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My Encounter when I was a child ? or just a strange dream ?

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posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 01:14 AM

I am an 16 years ( soon turning 17 ) old boy.....

I thought I would share this small and strange dream or reality I had when I was a child...

It all started when I was about 5-6 years old.
I had just been tucked into bed by my mom and I was falling asleep.
Later that night I suddenly woke up with a strange sence that something was in the room and it was looking at me, I was only a young boy at that point so I got pretty scared but I fell asleep just right after that.

The Dream ( Short but strange )

I was in somekind of object or something , but at least it could fly.
This went so fast that I nearly got any details but il try to explain it.

I went in an extremly fast speed in this object loofing around some open arena when I suddenly was brought to an object that looked like an atom bomb or something simular to f.eks Nasa Discovery rocket.

When I was infront of this rocket still inside the object I felt an enormous feel of fear. The object started to move fast back and forward until it stopped again , looking at the same type of "rocket". This time I got very sick ( throw up sick ) and felt nauseous like someone had drugged me ( I dident know what drug where at that time because I was so young , I have no idea what drugs feel like , but I have tried a perscription drug that almost had the same effect ( whoosy , tired etc ) .

The fear continued to blossom and at the end I was put down by the object on the ground .

I was very wooshy at that time but I remember to catch a glimt of my house ( I think I was standing on the field that is on the right of our then time house....

Everything went black...........

I woke up the next day with the same "fear feeling" so I stayed close to my parents that day.

Signs of abduction / an encounter ?

* I have always have had a good hearing (far better than an normal person)

* I am very "sensitive" to noises when its dark

* I can read how an person is just by looking at their face(im sure plenty more peoples can do that)

*My social IQ has always been at front and I was at the same Social IQ as an 30 year old when I was 14 , though I never been good at math

*I have always wanted to sit up a night instead of sleep , if I would go to sleep I was constantly afraid and I used to almost get an nervous breakdown ( now I have no trouble sleeping

About me

As said I am an 16 years old boy and I am from Norway :

My childlife was pretty normal until 7th grade when I got Fear of social life and started to block myself in the room and trying to aviod school.

This occured until I had an home school teacher came by me every day from 9-10 th grade.

With help from my brother ( that knows psycoligy like an shrink ) , my mother and a Contact that brings me out on social activities I have been able to overcome my social problems and attending to school 21th of august this year

I hope my story was worth reading and I am terrible sorry that I could not use curly quotes becuase the new server does not support it

I am looking forward to some replies on this and I might get some answers to this strange event.

Best Regards


[edit on 30-7-2005 by gamerman]

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 01:49 AM
well , not really sure what to make of that.

but I think locking yourself in the room...may be a better idea than feared [ a bit anti-social ] but bollocks to WTF people think...what do YOU think ?

it's a pretty bloody messed up world....and I don't think there are many of us who TRULY KNOW what's going on , except from their own vantage point.

anyways ,

you may have had an OOBE or an abduction... but don't expect your folks to figure this out , unless they are mystical/paranormal in nature. I'd try to seek out
a legitimate psychic , for a feeling type reading or a progressive hypnotherapist , who may be able to regress you back to that time , to help reassemble the pieces, and make sense of it all.

good luck...

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by toasted
well , not really sure what to make of that.

but I think locking yourself in the room...may be a better idea than feared [ a bit anti-social ] but bollocks to WTF people think...what do YOU think ?

it's a pretty bloody messed up world....and I don't think there are many of us who TRULY KNOW what's going on , except from their own vantage point.

anyways ,

you may have had an OOBE or an abduction... but don't expect your folks to figure this out , unless they are mystical/paranormal in nature. I'd try to seek out
a legitimate psychic , for a feeling type reading or a progressive hypnotherapist , who may be able to regress you back to that time , to help reassemble the pieces, and make sense of it all.

good luck...

Il might just do that , thanks

Why do you think that locking myself i the room might have been better ?

I was anti social a part of my life , but I have gotten over it and is very happy for that.

Thanks for the reply

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 01:19 PM
well , I say that , cuz look around, we're all pretty messed up.

had you NOT been introduced to this screwed up world, how do you imagine it should be ?

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 01:29 PM
Gamerman, thanks for sharing your experience. Sounds like you might have some psychic abilities and perhaps you should explore to see if you do. If you have an "old soul" and are able to read people, that can be a blessing. Since you are just a young fellow, you always need to be careful and listen to your parent's advice especially in dealing with strangers. Ha, I'm sure you've heard that before, sorry, I just worry about the young.

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by highhorse313
Gamerman, thanks for sharing your experience. Sounds like you might have some psychic abilities and perhaps you should explore to see if you do. If you have an "old soul" and are able to read people, that can be a blessing. Since you are just a young fellow, you always need to be careful and listen to your parent's advice especially in dealing with strangers. Ha, I'm sure you've heard that before, sorry, I just worry about the young.

Thank you for your reply

I will of course listen to my parents as I always do.
When it comes to strangers I am carefull and always proceed gently , but for some reason I can tell if that person is going to be nice or not .

I would just like to thank you again for the reply on this thread , it means a lot to me that peoples actually sit down and read it instead of just "this guy is just making it up" or etc.

Thanks for this great forum at ATS

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 02:25 PM
I also wanted to add that I have finished 10th grade for along time ago

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 02:33 PM
hmm...I actually tried an experiment last night by 'praying ' for an alien to actually show himself and to help out with a predicament I am in. This was right before bed. I felt ike I was having a pretty intense nightmare the whole night, but can't really remember anything at all about the dream, no details.. but I remember a perculiar fear. Maybe I just set myslf up for the fear by trying to prove to myself that aliens eist. WHo knows?

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 05:16 PM
Hi Gamerman, I am from Norway too. I think it is good that you have found this forum to share, imagined or not it is not good to keep all these kinds of memories inside. Lykke til

[edit on 30-7-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 06:02 PM

I've read more than once that it may not be a good idea to summon "aliens" because you might inadvertantly summon the devil or some evil forces. I'm not sure about it but wanted to pass along that caveat or warning.

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 11:09 PM
yep, I've heard the same thing. My will is strong and my actually believing you can summon 'anything' is pretty non-existent at this point.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 01:45 AM
I have had some Thing like that happen when I was a kid.

I Remember one time I was about to fall asleep in my dinning room, and I say the scariest hand reaching out from under the back of the couch. I can see it in my head still to this day, it was brownish and had a Leather texture skin with Long Yellow finger nails. I screamed a blood curltling scream and I cryed my eyes out That was the Scariest thing I have ever seen

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by anorwegianguy1972
Hi Gamerman, I am from Norway too. I think it is good that you have found this forum to share, imagined or not it is not good to keep all these kinds of memories inside. Lykke til

[edit on 30-7-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

Thank you for replying to this thread

I am attending to an "Folkehøyskole" this year and next year im going to start in high school (vidregående)

A little offtopic there but here comes my question to you guys :

Of many that "may" have been abducted it seams that most or at least many of them are children , does anyone know why ?

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 02:57 AM
first off welcome to the forum gamerman now onto your post

first can you tell me before you saw this creature did you see a very bright light kinda like flood lights. If you did then this explains everything.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 03:21 AM
I remember to see something like this image I tried to draw for you now :

The black was filled and looked thick like perhaps oil , the light was extreamly white and surrounded the black thing .

Im sorry that the drawing was so bad but I tried to draw it quick while I still rememberd that.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 11:17 AM
well then your dream could not have been a dream at all and the strange little figure you saw was probably an alien a zetan sumthin. The dream may have actually happened, you see the zetans use either a very bright white flood light for multiple targets or a blue beam for single targets. These lights and beams to stun their pray or specimen. After they know you are paralyzed they enter your house then scoop you up. i will provide a link for you in a minute so hold on.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 11:21 AM
here i found this you should take out the time to read this it is very helpfull

how to avoid getting kidnapped by zetans

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 11:42 AM
I read that once before without thinking much of it , thanks for providing the link again I nearly forgot what it said....

Seams like if I may have been abducted by these creatures have given me some positiv and negativ abilities

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 01:25 AM
It's so wierd and actually entertaining to look at a old topic like this.
I am 25 years old now and my life has gotten better since that time. Still I miss being that young, I must say, time has been good to me.

I would love to reply all, in what you wrote and perhaps what you would write today in this prescence.

Still, very cool and fun that I had to chance to read up on this. I still remember what happended like it was yesterday

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 11:16 PM
My godness. Has it been this long since I last posted on this forum. They way I wrote, how I thought and how I am today. Very different indeed.

I just want to wish everyone good luck in life and hope you all are doing fine


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