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9/11 and Aliens ?

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posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 03:35 PM

Your words :

>>>He goes by the Quran where it states that you should not kill women or children. In fact, he's said before that he goes out of his way to try to make sure no women or children are hurt during his bombings.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 03:56 PM
CIA manufactured those tapes, isn't it funny that he appeared through the media before voting? I guess the cia pulled a reverse psychology stunt and it worked. Bin Laden is an agent of the cia, they trained him and funded him, and just because he alledgedly left the cia, doesn't mean he actually left... Did anyone ever see the bourne supremacist?

Bush Sr was head of the cia before becoming vice president, and he had dinner with his brother a couple days before 911... As reported by the ap.

Bin Laden, CIA, Bush's.... They like to make their own webs for attaining whatever selfish needs they have before country and before the people...

They don't give a rats ass about the citizens, the constitution, the romance of america and the patriotism that comes with it... That's for the minions.
They want control, power, and global dominance, and it's not just them, they have their group of lobbyists too. It's all to attain great wealth and power (control) what else do magalomaniacs strive for? love and peace?

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 04:33 PM

No go run off to GOOGLE so they can CONFIRM that you have no clue about what you just wrote. Just type in Osama or Soccar field killings of woman and so on. Good luck. Also, it would help for once if your conpiracies could apply to CONSPIRATORS instead the typical CIA sillyness that Hollywood has made it out to be. You like to pretend that a full grown man like Bin Lauden is unable to evil because he is Islamic or whatever because you WANT that square block to fit in that round circle.

Why don't you confirm that Bin Laden has ever commissioned attacks that he full well knew would kill many innocent women and children? This entails, of course, proving that Bin Laden was indeed behind such an attack.

But you're missing the bigger point, and that is that all you are doing is ranting. You call conspiracies Hollywood sillyness (sic), and you say the alleged conspirators are the real ones, but you offer absolutely no evidence to support these assumptions!

Like I said, and have been saying, WE CAN ALL DO THAT!

This is the kind of crap that most Americans would spew. I'm fully aware of opinions like yours; they're nothing rare to come across, believe me! There are actually reasons, and evidence behind the ideas that I hold in my head, believe it or not, rather just going by what you would see as common knowledge, based on what media coverage you may or may not watch or what you may hear some friend or family member babbling about. I go off a little more than that.

What you need to do is get yourself digging through some research and doing a little more than just running your mouth, metaphorically of course. I've given you a very good starting point by providing information suggesting that tapes that have been aired on our media showing Bin Laden are in fact fake.

Do you want to prove me wrong? Then prove that information wrong. Then we'll have a starting point for this so-called "debate." Until then, you're wasting both my and your own time with pointless postings that are the equivalent of biased chit-chat, while thinking that whether or not your government is deceiving you is a game at which you can beat me.

I'm expecting your next post to rebutt my earlier postings of information suggesting that the tape in question is fake. I'm expecting you to cite credible sources, provide information that is clear and can be backed up, and drop the ranting. If you fail to do conclusively rebutt the info I posted, then just to piss you off, I claim myself the automatic "winner," and 1000 mega points to me and all of my friends and may our Irish asses find a pot of gold at the end of our rainbow.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 06:22 PM

I suppose the snooze alarm has gone of with you and now you are on red alert eh ?

Your words :

>>>I'm expecting your next post to rebutt my earlier postings of information suggesting that the tape in question is fake. I'm expecting you to cite credible sources, provide information that is clear and can be backed up, and drop the ranting. If you fail to do conclusively rebutt the info I posted, then just to piss you off, I claim myself the automatic "winner," and 1000 mega points to me and all of my friends and may our Irish asses find a pot of gold at the end of our rainbow : Gulp gulp gulp >>>( no USUAL ) . The AP or CNN or the BBC may answer most of your silly little caper questions, but then again you have already hand-picked your plot's and will never bow to a thing called a FACT. As if I have to answer to you ? Why should I prove to you anything ? You won't belive it anyhow because you are already brainwashed and simplicity is NOT the road you will ever take a trip through. Like I said, go Google Bin Lauden declaring war upon America ( CNN & AP wire ) or re-watch the film clips of him bragging about it in the middle of the night at that little hut everybody has pasted on this VERY TREAD ! But then again, just go on over to CNN or the BBC web pages and delve through the backfiles of FACTS that will ruin your little green capers. Speaking of little green men ( topic : 9/11 and Aliens ) the only ones I know of that exist are YOU and your little Irish theories. So go off now and " crop circle " the facts MR.X-FILES.

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 10:31 PM

Why should I prove to you anything ? You won't belive it anyhow

Point taken. Congrats on being the second person elected to serve on my ignore list.

[edit on 3-8-2005 by bsbray11]

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 10:49 PM

Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. I'm on your IGNORE LIST ???? Ha ! Even the conspiracies are hand selected and made to order around here ! See you around, now go run off to mommy. Also, good luck with that " Bin Lauden is a CIA plant " bit. The good news is you are on an island, so the MODS can warn us when you get in your little boat and head over here. Now, go lock yourself up in " IGNORE " mode.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 08:25 PM
The Bottom line on UFO's and OSAMA : both are NOSHOWS.

Both exist yet supposedly cannot be controlled. Do you ever find it odd that UFO's would even make it possible for humans to track their actions ? Why ? What for ? To implant a diode of some form within a human like we do with whales or something ? If they have such a complex craft they could just watch us on the tube right ? As for OSAMA the LAMA I think he is dead and if not who really cares ? He killed humans......WOW.......what a feat eh ? Both of these 2 subjects are beyond beyond and serve NO >>>>NOTHING. As for Osama : He's a big COWARD.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 11:50 PM
BLUBBER, I am sorry but if you cannot look at all the proof that this video was a fake, (back when I believed it was the Islmic Terrorist I thought wait a minute thats not Osama!) you must be completly brainwashed. Wow after all this time, its hard to believe anyone could still be buying into that tape being real!

[edit on 4-8-2005 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 12:02 AM
Here I did a quick photoshop job to try and get him to look as much like the pics in the tape as possible, and it still doesnt look like him!!

[edit on 5-8-2005 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:27 AM

Take my word for it it's Osama. I do know quite a bit about film work and DIGITAL dpi counts and so on. The one Osama that everybody seems to think is a fake is based on what ? A film right ? Have you checked the vocals on the film as I have ? They are right on the mark, also, it you look a little bit closer you will soon notice that the weapon is and the guests are all wide and dark as well. Considering it's night and winter, why would they not be all tucked up ? Go to photoshop, pull the fake Osama up and a good stretch or two and there you have it, case solved. But let's pretend it's not Osama yet instead the CIA for sake of aurgument. Why ? So Dick Cheney can have control of the oil all over the world ? Who cares about that ? Everybody uses oil. It's not evil, it's oil. This whole CIA stuff is just stuff. See your enemies for whom they are, and don't be blinded by the boring truth : OSAMA. He's a dope that more or less had woman ( who were forced to wear purple ) executed every Sunday on soccar field's. Fat or skinny I think he dead already. This is why the number 2 dope made his little rant the other day. Did you check out that weapon next to the twerp ? 1937 hunk'O'rama eh ? The only thing usefull in that whole film was the burlap blanket in the crappy background.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 05:04 AM
Perhap's it's fun to make up strange CIA capers in which all of you supposedly know what's up, but what's the point ? Keeping thing's massive and vague ( CIA ) seems to inspire a creativity here that the CIA probably wishes it had. They ( CIA ) are just dopes like the rest of us and they go home at night and surf the web and maybe even eat a big old bag of Dorito chips while going about just like you and I. I read all of the stuff here and scratch my head and wonder. You all keep pasting up thing's that are supposedly top secret, so who do you work for, the CIA ? If everybody here can crack a case so simply, why cannot any of you tell us when the next terrorist attack will take place so we can avoid the next train or plane attack ?

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by BLUBBER
But let's pretend it's not Osama yet instead the CIA for sake of aurgument. Why ? So Dick Cheney can have control of the oil all over the world ? Who cares about that ? Everybody uses oil. It's not evil, it's oil. This whole CIA stuff is just stuff.

Well there you have it ATS Admin, time to pack this conspiracy website up and go home, Blubber has just denied all possible logic with this pearler.

It's like, you know, just stuff!

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 12:12 AM
Stuff is just stuff and you know the CIA likes to do stuff. That way the stuff they do they can keep the other stuff secret, which is just some stuff. This is the stuff I am talking about. Do you see what I am talking about? Its just stuff!

What do you think about that stuff?

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 05:37 AM

Maybe the MODS should shut it down. All I read here are people like you who empower such agencies as the CIA with powers they actually don't have. Yes there are secret's and spies, but then again there are secret's and spies here as well. America did'nt come to Osama for help, he came to US for help. The athiest Soviet's had just invaded Afghanistan and you bet we supplied plenty of people with RPG's idea's and so on. Turns out it worked out in the end because the USSR split. Even Osama got bored and being from a rich snot from a family that makes more loot than Bush and Cheney he flew about from one terrorist group to another. Meanwhile since your brain is in complete conspiracy mode, simplicity is just too easy for you. You have decided to go down the long predictable road that Hollywood has more or less created for people such as yourself. Going by the lack of film clips or even audio bit's, it appears the CIA has taught OSAMA how to hide for the rest of his life. Personally I think he is dead considering his base no longer get's to see him rant and so on. Suicide bomber's are probably wondering why they do the tough stuff that Osama could never get's the gutts to do. Ever notice this about all of these leaders ? They are still alive and well while they encourage everybody else to kill themselves. They just kick back and laugh at all of the people who are willing to do their part. All phonies, end of subject.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by BLUBBER

Take my word for it it's Osama. I do know quite a bit about film work and DIGITAL dpi counts and so on. The one Osama that everybody seems to think is a fake is based on what ? A film right ? Have you checked the vocals on the film as I have ? They are right on the mark, also, it you look a little bit closer you will soon notice that the weapon is and the guests are all wide and dark as well. Considering it's night and winter, why would they not be all tucked up ? Go to photoshop, pull the fake Osama up and a good stretch or two and there you have it, case solved.

Take your word for it ? Dude, if you can't figure out that that person is NOT Osama then you definately need to get your eyes checked. What in the world have "digital dpi counts" got to do with that anyway ?
You don't even have to look at how fat he is, just look at his face, or the form of his entire head. And why do I have to open photoshop anyway to make his face fit ? From my point of view the image is not altered in size against it's original proportions. But even if it was, that wouldn't change the entire look and relief of his face. Open your eyes!

If that is Osama then OJ was a skinny four legged midget.

[edit on 17-8-2005 by Shroomery]

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