posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 07:32 AM
As the inventors of the internet (and everything else!) Brits have given the world a lot and I know they're very grateful.
Obviously ATS is ace and allows us to converse with colonials, ex-colonials and people living in countries we almost invaded. But I've noticed a
worrying trend that American english is coming to dominate the online world.
Brothers and sisters fight back! Let's reclaim our birthright! English english is the finest language in the world so let's use it and educate the
others while we do
Many Brit expressions are both errudite and keyboard-efficient. The campaign to use blighty english starts here!
For example you can type 'nothing' but "nowt" is much quicker, 'that may well have some validity' can be " 'appen".
Rather than the yank OMG (oh my gawwwwd!) we could use the Yorkshire 'fancy?'. 'Bobbins' to denote lack of perceptable use, 'hanging' to
describe those not blessed in the looks department etc etc
Once the rubicon is passed the possibilities of abbreviations are endless for example even the expression of complete surprise - IGTTFOOS could become
universally understood.
It's early days, we need mass support now please support this bold and overdue initiative.
Red Rog
The Independent North (of Brum) Alliance