posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 11:33 PM
Hi, musical ?TSers.
Here are some from you all in previous messages :
"Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica
Your Song by Elton John
Let it be - Beatles
Beethoven's 9th Symphony.
Bach's hits of course !
"Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon and Garfunkel
ABBA: 'The Winner Takes It All'
YESSSSS I love them ALL !
And from me :
Celestial voices, Pink Floyd?
Almost All of what Enya did.
Hotel California. . .
AND NOW, I discovered her, a few month ago.
That tune is sooooooo loved that is has been edited
to be 9:03 minutes long ! !
Sarah Brightman, "Fleurs du Mal". Listen to that :
. . .and tell us the effect it does on you !
The mix of pop and classical music's instruments is perfect.
The violins background beat is soooo. . determined/heavy/penetrating/pompous...
The choir section is soooooo grandiose.
Blue skies