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Genitil mutilation practiced in Egypt, Yemen and Sudan.

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posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 05:19 PM
KHARTOUM, Aug 24: The Government admitted today that up to 90 per cent of women in the country�s northern provinces suffer from genital mutilation and called for fresh steps to eradicate the practice.

One has to wonder why such brutal misogyny was adopted. It's not supported by the Koran!

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 05:23 PM
i dont know, i find all forms of "circumcision" to be brutal and unnecessary. i think it should be banned.


posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 05:32 PM
I can appreciate that some men may find male circumcision barbaric and unnecessary, but at least the hygiene benefits stand and it does not affect a male's sexual pleasure.

Female circumcision not only removes the clitoris and hence a woman's potential for sexual pleasure, but also greatly increases the risk of agonising childbirth as the vaginal opening is almost completely sewn shut.

There is no good reason for this practice, it is one of the worst things anyone can do to a woman, and the fact that many women are circumcised by their own mothers and female relatives only sickens me further

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Mycroft

KHARTOUM, Aug 24: The Government admitted today that up to 90 per cent of women in the country�s northern provinces suffer from genital mutilation and called for fresh steps to eradicate the practice.

One has to wonder why such brutal misogyny was adopted. It's not supported by the Koran!

It's cause these idiots don't know the joys of hitting your woman's g-spot, much less how to do it in the first place.

disgusting practice.

posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by arc
I can appreciate that some men may find male circumcision barbaric and unnecessary, but at least the hygiene benefits stand and it does not affect a male's sexual pleasure.

spoken like a person without a penis.

hygiene problems are a myth plain and simple. many parents opt for this because they dont want to have to deal with it, in other words they are lazy. especially so in america where parents are still scared to death to talk to their kids about sex let alone telling their son how to properly clean his genitals when he is old enough to bathe himself.

as for sexual pleasure some say it reduces pleasure as the glans are always exposed and constantly being stimulated and this "numbs" them over time and there is a certain amount of desensitizing other says this is not so. i think both are right as i think it would vary from male to male.

one can get through life without this procedure being done so i view it as unnecessary. and in my own opinion i view it as genital mutilation.

posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 08:02 AM
male circumcision is nothing. If you get it done as an infant...big deal. It is not traumatizing in anyway. Trust me...I would know. PLus, the ladies much prefer it over uncircumcised.

Circumcising a woman though is traumatizing and effects them for life...HUGE difference.

posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Lukefj
male circumcision is nothing. If you get it done as an infant...big deal. It is not traumatizing in anyway. Trust me...I would know. PLus, the ladies much prefer it over uncircumcised.

Circumcising a woman though is traumatizing and effects them for life...HUGE difference.

you dont call the altering of a human body based on ignorant myths and religious beliefs traumatizing?

and it seems to me if a woman pciks her guy because the way his package looks...thats the wrong kind of woman to be with. thats as shallow as a guy wanting to be with a woman with a certain breast size. thats basically choosing form over function.

we dont need ear lobes...are will that be the new thing doctors will start removing? how about our pinky toes?

no thanks i prefer to stay the way i was born. whole and intact.


posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 08:36 AM
actually PM - spoken like a person who has had sex with both circumcised and uncircumcised men and asked them about how they thought it had affected their sexual pleasure.

I personally think it doesn't make much difference to hygiene - daily washing usually solves that. I was speaking more from a religious and historical point - circumcision of males in desert conditions with little water for washing is possibly a good idea.

And I actually prefer my gentlemen 'intact' as it makes some acts more fun for them.

[Edited on 26-8-2003 by arc]

posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 09:14 AM
I witnessed female circumscion in Saudi, some braod chopping up her infant daughters gentialia in a dirty bathroom sink. Yeah, it is sick. The Muslim world seems to hold dear this practice, and it isnt backed by the Koran, its simply a case of Middle Eastern Mysogyny.

Male circumscision is barbaric. This crap about hygiene is a bunch of BS. The vast majority of males in the world dont get cut, and they sure as hell aint havin any problems with it getting unclean and falling off. My male ancestors were probably all uncut, seeing how circumscsion was not practiced widely by Gentiles until the later half of this century. Before that, ti was only certain sects of Christianity, like Mormons, who practiced it, and Jewish People. Most of Europe doesnt practice it, Asia dont.

I think circumscising males is sick and barbaric unless absolutely necessary. I have had BFs who were cut, and who werent, and uncut, well, hehehe, is better. And its not any more foul than a cut male either, in fact, those guys who still had thier hoods were extra clean and concerned with hygiene. No gangrene, no diseases, no fungus, none of that BS horror stories we are told about men with foreskins.

Its just another gimmick of the medical establishment to rake in more cash, since circumscision is an extra expense. The biys may be infants when its done, but it still leaves a deep seated scar in the kids mind, the earliest memories of life being ones of pain inflicted on genitalia.......

Is that why American men have so many sexual issues and are sexually violent, since 80% of American males are cut? Does this stem from thier earliest experiences in life being ones of pain and mutilation on thier manhood?

posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 11:26 AM

one can get through life without this procedure being done so i view it as unnecessary. and in my own opinion i view it as genital mutilation.

I prefer to be cut...thanks...
If for nothing else, than for sheer asthetics....

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