(I'm half asleep, but I had to mention something about this)
This is scarry for a number of reasons.
1) You are right, Astronomer68 ... why wasn't this done a while ago? Just to let you all know, Canada took a step in this direction over a week
ago... just days after the attack...wouldn't be surprised of the Canadian government saw right through the whole thing, and said... "Enough is
enough of this sort of crap..."
As far as I can remember its always been illegal to threaten death and destruction through any communications medium ... personally I never really
believed that any of those sites were run by anyone even remotely connected with terrorism. For all we know its some bored kids in the UAE, or they
could be intelligence fronts, they could be "honey pots" of some sort ... they could have been used to "monitor" threats from unpredictable
factions that are dumb enough to announce their moves to the world before acting... I could go on (you know that) ...but what I've always thought is
that as propaganda or organizing tools for the "terrorists" these sites would be fairly useless. If you were "the terrorists" and you knew you
were technologically at as disadvantage, would you use communications tools (for anything important) that could be easily compromised by your enemy?
Of course not. So what REAL purpose have these sites ever really served anyway? Everything I want to say but I'm still too tired and have to go back
to bed is right here with comments...
2) Interestingly enough, this comes on the heals of the discovery that the AQ web site which took responsibility for 7/7 was located INSIDE the
United States...
www.whatreallyhappened.com... (read the bottom part specially)
Then check this propaganda out...
www.rightwingnews.com... .. interesting spin? No?
So I'm not surprised, now that everyone started asking questions about these sites, that something is finally being done about it.
I AM surprised... that who ever did it shut down the sites, isn't taking responsibility for it.. and you know how hackers are, specially with
everyone saying "Good job." ... odd that no one has boasted about actually shutting sites, instead what we have the Israelis claming someone else
must have done it... interesting how they always seem to know all about these attacks (terror or otherwise) and who did it before anyone else does.
3) And this is the MOST important scarry thing.... www.whatreallyhappened.com... ... specially with all that seems to be lurking
on the horizon.
See this same thing happened JUST BEFORE.. 9-11. Why? Well read.. because I can't type for another minute here. I stayed up just to mention point
#3... so.. sorry if this post is a little confusing... I can barely keep my eyes open at this point.. ready to pass out.. but I JUST HAD to mention #3
since... since I feel like there is a bigger reason for this announcement.
PS: Prepare... because "something" is coming.