posted on May, 24 2008 @ 03:56 AM
Jeez some of you guys really don't know what beautiful music actually is. RHCP!?
Green Day!?
Foo Fighters!?
Get off the pop rock (and yes it is pop rock, simply branded otherwise) and start listening to some real music. Stairway to Heaven and Hallelujah were
some of the only worthy inclusions I noticed, but if you want truly euphoric music which will touch your soul and give you multiple orgasms you really
can look no further than Radiohead.
While it might not sound so brilliant when you first hear it, multiple listens will reveal intricacies and beauty you never knew existed in music,
and it acts upon you like a drug, putting you in a seemingly higher mental state. Trust me I know first hand, and it is phenomenal.
I recommend listening to it through headphones, in bed, all alone in complete darkness and let the music overwhelm you. Street Spirit, Exit Music,
Climbing Up The Walls (that one will scare you), Lucky, How To Disappear Completely, Pyramid Song and Videotape do it best.
Please take my word for it and give it a try, and it may be sad, by don't let it make you commit suicide.