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Ozone Hole expanding once more?

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posted on Aug, 24 2003 @ 11:36 PM
I would like to see the actual data behind this, before I believe that this is the fault of *global warming* again...

Ozone Hole Almost Closed, Now Record Size

A year ago, we wrote that the ozone hole over the Antarctic was finally closing. Now "the growth at the moment is similar to 2000 when the hole was a record size," says Australian scientist Andrew Klekociuk. At that time the hole explanded to 10.9 million square miles, which is three times the size of Australia or the U.S. Why is this happening?
Australian scientists think this is due to colder temperatures in the stratosphere, which is where the ozone hole forms. Warmer temperatures in the troposphere below it, caused by global warming, mean that warm air no longer reaches the stratosphere, so global warming may be undoing all the good we've done by restricting CFC spray can emissions that destroy the ozone layer. As our climate changes, the ozone hole may become a permanent, unfixable phenomenon.

[Edited on 25-8-2003 by dragonrider]

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 08:48 AM
Right along the same lines comes this article as well.

The catalytic converter, an invention that has sharply reduced smog from cars, has now become a significant and growing cause of global warming, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Hailed as a miracle by Detroit automakers even today, catalytic converters have been reducing smog for 20 years. The converters break down compounds of nitrogen and oxygen from car exhaust that can combine with hydrocarbons, also from cars, and be cooked by sunlight into smog.

But researchers have suspected for years that the converters sometimes rearrange the nitrogen-oxygen compounds to form nitrous oxide, known as laughing gas. And nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas, more than 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide, the most common of the gases, that is warming the atmosphere, according to experts.

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 08:52 AM
well if the Ozone hole keeps getting bigger we will have to try and fix it or move to another planet.

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 03:59 PM
I have heard that Alaska is losing its old beauty from global warming. Migration patterns are changing, different animals can survive there (some that destroy the trees in that area)...

It wouldn't really surprise me if the ozone was opening or if there are just more greenhouse gases out.

Oh, well, the treehuggers will be out more soon...

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by astrocreep
Right along the same lines comes this article as well.

The catalytic converter, an invention that has sharply reduced smog from cars, has now become a significant and growing cause of global warming, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Hailed as a miracle by Detroit automakers even today, catalytic converters have been reducing smog for 20 years. The converters break down compounds of nitrogen and oxygen from car exhaust that can combine with hydrocarbons, also from cars, and be cooked by sunlight into smog.

But researchers have suspected for years that the converters sometimes rearrange the nitrogen-oxygen compounds to form nitrous oxide, known as laughing gas. And nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas, more than 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide, the most common of the gases, that is warming the atmosphere, according to experts.

It really doesnt surprise me in the least bit

Those who persue the "Earth First!" cause and "Totally Green" agenda really DO NOT understand thier environmental science. But, a political or extremist group will certainly latch onto "pseudo science" in a heartbeat, if it can further thier cause!

Check this out:

The Earth Liberation Front operates as a sort of headless umbrella group, Levin said, encouraging individuals to commit acts of "liberation" and credit them to ELF.

Genovese said whoever set the fire may have been trying to protest vehicles that pollute the air because of their poor fuel economy. But he said their approach was misguided.

"There's a lot more pollutants from the fire than the vehicles would pollute during their lifetime," he said. "There's hundreds of tons of pollutants that were spilled off."

Well, I guess it makes sense for someone???

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