posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 09:31 PM
The name SimonGray is actually a play-on-words. You see SimonGray's real identity is that of Mr. Simon Badman, a member of UK�s secretive SO2
Battlespace Team. Somehow his identity scrub isn�t complet. He is shown here on the attendee list for an AFEI event.
AFEI The Association For Enterprise Integration. I want to party with these people. Check out their agenda for an upcoming event.
�Classified sessions on Days 3 and 4 will offer insights from the operational and technical professionals who are making precision target geolocation
the dynamic and highly successful field that it is. In keeping with past Workshops, we will have up-to-date operational feedback from analysis of
airborne targeting in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF).�
The good Mr. Badman has always been fascinated with those twinkling lights above. From boyhood dreams of being Captain Kirk, Mr. Badman has held the
course true. Mr. Badman completed his degree in Computer Science in Networking from University of Luton, graduating in the top 5% of his class.
Shortly thereafter, Mr. Badman was recruited by SO2 and has been with �The Family� for nearly a decade.
His biological family consisted only of his father and mother, who both tragically died aboard Pan Am 103. With no real familial connections, Simon
Badman was a perfect candidate for SO2. During his short civilian adult life, Simon was the quiet and loner type but had a certain way with women. He
was more methodical, borderline cunning, in his selection methods. He would spend months and months observing, before making contact with women.
This all leaves one blaring question. What about ATS? Well in school, instead of playing sports or taking photographs for the school newspaper, he
investigated crop circles. After years of crop circle research, he came interested in rumors of secret dealings between governments and aliens. An
altruist at heart SimonGray has made it his lifelong mission to get the genie out of the bottle and ATS is a manifestation of that dream. I believe
SimonGray has established this site without the consent or knowledge of his employer. He takes great pain to insulate his identity from both his
employer and his ravaging fans. While I cannot reveal his identity, I can show you his latest project.
[Edited on 28-8-2003 by kukla]