posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 07:58 PM
Alexander Tau is correct when he states that this is an illusion.
In slightly different terms, but in agreement with him, I offer you this information.
Consciously you look at the clock at what you believe is a random time. However your brain knows the time already, your consciously unaware of the
fact that we have internal clocks.
All conscious experience is integrated and incorporated as thought in the frontal lobes (top of forehead). In these sections of your brain there are
approximatley 2,000 sparks of electricity passing inbetween your brain cells. each spark is a thought or more to the point a bit of information.
So, consciously you are aware of 2,000 bits of information per second.
All sensory input, however, first gets presented to the spinal column or lower regions of what constitutes the subconcious regions of the brain.
And, subconsciously you are "sparking" 400,000,000,000 bits of information per second.
The point is that you are simply consciously unaware that you know what time it is before your subconscious directs you to look at the clock.