posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 02:29 AM
The U.S. Senate today, approved legislation that indemnifies opium cultivaters, dealers, and importers from lawsuits brought by the victims of
drug-based crimes.
Senator Larry Craig, ecstatic at the passage of the bill, said that it was a "great win for Afghanistan and other opium producing nations"
"These people can now go about their bussines of making vast amounts of cash, without fear of legal reprisals from the relatives of persons who have
overdosed on heroin" Senator Craig said.
New York drug lord, Frank "The Mallet" Cardoni told reporters that it was a "day to be remembered".
"We have been copping the blame for drug related crimes and deaths on the streets for far too long, it has never been our fault that people buy
heroin and then do something stupid with it"
However Emily Whitmore, who's daughter recently died of an overdose after a long and painful heroin adiction, was disappointed. "While I understand
that there are legitimate reasons for heroin in medicine and so forth, I don't believe the local street gang that suplied my daughter really cared if
she was going to shoot it up" Mrs Whitmore said.
Local street dealer Jack Dude hoped it would lead to similar legislation regarding other drugs. "I do coc aine mostly... the constant threat of
crimminal proceedings is a real bummer... sure, I know most of my customers aren't using it for nose operations, but you can't blame me for
corrupting America's youth"