I mean, the M16 was TERRIBLE in Vietnam, it always jammed and one single grain of sand could jam the firing mechanism. Why do they still use them?
Good Question. Money, probably, to buy weapons from thier favorite manufacturer.
From my first days in basic training on the qualification range to my Last shooting range in the army, I learned that the M-16 was unreliable. No
matter what you did, the slightest outside influence, dust, dirt, ect, would jam the bastard up and make it doublefeed. It doesnt surprise me, jessica
Lynches unit, when I heard about thier weapons malfunctioning. How many times have I had that happen purely on practice ranges? In the desert, it was
a constant battle, having to clean the damn things out. In real combat, how the hell are you gonna stop (hey enemy guys, could you wait a moment while
I disassemble my M-16 and clean it out, cuz its jammin up and stuff, thanks, much obliged). The M-16 is purely a #ty conbat rifle. It was never made
to withstand the real dirty world.
Probably another reason we sustain such high combat casualties when we shouldnt: a little hard to defend ones self when you cant even fire cuz your
weapon fails.
In combat, you dont need accuracy. most of the chaos of war pretty much prevents the average soldier from really caring about making exact hits. You
aint snipers, youre grunts, you just want a piece thats gonna unload alot of ordinance in the general direction of your enemy, at a high rate, without
jamming up. The term "supression fire" comes to mind. You simply wanna blow rounds at the bad guys and if they dont hit the bad guys, they might
hit something else, like e generator, water buffalo, ect.
Needless to say, our military needs to re arm itself, the M-16 is simply a frappy rifle thats gonna get more of our guys killed than the other guys.
If i was over there, u best believe I would be grabbin AK-s off enemy corpses, id probably leave my rifle on the truck, Screw the M-16. It kills more
American troops than Ak-47 ever will.
But, as Jakomo pointed out, its really distyurbing that they send these guys overthere without being properly equipped. Part of it is the new army,
with so many jobs being entrusted to the care of civilians. Civilians should not be dealing with supplying troops, medical, ect. but this is part of
the big defense drawdowns: cut former army positions, give them to civilian contractors, and leave it in the thier money grubbing hands.
When i was in Saudi, I was horrified, on the airforce base, to see the number of civilians working in what should have been militayr jobs. At the on
base airforce mess hall, they had locals, Saudis and other nationalities, working the kitches, serving the food. What if one of those bastards had
terrorist connections? All they have to do is poison the food, put some germ or chemical in, ect. It was enough to make me spend most of my 6 months
eating MREs instead of hot chow. They also had civilians doing laundry for the airforce, Civilians doing the paperwork, records, ect. In Germnay, we
had alot of Civilian doctors workin on us too. Civilians working records. All formerly troop jobs.
Soon, it will be civilian Mercinaries doin the job. All contracts given to favorite companies, of course, leave your campaign contributions in the
bucket, please.
I dread the situation over there. They have problems with supply lines because civilians are increasingly in charge of getting supplies to the troops.
Civilians dont care so long as they are paid, and dont have the motivation or the drive to do the job right, unlike an army unit, which, comprised of
soldiers, care a hell of alot more whether or not Pvt. Doe gets his ammo on time, cuz if he dont, someones gonna be breathing down his neck.