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WAR: Dozens of Al Qaeda websites shutdown overnight

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posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 12:45 PM
It appears the british are dead set on putting an end to global terrorism. Israeli intellegence report that overnight, almost a dozen hardlined extremist websites were shut down..
Over the past fortnight Israeli intelligence agents have noticed something distinctly odd happening on the internet. One by one, Al-Qaeda’s affiliated websites have vanished until only a handful remain, write Uzi Mahnaimi and Alex Pell.

Someone has cut the line of communication between the spiritual leaders of international terrorism and their supporters. Since 9/11 the websites have been the main links to disseminate propaganda and information.

The Israelis detect the hand of British intelligence, determined to torpedo the websites after the London attacks of July 7.

One global jihad site terminated recently was an inflammatory Pakistani site,, in which a section entitled How to Strike a European City gave full technical instructions. Tens of similar sites, some offering detailed information on how to build and use biological weapons, have also been shut down. However, Islamic sites believed to be “moderate”, remain.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Maybe this will curve the communication and hate-spreading a bit. Though I think the process of shutting down websites, regardless of material, is somewhat controversial.. but I believe the sites targeted warranted the wipe out..

[edit on 7/31/2005 by QuietSoul]

[edit on 7/31/2005 by QuietSoul]

[edit on 7/31/2005 by QuietSoul]

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 12:59 PM
Next stop, FOX news

I wonder how they assume it was British intelligence that shut these sites down. Maybe if they were being hosted on UK servers, but what about Saudi, Iranian and Pakistani servers? Just how exactly could they shut down foreign owned servers?

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 01:10 PM

Bergen mentions that there is also a base for recruitment and training online. Websites such as and provide basic explosives training and manuals for anyone who wants to learn. It is difficult to shut down these sites because they reappear in different spots on the web everyday, often linked to a website that has nothing to do with the subject. “They move around, these things will stay up for two days. It will get taken down for one reason or another and they find somewhere else to put it up. So it’s very hard to track,” Bergen told NBC.Source

It seems like this type of activity of shutting down websites has been going on for awhile?

But ehm, according to this report it's not legal in Britian to shut down websites.. so why did they go ahead and shut them down? Did they shut them down?

British police want tough new powers
Police want power to hold suspects for up to 3 months, and to crack down on extremists' websites.

The Guardian reports that The Association of Police Chief Officers want to be able to hold terror suspects for up to three months without laying charges - the current period if 14 days. British law enforcement wants to be able to shut down websites, and to create a new crime for using the Internet to prepare a terrorist attack

[edit on 7/31/2005 by QuietSoul]

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 02:00 PM
Just prior to the G8 summit following Geldofs media talk one of the lagest discussion forum organisations Ezboard was completely hacked, then the british NTL email system was hacked to shreds.Theres obviously a co ordinated plan to stop free speech across the web.The use of terrorism FEAR is their key to control the websites worldwide along with their control of groups.Orwells 1984 is prevalent throughout the world.The use of FEAR is a means to control

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by QuietSoul
But ehm, according to this report it's not legal in Britian to shut down websites.. so why did they go ahead and shut them down? Did they shut them down?

If it is illegal for them to shut down websites it should be made legal, im a firm believer in the police gaining more powers. There not fighting criminals anymore, there fighting terrorists, there the army at home and they should have more powers.



posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 02:06 PM
Legal doesn't mean a whole lot on the Internet. If an agency were remotely concerned about a paper trail, they just pay some hacker/cracker to wipe out the webserver configuration entries and all the data, or just take down the entire server. Heck give me the proper motivation (cough) and Ill have this here Intarweb terror free in no time!

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by QuietSoul
Over the past fortnight Israeli intelligence agents have noticed something distinctly odd happening on the internet. One by one, Al-Qaeda’s affiliated websites have vanished until only a handful remain, write Uzi Mahnaimi and Alex Pell.

Interesting development. First they are throwing out the fanitics from several countries and now they appear to be shutting down one of their major ways for communicating and speading their hate.

All things with positive views as I see it.

If I had my way I would ban all those websites period.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by subz
Just how exactly could they shut down foreign owned servers?

Simple do the very same thing China does ban the IP addresses from being acessed from within China.

here they banned mit

not actual server shutdown but still just as effective, any country can do it if they want.

[edit on 7/31/2005 by shots]

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 02:57 PM
As far as "shutting down" a site. Very simple approach being DOS. If a college student can link-up a campus network to shut down Yahoo for a day, then the Brits can surely take down a few websites. This aside from "political" interventions where access to/from could/would be terminated/blocked.

Just my opinion!?

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 02:59 PM
I Managed To Get Some Very Limited Contact With One Of The Admins Of One Of The Shutdown Sites, According To My Source An Unknown Viral Agent Penetrated To The Core Of Thier Most Securley Protected Servers, It Copied All The Data The Formatted The Drive On The Server And Collapsed All Outgoing Connections To The Site. No Traces Of The Attackers Origins Have Been Found As Of Yet.
The Main Consensus In The Online Community Is That British Intelligence Cyber Crime Unit Is Behind It But There Has Been No Corroberating Evidence To Support This Theory!

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 03:11 PM
This is great. I am so glad this is happening. Keep up the good work whoever is doing this and I really don't care who is because it is a good thing. I am a firm believer that the internet should be a free place where you can say and do whatever up to a point. Advocating the death of people is not acceptable and I am glad someone has finally put a stop to it.

I really like the idea of a jihaddist website kill team because without the web, international terror is denied a valuable source of communication.

Keep up the good work. Viva UK

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 03:36 PM
yet another blow for freedom of speech,IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DON'T READ IT and if you belive anything written on the internet then more fool you ...PS. i realise the irony of this statement printed on the internet.. LOL.

THESE SITES ONLY INFLAME THE ALREADY INFLAMED taking them off just adds fuel to the fire


posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 04:18 PM
These sites aren't in the USA. Free speech doesn't apply.

And these are lines of communication, not just articles and reports. In any war, what is the most lethal blow you can deliver? Destroy the enemy's ability to communicate with eachother. Do they have new sites up shortly after? Probably, but it's still a setback.

Sure they may all be 'flamers', but...

Unknown Viral Agent Penetrated To The Core Of Thier Most Securley Protected Servers, It Copied All The Data The Formatted The Drive On The Server And Collapsed All Outgoing Connections To The Site.

That Was Classic. Thank You For Sharing.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 04:49 PM
not a good idea, theres a reason such sites have been left alone, like tracking certain people who might visit, monitoring communications, etc, why would intelligence do this? it wont help.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by bortsamson
yet another blow for freedom of speech,IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DON'T READ IT and if you belive anything written on the internet then more fool you ...PS. i realise the irony of this statement printed on the internet.. LOL.

THESE SITES ONLY INFLAME THE ALREADY INFLAMED taking them off just adds fuel to the fire

So, it breaks your heart 'eh. I myself would like to see all of the Islamofascist sites shut down. No if, and, or buts. These sites are how different Al quada cells communicate.

What do you mean by inflame the inflamed. They already want to kill us, how can it get any worse?

And yes, I think they should have no freedom of speech, espically of the type they preach.

If it's the Brits, my hats are off to them.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 05:24 PM
oh yes, we cant inflame the terrorists by shutting don their propaganda sites.
get real people! this is war, and to be honest id rather see more fighting on a digital front than on a real battlefield.Good for the brits!

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 05:51 PM
At last! I hope the people who did this logged everyone for months beforehand. This move is such a common sense approach to denying communications to the enemy I'm a bit surprised it was not done before. If the terrorists were prepared I'm sure they have alternate ID's ready for person to person communications, but there isn't any way to keep putting up web sites without them being found and gutted. Get after them guys.

You know I've heard several hackers locally talking about doing just this kind of thing--mayby they got together somehow and did it. A dedicated group of hackers could do too, it didn't have to be a govt. operation.

[edit on 31-7-2005 by Astronomer68]

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 05:53 PM
So the cyber wars have begun. Don't think the Islamic hackers won't retaliate. What will they shut down? Wall street, power grids, yahoo, atm networks? ATS ? I don't think I can stand TV again! Maybe they'll get that too.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 06:02 PM
It's about time that they shut down the Moslem enemies ability to coordinate and spread their infestation to civilized countries. For those that defend the terrorists ability to spread the word, I hope that it is a member of your family that gets nailed in the next attack. May you live to see your actions "justified" for a "peaceful" "religion".

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 06:17 PM
Somebody elevate this to NEWS now. None of the other services have it yet.

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