posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 09:17 AM
Hello BTS, first time on this side of the site, I did not know all this was over here!
MPEG-2 satellite receivers are similar to Direct TV or Dish Network , they both use signals from satellites to receiver signals for reception. This
is where the similarity ends.
Over CONUS there are about 40 satellites that beam television signals down on us 24/7.
Some of the satellites are C-Band, some are Ku, and some are combination of both C and Ku.
Some of the satellites have compressed digital signals, and these signals are television programming from around the world and the MPEG-2 receiver,
with the proper signal rate and frequency will tune in the signal, its legal, you are not stealing Direct TV or Dish, because they use a different
type of encryption.
If you have a little computer geek in you and some time on your hands and like television, there are more than a 1000 channels available. It’s
really cool and it's more of a hobby for me, and I was just curious if anyone on ATS/BTS was using the MPEG system.
I would like to chat and see what systems they use and success they have had with the MPEG system.