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What the Terrorists Want

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posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 05:28 AM
(1)If Osama doesn't want to rule the Muslims, then
why does he insist that the US leave Saudi?
He does not live in Saudi. They kicked him out.
What right does he have to insist on how they
behave toward us? His actions clearly show that
he wants to control the Muslim world. Anyone
that states otherwise can't see the obvious.
He has stated in his own communications many times
what his jihad is all about. The people that did
the program on Al Qaeda on the National Geographic
channel prettty well understood his message from what
all he has said. Bin Laden philosophy of jihad has
been well publicized by himself.

In Osama's writings a very interesting thing he says is
"look if the jews can return to Israel after 2000 years,
why can't we get our Caliphate back?"

By the way a very good short video is available on Al
Qaeda's strategy for those interested.
Go to this page below and click on the image of
George Friedman to see it, if interested.
America's Secret War - George Friedman - Author interviews

(2)If Saudi is a greater enemy than Bin Laden, then
why is it that the Saudis are trying to kill
Al Qaeda? How are the Saudis trying to destroy all
non Muslims? Are they trying to drown us in oil
that they sell us?

(3)Bin Laden is attacking us because he wants to
call the shots in Saudi, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
and any other place he thinks he owns. He can't
stand it that those places are not his to dictate
to. His call to jihad is not very effective, when
you consider his main targets now are Muslims that
don't agree with him. If his call is so effective
why haven't you strapped on the dynamite and helped
him out? Could it be that you think this righteous
effective dynamo is going to fail?

By the way the book "America's Secret War" described
in the above link has a complete history of how the
war unfolded. George Friedman, the author worked
with Stratfor, the intelligence service. I have subscribed
to them for years and they have been years ahead of
the news media getting this very interesting intelligence
out. They were reporting on Al Qaeda and the strategy
a full year before I saw anything comparable on TV news.
[edit on 24-8-2005 by MajorCee]

[edit on 24-8-2005 by MajorCee]

[edit on 24-8-2005 by MajorCee]

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 10:52 AM
1) George W. Bush has said this war against Iraq was called to him by God. That in a sense, it's a christian war. Does that mean he is trying to take over all of the christians? No, he's simply using the religion has a crutch -- ie bin Laden.

2) I havent really heard any news about Saudi's stomping al Qaeda. The last I heard was multiple Saudi's leaving to join the al Qaeda ranks.

3) Well Im not Muslim. So obviously a call to jihad means very little to me.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 11:06 AM
You want to provide a link to that President Bush quote?

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 11:57 AM
Bush doctrine is covered in depth on this site:

You will find nothing there that claims he is on
a mission from God.

Saudi attacks on Al Qaeda were on all the news
programs during the past week. They were
also on internet sites such as this one:

I am wondering why someone seems to be acting so well informed
when none of their information coincides with the facts.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 04:03 PM

Check that out. Another pursuer of peace

[edit on 24-8-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 04:11 PM
I would just like to add that I know a fair number of moderate muslims (an Iraqi who is for the war and an Iranian who is a little less than moderate among them), and most of them say that they would enjoy a global Caliphate. They don't want there to be wars or anything for it, and they don't support al qaida, but the global caliphate is one of their cultural dreams.

These are fairly moderate people, so I can easily believe that the extremists are for this and willing to do anything for it.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 05:33 PM
The radical Muslims like Bin Laden want to establish the Caliphate, a pan-arabic union with a single political-religious leadership. They feel that the democracies and monarchies from Morocco to Afghanistan are all corrupt and in bed with the West. They blame the western presence for the civilizational decline of the islamic world.

The problem with the radicals is that their diagnostic is historically correct: since colonial times, the West essentially owns all Arabia and North Africa, dictating their policies and extracting natural resources below market price. All that area is now controlled by moderate american-friendly regimes.

The west is engaged in a multi-decade containment policy with no end in sight. Examples:

  • Intimidating Lybia not to manufacture weapons that could be sold to anti-government groups in neighboring countries.
  • Invading Afghanistan and derailing the creation of a real country in that region.
  • Destroying Iraq and selectively killing the very young and the able.
  • Crippling Iran economically (work in progress).
  • Allowing Israel to inundate them with disabling synthetic drugs.
  • etc, etc...

This is not my view, but my interpretation of Bin Laden's ideology.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 05:48 PM
well invading Afghanistan i wonder why we did dat? hmmmm very tough to answer that question.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 04:28 PM
Friday, Aug 26, 2005 On Foxnews, General Meyers
in a speech made reference to the Caliphate and
how it is impacted in Iraq. His words were
that if the jihadists are successful in
Iraq, then they see this as the beginning
of their Caliphate as they invision it.

After the clip of General Meyers speech, Bret Baier
the announcer added the definition that Caliphate
referred to one Islamic government over all
the Islamic community.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 12:32 AM
The Los Angeles Times reported Aug. 24 that the FBI is
looking into the activities of Iyad Hilal, a 56-year-old
local Muslim entrepreneur in Orange County, Calif., who
is considered the U.S. leader of a transnational radical
Islamist group that seeks to re-establish an international
caliphate. The FBI, the newspaper reported, is not conducting
an "investigation," but wants to learn more about Hilal
and his group, the Hizb al-Tahrir (HT), or Party of Liberation.
Hilal's name first surfaced in a Fox News report alleging
that Hilal had ties to the group responsible for the
July 7 London bombings.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by MajorCee
America's Secret War - George Friedman - Author interviews

By the way the book "America's Secret War" described
in the above link has a complete history of how the
war unfolded. George Friedman, the author worked
with Stratfor, the intelligence service. I have subscribed
to them for years and they have been years ahead of
the news media getting this very interesting intelligence
out. They were reporting on Al Qaeda and the strategy
a full year before I saw anything comparable on TV news.

Thank you, I think I will be buying this book. I have been reading the webpage and reviews. Again thanks

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 07:28 PM
About Lybia, this news just came in:

Police chief- Lockerbie evidence was faked

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 11:49 PM
Bush has been quoted (unconfirmed) as saying this:

"According to Abbas, Bush said: 'God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.'"


"God is not on the side of any nation, yet we know He is on the side of justice. Our finest moments [as a nation] have come when we faithfully served the cause of justice for our own citizens, and for the people of other lands."

This sounds like a call to Christianity jihad to me.

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 09:21 PM
Abbas must be an idiot.

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 10:22 AM
Insurgents take over Iraqi town, install sharia law...

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