find out the organisations/companys and nationalize them. Problem solved NWO people no longer have any money , resources or power. Then round them up using whatever forces you want and lock them in gitmo as enemys of the state.

There you go how to beat the NWO in a nutshell its simple realy.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 04:40 AM
If a want to be President made such a statement I would doubt that he would not live long enoungh to take another shower. Could you hear the D.O.D. and the heads of all the other Black Ops big shots? They (the black ops heads) would dispose of the want to be President in a hurry because all of the massive funding that has and is still pouring into the programs would be put in jeporady and maybe would put it all in severe panic. Panic among the LEGAL AMERICANS would be severe if we were told the truth. In a way I'm glad we do not know but on the other hand, we have the right to know what all our taxpayer money is going.

[edit on 3-8-2005 by FLYIN HIGH]

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 08:45 AM
The president could never fully disclose anything. First, he/she would never know enough to disclose. Second, those who do would never allow it. The president is a puppet, and those who pull the stings would make sure that no such thing ever occurs. Disclosure will never come from the government. But for some reason, if it ever did, it would not be the truth. It would be twisted into some version that requires more government control in your lives. Most likely thru a fear based scenerio where they tell us that we are at risk of an alien threat, thus the gov't needs to impose even stricter control over the masses.

Just a quick little ramble on that subject

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 09:13 AM
My personal favorite theory is that the group (whatever you want to call it, Majestic, Interplanetary Phenomena Unit, etc.) was established by the president after the unexplained 1942 mass UFO sighting over LA...and then later upgraded after Roswell. There is some support for this, but some of the documents (those not FOIA released) are of course in question... Still, the theory holds that presidents were briefed by the group upon taking office and that the last one to be so briefed was JFK.

Many hold that he was assassinated because he wanted to release the info to the public. Personally, I haven't seen any evidence of that, but there were a million reasons to get JFK out of the picture...whether you were the mafia, CIA, etc. just to name a couple. Bush Sr. was likely the last president to know much about it, due to his stint as head spook for the CIA, and other background dealings. (and of course, it seems plausible that Reagan knew as well).

Carter indeed promise to disclose, but there are many accounts of him quickly changing gears on this, and even accounts of apparently appearing fearful when the subject was raised.

Bottom line, I doubt the president knows jack these days, regarding this unit, (whatever they are currently called)...or the truth about EBE existence. Since Nixon, "plausible deniability" is pretty much policy, and no reason to doubt it doesn't hold true for this as well...

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 09:40 AM
You've also got to recognise that 'disclosure' is a difficult term. What exactly would the President be disclosing? That UFOs and alien races are real and are visiting Earth? That certain governments have dealings with them? Keep in mind that the only way such disclosure would take place would be if the President actually knew something significant. He's not going to appear on TV and say "Well, yeah, we've been researching UFOs for a while but don't really have anything conclusive". For the President to actually 'disclose' something, it would have to be a fairly significant something. So imagine, if you will, the following scenario:

You wake up tomorrow morning, tired and blurry-eyed. You get some coffee, make yourself breakfast and casually turn on the TV, only to discover that the same thing is on every channel. You think "Oh God, I hope there hasn't been another terrorist attack". But then you see the White House Press Room and hear "Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States". The President explains that alien creatures are very real and are from another star system. He tells the world that the U.S. Government has known about them for many decades and has been studying them intently. He admits that the government has either ongoing contact with aliens or has recovered the remains of alien spacecraft. He goes into detail about the aliens and their vehicles - describing how they look, where they think they're from, what they think they want here on Earth and so on. He admits that they are incredibly more advanced than we are. Every single channel has commentary from a plethora of experts, abductees are screaming "I told you so" and major networks are demanding tours of Groom Lake and other military installations to view the evidence for themselves. Now it's 8:00 and time for you to go to work. Would you go, or would you stay in front of the TV and watch the greatest secret of all time be revealed? Your mind has a million questions: why has the government kep this a secret? Are we in danger? What does this mean for my religious beliefs? The President urges people not to panic. Now you might, sitting here at your computer where this is still an imaginary scenario, casually say "I wouldn't panic, I would react in such-and-such a fashion. But really imagine it. Imagine it were on the TV right now, as a breaking story. "Aliens are real. They're here. They exist". Now tell me you and everybody else would react calmly.

This would be a story bigger than anything else in the history of Humanity. There is no way society could continue to operate as it had before this disclosure. Panic would, in my opinion, be inevitable, because either the government has dealings with the aliens or they don't, and both are frightening in their implications.

Disclosure will never happen, unless the aliens themselves appear before the world. A President would be irresponsible, in my opinion, to disclose any knowledge he or she had regarding the existence of aliens.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 09:46 AM
Since I was already an adult during the Carter-Ford race and followed it closely, I was surprised to hear the story about Carter and the Full UFO disclosure thing (although I do remember quite well the "crazed bunny" incident). I don't remember him saying such a thing.

About a year ago, I spent a couple of hours on the Internet trying to track down the actual incident and the quote itself, with no success.

What I did find was this comment from Walter Wurfel, Carter Deputy Press Secretary, on February 28, 1977:

"Whatever statement you saw concerning President Carter’s view on UFOs was not exactly what he said. He had seen something that he thought was unexplainable that possibly might have been a UFO and he will certainly disclose and describe any unusual phenomena he might see. He is committed to the fullest possible openness in government and would support full disclosure of material that was not defense sensitive that might relate to UFOs. He did not, however, pledge to "make every piece of information concerning the UFOs available to the public." There might be some aspects of some sightings that would have defense implications that possibly should be safe-guarded against immediate and full disclosure."

Since this incident purportedly took place in 1976 (I assume it did, since that's when Carter was running for president), anyone who actually heard it would be around fifty by now.

I'm not saying that Cartner didn't say such a thing, because he had a penchant for saying whatever popped into his head (which is pretty refreshing for a politician). But I'm wondering whether or not anyone has some actual links to contemporary sources, or whether the "Carter has promised full disclosure" is just another Internet myth -- or, to be more precise, an Internet distortion.

My guess is that what Carter was supposed to have said per his press secretary is pretty close to what he did say, and the comment was sensationalized to sell more papers, and the UFO community jumped on the news reports (as opposed to finding out what he actually did say) to bolster their beliefs.

Anybody have any input?

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 09:47 AM

Now it's 8:00 and time for you to go to work. Would you go, or would you stay in front of the TV and watch the greatest secret of all time be revealed?

Definitely stay at home...anything to use an excuse not to go into the office

A President would be irresponsible, in my opinion, to disclose any knowledge he or she had regarding the existence of aliens.

What would be more responsible? Letting an alien entity disclose themselves when you knew fully that they would do so, or taking the first step before they could do it themselves? I'd say it's a safe bet that panic is innevitable if and when disclosure occurs. But which would cause the most panic? Us or them disclosing?

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 09:53 AM

Definitely stay at home...anything to use an excuse not to go into the office

"I thought the aliens might get me, boss".

mpeake - Hmm, I hadn't considered the notion of "do it before they do". I was looking at it more from a purely whimsical, "this'll-help-get-me-elected" stance. But I agree with you - if the aliens are going to reveal themselves, and you know it, better to get in first and reassure the public that everything will be okay. Good luck with that, says I.

By the way, nice to finally get the chance to chat with you.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 10:06 AM
Sadly enough, using disclosure as a way to get elected is pretty much going to do the opposite. Not that the people wouldn't want disclosure (expecially considering most polls show that the majority of the public beleive ET exist and the gov't is hiding their knowledge). It's just that those who are really in "power" wouldn't allow a candidate to use that as a platform.

By the way, nice to finally get the chance to chat with you.

Definitely, same to you!

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 10:14 AM

My guess is that what Carter was supposed to have said per his press secretary is pretty close to what he did say, and the comment was sensationalized to sell more papers, and the UFO community jumped on the news reports (as opposed to finding out what he actually did say) to bolster their beliefs.

A fair and valid question...and it's right on the tip of my brain, hopefully back in a sec....

EDIT: Here you go...with names, dates, press outlets, etc.

In June 1976, Jimmy Carter was quoted by the National Enquirer as promising, " If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one."

This widely quoted statement led to a deluge of UFO mail into the White House. What was not widely disclosed was the fact that Carter never said this to the National Enquirer reporter Jim McCandlish. McCandlish, a free lancer for the National Enquirer, approached Carter on the campaign trial and asked him about his sighting, and plans to deal with UFOs as President. Although Carter was interested in the question, he was "nowhere near as committal as the National Enquirer made it out to be."

Carter, however, did say something very similar during a campaign stop in Appleton, Wisconsin on the morning of March 31, 1976. During a news conference at the airport, Thomas Heiman, Associate Director of the UFO Education Center in Appleton Wisconsin, asked Carter a question.

Heiman: As President, would you air what’s "behind-closed-doors" today in regards to UFOs?

Carter: I don’t know what to make of it. However, some of the sightings have been witnessed by 20 to 25 people, law enforcement officers, and everyone in the cockpit of a major airplane, and so forth. But I can’t tell you what to make of it. If I knew, I’d be the only one in the world who does. But, yes, I would make these kinds of data available to the public, as President, to help resolve the mystery about it.

Heiman: On a public basis?

Carter: Yes, on a public basis.

Following the news conference, Jimmy Carter spoke with the questioner Thomas H. Heiman, Associate Director of the UFO Education Center in Appleton. Heiman told Carter of the extensive films and evidence held by the Center. In reply, Carter thanked Heiman for the offer to review the evidence. Further he told Heiman that " a meeting could be arranged sometime after the election" when he could meet with the group and review the material they had.

Following Carter’s election, the White House staff moved to distance themselves from the UFO Education Center. One meeting, with the members of the UFO Education Center, was held in the Executive Office Building with Richard Reiman, from the Office of Public Liaison. Phone calls and letters were exchanged, but despite the fact that Carter had promised to meet with the group, in the end Fran Voorde, the Director of Scheduling for the President gave the group the kiss-off.

The President is indeed grateful for the willingness of Ms. Blob and her associates to come in and talk with him in an effort to be helpful and would like to see personally all who now are expressing this desire. If circumstances permitted, he would be glad to meet with them but, most unfortunately, the heavy demands on his time just will not allow him to do so.

Also, his sighting was officially filed, etc. While the Enquirer misquote started it, the fact is Carter has reiterated the stance prior to election, in other campaign spots, etc.

[edit on 3-8-2005 by Gazrok]

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