posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 04:42 PM
NO, NO, NO - First you have to understand what the "Stock Market" actually is. When you buy "Stock" you buy shares of a Company/Corporation that
has made their Business (Could be anything) "Open" to Investors. The name of the "Stock" is simply the name of the "Company". This company must
be making a Profit - that is what makes the Stock an "Equity" - otherwise it would be a Bond = Debt. What created the Bubble was the Internet
Technology itself - the "newness" of the Phenomena if you will. These people are Investor/Speculators. They had no Idea of what the "Hyper Text
Transfer Protocol" was - it was just that Companies started to go public - that had no traditional basis - they only existed in Cyberspace i.e.
"" & "" - the valuations got too high - everybody wanted to get rich fast - so you had non-sense companies like ""
popping up - or "" - they weren't real - just get rich quick schemes!!!
To people that are still invested in the "Old System" - the transference of "Money" or "Wealth" to the Digital Data Electronic Form still poses
a Great Threat - why should we care about Greenspan Raising the Interest Rate on CASH - when we don't use Cash at all in our lives any more? What is
the motto of this web site -> "Deny Ignorance"!!!