(1)If Osama doesn't want to rule the Muslims, then
why does he insist that the US leave Saudi?
He does not live in Saudi. They kicked him out.
What right does he have to insist on how they
behave toward us? His actions clearly show that
he wants to control the Muslim world. Anyone
that states otherwise can't see the obvious.
He has stated in his own communications many times
what his jihad is all about. The people that did
the program on Al Qaeda on the National Geographic
channel prettty well understood his message from what
all he has said. Bin Laden philosophy of jihad has
been well publicized by himself.
In Osama's writings a very interesting thing he says is
"look if the jews can return to Israel after 2000 years,
why can't we get our Caliphate back?"
By the way a very good short video is available on Al
Qaeda's strategy for those interested.
Go to this page below and click on the image of
George Friedman to see it, if interested.
America's Secret War - George Friedman - Author interviews
(2)If Saudi is a greater enemy than Bin Laden, then
why is it that the Saudis are trying to kill
Al Qaeda? How are the Saudis trying to destroy all
non Muslims? Are they trying to drown us in oil
that they sell us?
(3)Bin Laden is attacking us because he wants to
call the shots in Saudi, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
and any other place he thinks he owns. He can't
stand it that those places are not his to dictate
to. His call to jihad is not very effective, when
you consider his main targets now are Muslims that
don't agree with him. If his call is so effective
why haven't you strapped on the dynamite and helped
him out? Could it be that you think this righteous
effective dynamo is going to fail?
By the way the book "America's Secret War" described
in the above link has a complete history of how the
war unfolded. George Friedman, the author worked
with Stratfor, the intelligence service. I have subscribed
to them for years and they have been years ahead of
the news media getting this very interesting intelligence
out. They were reporting on Al Qaeda and the strategy
a full year before I saw anything comparable on TV news.
[edit on 24-8-2005 by MajorCee]
[edit on 24-8-2005 by MajorCee]
[edit on 24-8-2005 by MajorCee]