posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 01:14 PM
Dam!! Oh well then, I might as well explain my idea anyway, I was playing around with a water pistol one day and my little bro and his friend were
playing war with thiers, I got soked and went inside, I came back out and they were pretending to use them as flamethrowers. Then it hit me.
If I could make a 'water pistol' out of metal and make it heat resistant I could effectively have a flamethrower. The fuel would go in the tank bit
on the back, when the triggers pressed it flies out the front and is ignited by a butane torch or something along those lines.
It obviously wouldnt be able to sustain fire for very long, a few secs maybe, but probably enough to take down a tank crew, or at least make them bale
out and surrender.
Thanks for that man, I could have been in the dog dooies there!!