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What if you discover something no one else has?

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posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 12:08 PM
What do you do if you make a scientific breakthrough, prove Steven Hawking wrong or figure out gravity? Yet you have no degree in that subject. Who do you tell and what is the best thing to do?

Do you paten your equations or go to your local university but what would you get out of it if you were right? Could write a book about it and do it that way but what would be the most effective and right way to pursue it before you get ripped off. It’s not a 3-D model design or something but you could discover something no one else has what do you do?

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 12:46 PM
Having actually done this, you document eveything, repeat the experiment (or reidentify the discovery), then write it up and send the paper off to all relevant journals to be published.

If its a REAL big discovery you might also want to issue a press release.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 01:53 PM
Hire a lawyer conversent in intellectual property law.

Do NOT go to any online invention registration sites. They are the worst kind of idea rip off artists known.

Trust no one! No Universitys!! No press release!! Nothing!!

Lawyers suck but don't even write anything down or submit to any journal until you have legal representation. If you want to make money from your idea; be fore warned, there are idea theives everywhere. This is not paranoia. This is the voice of experience. I should be driving a Mercedes rather than a Toyota Pick up. Don't tell even your family or best friend if you have a legimate idea. If there is even a potential for profit your best friend will sell you out in a NY second. Good new Ideas= MONEY

Don't be detured by lack of academic credentials. Most important innovation comes from ordinary people with vision.

Good luck!

[edit on 26-7-2005 by whaaa]

[edit on 26-7-2005 by whaaa]

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 02:03 PM
If you are just looking for recognition of a new concept (which is really the only value) then take it to a university...

The person who said don't... was thinking invention, not scientific concept...

A university prof will look it over, and if he feels that he is convinced, then he will take it to his collegues.. and then by 5:00 the same day, the world will be updated...

thanks for any new scientific concepts in advance...

that is the primary value...
if you want to make money, then think of an invention that uses that concept and patent that...

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
Yet you have no degree in that subject. [/quiote]
A degree is not really relevant. Its helpful I'm sure, but you don't need a degree to be correct. Scientists recognize this. Of course, it begs the question, why don't you have a degree in the subject? The answer to that could be important.

Do you paten your equations

No, because they don't belong to you.

but you could discover something no one else has what do you do?

I would write up my findings in a properly formatted article for submission to a peer reviewed journal. In all likelyhood, it would get 'rejected', that is, sentback with comments, usually rather specific. From these I would make the necessary alterations, whether it was 'clerical' or required new experiments, and then re-submit to the relevant journal, or another journal, depending on their specific guidlines.

Do NOT go to any online invention registration sites

If we're talking about an actual invention, like a device or something, then yes you should patent it, but the orignal statement seems to be more of making a theoretical discovery.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 05:34 PM
Theories, formulas, concepts even off the wall ideas are intellectual property and should be treated as real property either thru the copyright office or the US patent office. It is a nightmare to go thru these processes yourself; that is why I suggested a lawyer. Even if it is just a new theory or concept it should be protected because others will steal it and claim it as their own. University professors steal ideas from each other all the time so they can publish a paper and get the credit. In the world of academia you will find it is as cutthroat as the corperate world. It may look different with the lab coats and the jackets with leather elbow patches, but underneath the hip exterior is a world filled with cheats, thieves and liars. Be prepared!! Sorry to seem so cynical but it's not without reason.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 06:21 PM
First thing, read terms and conditions here and note heading #18

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 06:38 PM
For a start rule18 tells me do not write anything here like inventions because someone else will have the right to keep it and say its thiers.

Also they have a right to get rid of threads hope this one is not one of them.

What if you discover something that can threaten the planet should it be told? Like example a super nuclear bomb that will convert all surrounding particles into energy and never stop untill it hits the edge of space. Example the earth would become the reaction to that Bomb and never stop. Or create something that could in the wrong hands create WW3.

How ethical should science be in what is to be told and what to oppress for mankind? No I do not hold that kind of knowledge incase of any wannabe terrorist out there...Just ethical theory.

But do'nt forget the original post.

[edit on 27-7-2005 by The time lord]

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