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Northern Ireland

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posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 09:07 PM
We in the UK have suffered terrorism for decades. So where was the USA support against terrorism when the IRA were killing thousands of innocent children, men & women for decades?

Oh yes, the US public was funding the IRA with millions of dollars filling hats during Irish parades with some romantic idealism in mind.

If only Northern Ireland had oil.

[edit on 28-7-2005 by tommyc]

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 09:14 PM
There was no US support when Catholics where burnt out of their homes in 1969 by mobs of Unionists and uniformed Police.

There was no US support when 13 innocent men where murdered on the streets of Derry by so called 'good guys'

Lets not play the 'we're the good guys your the bad guys' game.

I notice you don't mention the UVF, UDA, LVF, Ulster Resistance, UDR, Red Hand Commando, UFF.

Lets not forget, that the first deaths of the so called 'Troubles' where carried out by 'Loyalists' including the first police officer to lose his life during those years

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 09:26 PM
The IRA have murdered thousands of completely innocent civilians for decades. The justification being what?

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 09:32 PM
i dont know, respecting the fact it wasnt our business, either way we get complained to, why risk our people if we get complained to either way? when we help its interfering and violating peoples sovergnty, if we stay out of it we're abandoning people and not being supportive of them, come on quit making everything our problem.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 09:35 PM
Im not justifing anything, murder is murder no matter from who does it.

Just I dont think its right to pass comment on what has happened here on one side of the community.

'Loyalists' also have had financial aid from America, tho i admit to a lesser degree. Theyve also had assistance from the South African government, as well as the British Government over the years both with cash and also man power

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 10:03 PM
Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom and remains so by way of the democratic process. Northern Ireland has been a part of the United Kingdom since 1801.

Unfortunately, the USA public largely contributed towards funding the IRA, which could well be classed as "interfering". The funding wasn't at a US gov't level, it was at the US public level.

It wasn't until 9/11 that the USA public woke up and realised that funding the IRA wasn't such a romantic idea. 9/11 was a wake up call for the US public, whereas us in the UK, we had suffered for years because of US public ignorance.

[edit on 28-7-2005 by tommyc]

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 10:12 PM
Nothern Ireland as so called was not invented until 1921, in the 'Act of Union' in 1800 the Island of Ireland was one country.

Not until the 'War of Independence' was 'Northern Ireland' thought of and only then under the pressure of violence of the 'Unionist' community, including the importing of arms into Larne harbour under the noses of the British.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 10:16 PM
'Democratic process'

There was nothing democratic about Northern Ireland when it was formed, most Catholics didnt even have a vote.

You had to be the owner of a house or business to have a vote, and seeing as it was made sure that as many Cathoilcs as possible didnt get to own a house, well you can do the sums for yourself.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 10:20 PM

Oh yes, the US public was funding the IRA with millions of dollars filling hats during Irish parades with some romantic idealism in mind.

The US PUBLIC, Huh???? Prove it!!! Do you mean through tax-dollars? or what? How in the hell did I (I am part of the public) fund the IRA?

Everyone cries and gripes (not that the author is) about how the US should leave countries alone and mind OUR own business.....but they
are the first ones to cry and gripe whenever we don't help out [insert country] but he were there for [insert country].

Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom and remains so by way of the democratic process. Northern Ireland has been a part of the United Kingdom since 1801.

Is that right!!! Oh really!!! So where was the UK when all this went down? huh? That's what you should be asking. IMO.

Im not denying the IRA did all that stuff you mentioned.....It sucks that they did. But don't blame ME for funding them and don't go off on how the US should have been there.....look at the ones that truly SHOULD have been there...the UK perhaps. Im all about helping others, don't get we wrong.


posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 10:27 PM
calm.....lets not get into the blame game here, which can happen quite easily.

What people want here, both Protestant & Catholic is peace.

The IRA statement today is hopefully a step in the right direction.

Something that we all hope will help.

Both communities here want to look forward, not back.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 10:36 PM
Ireland was actually granted independence by the British Gov't. Northern Ireland - under the procedures laid out in the Anglo-Irish Treaty, 1921 - declined to join, and so remained part of the United Kingdom - It's called democracy! - which the IRA are against.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 10:44 PM
I think at least 10 history books are required on your part, my ill informed friend.

my goodness, i would never dream of trying to lecture an Englishman on English history, so dont try to lecture an Irishman on his.

Never the less, i would imagine from this day on, those on the island of Ireland, from whatever hue, will thankfully decide our future history together, without the interference from outside, no matter how well intentioned that might be.

Its 4:51 am, i must retire for the night.

I have a family and a history to look forward to tomorrow.

On that note i will bid you goodnight.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by SportyMB

Oh yes, the US public was funding the IRA with millions of dollars filling hats during Irish parades with some romantic idealism in mind.

The US PUBLIC, Huh???? Prove it!!! Do you mean through tax-dollars? or what? How in the hell did I (I am part of the public) fund the IRA?

Everyone cries and gripes (not that the author is) about how the US should leave countries alone and mind OUR own business.....but they
are the first ones to cry and gripe whenever we don't help out [insert country] but he were there for [insert country].

Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom and remains so by way of the democratic process. Northern Ireland has been a part of the United Kingdom since 1801.

Is that right!!! Oh really!!! So where was the UK when all this went down? huh? That's what you should be asking. IMO.

Im not denying the IRA did all that stuff you mentioned.....It sucks that they did. But don't blame ME for funding them and don't go off on how the US should have been there.....look at the ones that truly SHOULD have been there...the UK perhaps. Im all about helping others, don't get we wrong.


For over 3 decades, the US public had fund raising events for the IRA. That funding only dried up after 9/11.

Worth a read

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by SportyMB
The US PUBLIC, Huh???? Prove it!!! Do you mean through tax-dollars? or what? How in the hell did I (I am part of the public) fund the IRA?

Everyone cries and gripes (not that the author is) about how the US should leave countries alone and mind OUR own business.....but they
are the first ones to cry and gripe whenever we don't help out [insert country] but he were there for [insert country].

The US public...well, I know that Boston in particular is fond of sending money over to the IRA and other terrorist organizations fighting the British.

As for tax dollars, well, you're right. No tax dollars went to terrorists in Ireland. Nicarogua, Venezuela, and afghanistan however are a different story. The point the author was trying to make was that members of the US public were (and are still) allowed to funnel cash, materiel and manpower to the IRA and similar groups.


posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by UiNeill
I think at least 10 history books are required on your part, my ill informed friend.

my goodness, i would never dream of trying to lecture an Englishman on English history, so dont try to lecture an Irishman on his.

I'm Irish and catholic - so I know the true filth of the IRA.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 11:02 PM

I'm Irish and catholic - so I know the true filth of the IRA.

that's some logic you have there (joking)
and I suppose you know who shot JFK too?

Im American and Chrisitian - so I know the true filth of EVERYTHING

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by SportyMB

I'm Irish and catholic - so I know the true filth of the IRA.

that's some logic you have there (joking)
and I suppose you know who shot JFK too?

Im American and Chrisitian - so I know the true filth of EVERYTHING

I responded to

"my goodness, i would never dream of trying to lecture an Englishman on English history, so dont try to lecture an Irishman on his. "

So I pointed out to the poster that I am Irish.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 08:37 AM
i live in n ireland and this step by the ira is to be welcomed and it should be intresting to hear the loyalist paramilitrys response, with a bit of luck this can be an end to sectarianism in our small country

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 09:09 AM
I am wondering if anyone else sees the asymmetry involved here...

The UK is trying desparately to shake hands with the IRA used to be "terrorists" that needed to be fought harder (that was thwe stance in the 1970s) but on the other hand Islamic "terrorists" need to be fought harder.. more war on them.

The lessons learned in Ireland are not being applied to the Islamic situation... oooh noo to solve that problem we just need a little more WAR!

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by tommyc
The IRA have murdered thousands of completely innocent civilians for decades. The justification being what?


Get that "they target civilians and we don't" thing out of your head coz its just rubbish!!

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