posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 02:47 PM
We look at the world around us and the things that come about and we often look at it as a conspiracy, particularly as some prophocies tell of the
future in the way that it is going. Like the 'mark' from Revelations, one world governments, etc.
But a prophecy is only the foretelling of the future, just because what is happening is predicted does not mean that it is necessarily part of some
conspiracy, not on a human level at least.
Even though people say they can see what is coming around the corner with our priveliges and rights being stripped away, is it really the sign of a
conspiracy or just the inevitable path that civilisation takes due to the events that occur?
It's like chess, it is a random game, yet there are only a finite number of possibilities of what can occur. If you analyse the events around us and
step back, there are only certain reasonable paths that can be taken, all of this in a world which is really full of infinite paths leading to an
infinite number of events, or to our minds anyway.
It's easy to 'predict' the next move and scream conspiracy, or set-up, but is it really? Or is it just really that obvious?
Are prophecies really that amazing, or is it something that anyone can do with a little thought?
I and other people I know have all 'predicted' future events, we are not in on any conspiracy and we are not in touch with God, not that we know of
So is the world we heading down the result of some conspiracy or 'plan', or is it just the predictable outcome to a predictable situation?