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lol pbs kids show did 666

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posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 05:57 PM

im not a religious person , but i saw something messed up today

on this PBS kids show...i forget the name
my wife knows ill ask her

but this kids daytime cartoon show teaches kids how to count numbers
bigger numbers like very simple geometry ...
its got kids that ride a bike; skateboard; skates; and they do a bunch of tricks lol

well anyways; these kids were doing some math problem

and it had 666 on there
and then they were like
"oh look at it this way its the same!"

ok why are they telling my kid that 666 is the same horizontally 666
as vertically

and why couldnt they use 665 or 566 or something else? theres plenty of other numbers to use u know
Infinite numbers to choose; but they choose 666

they Highlighted it and make it flashy colors

it was very precise and thought out

so heres my conspiracy theorys

theory 1

i think someone infiltrated the cartoons and put 666 there on purpose to get all the christians mad so that they could change PBS away from science
and make it more religious TV channel *which is bad*

or theory 2

there could be a satanist who put it in there to brainwash kids to love satan lol *which is bad*

or theory 3

there could be a idiot who put it in there to make a funny joke; and didnt realize the backlash that it would create *which is bad too lol *

one of those theorys should be pretty close to the truth behind the
PBS 666 incident lmao!

well; ive reported you the truth interested christians

but keep in mind ,
i am in no way responsible for how you react

i will take no responsiblity for the anger this causes

Direct it at PBS not me lol
i just thought it was weird and should be pointed out

i dont believe in religion but even i know putting 666 on PBS kids show and making a big deal out of it is stupid and wrong and begging for trouble

ill find out the name of the show later

[edit on 1-8-2005 by muzzleflash]

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 06:16 PM
You got to tell me the name of this show. It's soo funny how they put stuff like that on PBS.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by GoldEagle
You got to tell me the name of this show. It's soo funny how they put stuff like that on PBS.

cyber something
ill edit this when i get the full name

lol ya it seems PBS wants trouble...maybe its a military psy-op to distract us ?

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 06:23 PM
That is strange. Thing is PBS is funded by viewers. So i am sure it would be a great tool for a group who may want to get certain things across for certain reasons we may not know.
If a group was to tell PBS they were going to supply them with a constant flow of money in exchange for having a say in certain things they want shown on certain programs, it could happen.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 06:55 PM
Whats the big deal? Its not like they had the middlefinger on there. 6+6+6 is just a simple additiion problem. What do you expect them to censor numbers now? Are they going to get rid of page 666 in books because its 'offensive'? I mean honestly 666 is just an obscure number combination in the book of revelation. Whats next you cant tell kids to call 911 because it brings up bad memories of 9/11? Just let it be. Its not the end of the world.
Whaat were you doing watching kids TV anyway?

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 07:09 PM
VEGEMITE, 666 is hardly a "obscure" number in the Bible Revelations. It's been used in numerous movies, TV shows, books, etc. to represent the devil and the majority of people if aske what 666 menas will tell you it's suppossed to be the devils number even they have not read the Bible.
It's aliitle more then an "obscure" number, come on...

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 08:08 PM
Fine its a number thats synonomous with the devil. But doesnt the bible also say something about how recognizing evil gives the devil power

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 08:17 PM
No, actually i don't think it says that anywhere in the Bible( i may be wrong but i have never come across it saying that).
It does say let their be wisdom, for the number of the beast is that of a man and the number is 666 (not in those exact words as i am not looking at the bible right now, but that is pretty close to what it says). So if anything the Bible is telling you to reconize the number as that of the beast and presenting a warning about it as it is supposed to be a mark that the beast tries to make all take in their hand or forehead. those who take it or said to be doomed while those that do not are said to eventually be saved...but those who do not take it will find it hard to live in the meantime as only those who take it will be able to buy or sell things (like food, etc) and work, etc.

[edit on 1-8-2005 by GREGNOW]

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 08:51 PM
I've seen that show, my little cousin makes me watch those shows ALL the time...I think it's called "Cyber Chase?" I'm not sure. Anyway, what would be the point of putting 666 on a little kids' show? It's not like they know what it means, and probably won't even remember it in 5 minutes.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 09:05 PM
Shredded ice, if someone wanted people to become "apathetic" to the meaning that 666 is supposed to have , the best time to put it into someones mind is when they are a kid and make it look like 666 is no big deal. the kids have not been around long enough to come up with notions on what 666 is suppossed to stand for. so if it is drilled into their heads at a young age, they grow up being "apathetic" to the number 666.
Also kids remember a lot of what they see on TV.
Just the other day my 5 yr old neice started singing TNT by ac/dc as she was playing with her toys. i asked her how she knew that song and she said she hears her brother (my nephew) playing it in his bedroom now and then.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 09:13 PM
So you're saying that someone SUPPOSEDLY putting the number 666 into ONE television program is going to drill it into a kid's head? I don't think so. And if there were a global conspiracy to insert 666 into every educational program in the world, I think we'd know about it, right? I mean, people would notice the pattern.

P.S. I just checked, the show is indeed called "Cyber Chase."

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 09:17 PM
Actually i am not really saying that. i am saying it is weird that out of all the possible numbers that they could have used, they pick 666, you know?
I was then just giving possible reasons. i am not saying i believe them. Just trying to figure out why they would use the 666 of all numbers when there is such an evil stigam attached to. It's the evilest number in existence, you know?

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 09:31 PM
the reason i was watching it ; i just walked in and my wife and little kid were watching and my wife said "oh look 666"

they made a big deal out of it
a least 1minute or 2minute duration something around there

heres another theory

maybe it was a military psyop + theorys 1 and 2
thats a nefarious scenario
it may even get far deeper than that... originating with banksters lol
and it really could be the devil taunting us but i dont know

i dont really believe in the devil; but i do believe other people believe in the devil; which is what scares me the most

even if it was a guy playing a joke; its not good buisness for PBS
i bet most people wont accept it

how did it get by the editors? *back to theorys 1+2+psyop(4)+ bankers(5)

the editors were in on the joke too??

heck lets pretend for one moment that the republican and democrat partys were actually agianst each other and there was no unified conspiracy lol

some people will say "the republicans infiltrated PBS to ruin them so they can get america to make them LESS LIBERAL"

and the others will say "the democrats are lying! THEY purposely put 666 all over it!!!"

well....its possible there is no "unified conspiracy" but; its up to every individual to decide what they think is true and isnt true

i personally do not know what is true save 5 or so common knowledge things 'death taxes etc

ill shutup now lmao!

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 09:37 PM
That's hilarious.

If anyone would like to take a look at the website for the show, it's at

Anyone want to play the games a bit and look for subliminal messages and occult symbols?

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 12:02 AM
Lol its fun to make connections like this.

Dont take anything I say next seriously, but I just went to the site and viewed todays material

When Hacker decides to learn magic, you know that he's up to no good!

Magic as in....... (fill in connection to 666 here)

Meanwhile, the Cyber Squad helps Sharri Spotter prepare for the Sorcerer's Ball.

Sorcerer eh?

But will they dispel Hacker's plan to become the most powerful sorcerer in Cyberspace?

(make strange connection to 666 and symbolism here)

Good clean fun for kids !


posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 01:34 AM
The number of the beast is 616, or so recent information says.
The name Jesus Christ adds up to 666 in some Gematria
and the Hebrew name of god YHWH does too.

Over reacting to Cyberchase is a typical lunatic over reacting to PBS shows.
Shows a very weak mind.

Look everyone:
6 6 6
On above top
This place must be influencing people toward Satanism.

A sucker is born every minute, indeed.

Cyberchase is an excellent kids program that teaches tons of math.
The theme song is cool too.

[edit on 2-8-2005 by Legalizer]

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
and it had 666 on there
and then they were like
"oh look at it this way its the same!"
thing else? theres plenty of other numbers to use u know

there could be a idiot
[edit on 1-8-2005 by muzzleflash]

I would hope that more people are concerned by your lack of clear thought and language skills than the selection of numbers used in a math example problem on a children's show.

There is reason for concern here... though perhaps it is not the reason you were thinking of. And yes, i agree, "there could be a idiot" involved in this matter.

Please note: if English is your second or third language, please let me know. I suspect, however, that most polyglots take matters such as thinking and writing clearly a bit more seriously.

[edit on 2-8-2005 by TheeStateMachine]

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by TheeStateMachine
I would hope that more people are concerned by your lack of clear thought and language skills than the selection of numbers used in a math example problem on a children's show.

There is reason for concern here... though perhaps it is not the reason you were thinking of. And yes, i agree, "there could be a idiot" involved in this matter.

Please note: if English is your second or third language, please let me know. I suspect, however, that most polyglots take matters such as thinking and writing clearly a bit more seriously.
[edit on 2-8-2005 by TheeStateMachine]

if your just going to throw cryptic insults and not address the subject matter in a mature way than why post at all?

if you would have read my post you would realize that i said nothing of the sort of which your insinuating

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 01:32 AM
or, the producers knew the 666 issue would be a big deal to people a bit older than the recommended veiwing age, tell their friends, who sit down to watch this "devil show" for themselves.

Realizing that it isnt a devil show, they let their kids watch it.

is there such a thing as bad publicity?


P.S. that was a retorical question, i dont expect/want an answer.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 03:15 AM
I,ve been watching a kids shows and have noticed the number 666 a lot for instance a kids show called totally spies had a zombie episode and they showed the radio frequence of where the zombies were and it was 66.6 freaky

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