posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 10:32 AM
Well, I got a variety of tricks I can use:
What I'm thinking of is getting a single on the university; you only have to pay a little bit upfront and then pay rest when the semester is over.
I'm assuming it university housing is a given, so I would apply and get that then.
Then, as in now, I would go look for a place off campus. I think I'd like a place for myself but I'm not sure if I can afford the rent. I'll look
for good roommates (I know what questions to ask now) and for apartments. I'm pretty sure I can find something before school starts.
So with another place in hand, I would move in there and cancel my university housing. University housing would be a back up.
Today, he just fniished his 5th get together for the 5th day in a row. He had music up till 4 am, although it was quiet. He's trying, I can see, he
takes everyone outside and they chill out there. But these walls are very thin and music just comes on in... Then aruond 4am some huge fat girl came
by and started kicking my roomies door. She was very drunk and probably underage. This kciking goes on for like 30 minutes until i come out and ask
what th ehell is going on.
Roommate comeso ut, they argue ... apparently she wants him to leave or stop messing with someone. They bluster about calling the cops. While this is
going on I look for something non-alcoholic to drink. I had just went to walmart when the banging/kickign started so ic ould get out there and get
soem food. I brought two powerades and soem candy.
So while these peple are bitching I go and look for my powerade. One's missing. This is #ing bull# i say. My roommate must've thought I was talking
about the situation and ejected the other fat women out of his room (wast hat awomen? i dont know). They both left and all was pretty quiet.
Except that, I had my food stolen from my fridge again. The other day I had a simple towel crunked up with black stuff and thrown away. All th etime,
for the past 5 days, you've had music an dpeople milling about past 3am, some days worst than others.
I specifically got my roommate to agree that things should quiet down by 2am, but obviously our definition of quiet down is very different. I admit,
thigns do quiet down, but if you want quiet when you sleep forget it. Oh god i could go on. But i just needed to let this all out.
I have to move out.
P.S. To top it all off, I can't find my lease, which appears to have gone missing. Who the # woudl steal a lease!??! I'm going to tear my room apart
cleaning it and start putting up signs to check my place out. Woe and beware to the next dweller!
P.S.S. 2 : i found my lease. But not my Fruit Punch Powerade that was stolen within 30 minutes of placing it in the freezer.
[edit on 30-7-2005 by ktprktpr]