posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 04:10 PM
Am hoping this is in the right thread.
Was speaking to a colleague at work recently, and got into the subject of china, and basically how to deal with them. He spoke quite intensely about
the passion for trying to make China a democracy.
To democratise china will increase the threat posed.
By giving the people more power and freedom, of their own destiny, thus creating a more stable and balanced country.
Democratising china will increase the countries wealth, and that of the individual. again, making a more stable and balanced country.
China would therefore be more efficient/productivity would increase several times over. As China is on the rise and cannot be stopped that easily,
therefore to try and bring about a more democratic China, would pose a bigger and more significant threat than what is posed today1
The answer may lie in the continued suppression of the said country.
Totalitarinism and communist dictatorship is the perfect tool for this requirement.
Maybe an orchestrated attack/conspiracy, in relation to china, N.korea, Japan, Taiwan, etc, is required/or likely to happen, or currently
With the possibility of China being deemed a "superpower" within, lets say, "10 years", there is an urgent need to curb China's regional, and
global aspirations. The threat they pose is on all fronts, economically, militarily, strategically, the pursuit of energy, etc!
The country of Russia is also a significant and important player/ally of China. The only way the west/usa could be matched, would be to have Russia
team up with china, and possibly India also, to achieve, Global Domination.
History teaches us that at sometime, eventually, China will clash/have to face the US, vice versa.
But this will only occur if either coutry feels threatened enough/essential strategic position confronted in any way.
It makes sense to note that China and US both need each other equally- trade being the main reason.
As of now China is, essentially paying for the US deficit.
China is unlikelt want to alter this status quo, good for business, tade, money, etc. China exporting so much, due to a huge population, and low
wages. It bacically is the NO.1 producer of goods in the world.
What's other people's view of China, and the answer's to questions about curbing their power/influence?