.111.[R].The Witnessing of Paulo.J.Tx.Mn.[R].111.
I'll try and explain this one last time as simply as possible and how my research into Atlantis took a turn in December 2005 thru January 2006 by
God's will, for it is what it is by His own accordances.
I began my Atlantean research in 2003 and joined Atlantis Rising Forums.
Initially I chose Riven for my pseudo name because it is in the word Scriven, which is to Scribe or write in antiquity. It also means to be torn or
separated such as our true histories, religions and languages also are. Riven is also my favorite video game from Cyan and their "Myst" series of
adventure games.
In 2003, I also chose the avatar of the warrior on the white horse battling demon hordes below because it symbolized my personal quest in the battle
to prove Plato's Atlantis Legend is based on a true story and it also reflected my near death experience when I witnessed the grey spirits below upon
my ascension to the Oval light.
Little did I know that this image would reflect Revelations of the Bible and my new battle and defense of our True Creator, JA MN, along with my
Atlantean research.
Revelation Chapter 19
11 And I saw heaven opened: and behold a white horse. And he that sat upon him was called faithful and true: and with justice doth he judge and fight.
12 And his eyes were as a flame of fire: and on his head were many diadems. And he had a name written, which no man knoweth but himself. 13 And he was
clothed with a garment sprinkled with blood. And his name is called: THE WORD OF GOD.
Later, I decided to use my first name Paulo with Riven and Riven would become the name for the White Horse. As the spiritual awakening commenced from
witnessing God's name written on top of the Great Pyramid, I would inherit many names of meaning. For a name should have meaning to be proper like
Atlantis also does as a testimony to her truth.
Ironically, realizing that JA MN was the oldest God in our histories and my last name is also MN and that God is Aeternal, and that His works were
upon me, I inherited the name of Ae-Jor Mn in defense of our God Ae-JA MN. Jorge is my second name. As I am the fifth born child, I also have 5 names
which are PJTCM that ironically also reflects "Praise Jesus The Christ Man or messiah" and I was born on an island once known as Jesus Christ Island
in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on All Saints Day. I recently explained some of the psychic phenomena I experienced which also combines with my
photos. I am also related to Kings and Queens of Portugal in the 12th-13th centuries, so my signature of "Riven The Seer and Royal bloodline to
Atlantis" as you can see, ironically is also "Truth".
Again, this also reflects revelations where it says that no man knoweth his name and that "his name is the word of God", thus AeJor MN is the word
and defence of God AeJA MN, ae being eternal or aeternal, see?
In January, 2006 while googling Egypt for my Atlantean research, I felt a physical "nudge" on my right shoulder as I approached the Great Pyramid.
Zooming in directly on top, I saw the image of two letters that spelled in antiquity, JA.
Thus I found God and God found me, and through me God worked wonders as these photos testify to which include our Garden of Avila in Eden or properly,
Tansania, Africa. Avila is an old name for Africa and was disguised between the H's as havilah.
The v and l interchange with f and k/c in antiquity. Decoding Egypt's Eye of Ra will show you the way to the Garden to witness the Eye as God's left
hand and God disguised in His thumb creating a child with my Face on it while God's wife, who is wearing a diamond crown, looks upon in The
SaJaRa is also another name I use meaning "Son of God is King".
I also use Sword of Avila or Obsidian Dragon Slayer for aiding God in the downfall of Satan as I believe and from personal experience and witnessing,
both with God and with Satan.
I am physically connected with The Golden Sun in our sky and God by a ray of light.
Realizing the importance of the pyramid, I decoded the pyramid, which pointed me to the Carina Nebula and not the warrior realm of Orion.
There I discovered the Secret of The Pyramids and The Ascension of God's son preserved by the Hubble Telescope in Carina nebula. Carina nebula is
also known as "The Finger of God" and ironically, my name in the Bible Code with Carina, brings up a phrase also mentioning, "this is the finger of
God", just as my name can also be found in the Bible Code with Eden.
enter query; paulo jorge men
The Second Book of Moses, Called Exodus 8:19
Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God and Pharaohs heart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them as Jehovah had spoken.
Paulo Jorge Men Eden also brings up the same quote as above;
(or paulo jorge men eden god)
I have also demonstrated how 3 images from the lost book of Nostradamus also can be identified to all this, not out of arrogance but to aide in
provenance to these most mysterious of truths of which I cannot deny.
Then again, Jesus working many miracles and the ones with false hearts denied him or those of the Black Sun.
Believe it or not, matters not. To Know Is Immortal and now you know.
Which is all that matters for the truth to one day ring in your hearts and minds.
God's name JA on top of The Great Pyramid.
Decoding The Pyramids points to Carina Nebula and reveals how to Seat the Sphinx.
The Ascension of The Christ being defended by a White Dragon from Satan in Carina Nebula (Hubble Space Labs)
The relocated Temple of The Sun from Saqqara, Egypt some 5000 miles away on an island.
Garden of Eden and The Eye of Ra as God's Left Hand with God disguised in the Thumb.
Closeup of God and His Wife wearing a Diamond Crown as She looks upon my face as a child.**(new image)
Satan beheaded by the Burning Crooked Sword.
Ironcially, we have the recent sighting of a burning sword ufo in the heavens filmed by fekdemasons at David Icke.com
Huge Ufo / burning sword thread at David Icke.com
Acts 2
17 And it shall come to pass, in the last days, (saith the Lord), I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy: and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
18 And upon my servants indeed and upon my handmaids will I pour out in those days of my spirit: and they shall prophesy.
19 And I will show wonders in the heaven above, and signs on the earth beneath: blood and fire, and vapour of smoke.
20 The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and manifest day of the Lord to come.
21 And it shalt come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Revelation Chapter 20
1 And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon,
the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.
Satan's image next to The Pit of The Calling in Kenya's rift valley with Judas' head below.
Zoomed in;
3 Headed Dragon and the Dark Seal lower right.
Skull of Apocolypse and the Iron Horse.
Two Spiritual shadows battling it out in a volcanic pit next to the base of Mt Kilimanjaro, z markings.
3 eyed 2 nosed face Geryon, herder of the Phoenician cart for those destined into the Pit.
Nostradamus 1
Nostradamus 2
Nostradamus 3
As you can see, I have a valid reason and concern to provide for us information about the materia and immateria worlds and a closer look at our
histories and most importantly, to bring us closer to our True Creator and His numbers and letters.
For letters and numbers don't lie, people do.
For you see, our Alphabet originally comes from at least 12,000 years ago from our Atlantean Aterian and Azilian counterparts in western Europe and
Western Africa which evolved into Linear A, our root language. When the Phoenicians (phony ones, falsifiers), landed in Iberia, they stole the south
Iberian script and passed it off as Linear B of which the Greeks only needed a couple of letters if any for they already had their language evolved
from Atlanteans. Some words in Greek, as in French, Italian and Spanish, are comparable to Portuguese.
Here in this one post you have substantial evidence of support. If you don't think so, then please provide your evidence of why not rather than in
sinuous insults derived from resentment or miniscule knowledge. First impressions are lasting impressions and people always remember someone with
If you would like to know the truth about Atlantis and our Histories, click below.
AeJor Mn
Son of AeJa Mn
Sword of Avila
Obsidian Dragon Slayer
Opener of The Ways.
7:50 PM 11/30/2009
.111.[R].A Tale of Two Suns of Aeon’s Eye.[R].111.
.111.Three heads, three necks and one body hath the beast.
No redemption, no repention, no contention for time.
A stone faced harlot, red dragon and horned asp to the east.
Set about Three short of six and four less of nine.
Of a measure to alter the Sun and the harvest of the feast.
Fall became winter upon spring to be summer of heat.
No food for it’s fill, no water to quench its thirst.
But hunger of plunder for blood of the sweet.
And to serve it’s ob master branded seven oer first.
No promise gained honor, no silence kept discreet.
Nostrils flared, eyes glared and poised to attack.
Eight by Seven and Six by Five while yet by Four.
Set upon the Beast of Three erst cowering at its back.
Ne’er anticipating the thunder to lay silenced upon the floor.
And reveal the crooked daggers whence ceased its track.
Five Straightened Daggers of Sun to be done the undone.
A S0w no laughter to squeal perversions or diversions.
Unfit to be b0rn the Ram has no h0rn to replace the S0n.
Sister 0f shad0ws, cat’s h0wls silenced for all dimensi0ns.
To separate the cleaving son fr0m the blue n0 face reptilian.
Delivered yon Son to the Sun for Freedom of Aeon’s 10:10.
Erstwhile Five crossed mid center to free the Three of Four.
And Light of radiance burst forth kissing trees and grassy plain.
To caress petals of silkened dew reflecting love of Evermore.
Harmony of breath beats hearts lasting song once again.111.
Paulo Riven
AeJor Mn
Son of AeJA MN
Sword of Avila
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
12/1/2009 5:54 AM
The picture above will aid you in understanding my poem of The Two Sun's.
Basically, the Bibles Revelations tells us that the Beast is the 8th of 7 beasts that is also seen in the above picture. 1,2 and 3 in front with
4,5,6,7,8 in back.
The Beast falls but rises again to be finally sealed in The Pit of The Calling in Kenya’s Rift Valley, which is the home base of the Evil Family in
opposition to God, The Creator JA Mn. This should be representative of Satan having rule over the 7 Churches of Asia from his new seat in Pergamon or
at the Golan Heights is my belief. One is God’s number, so the Stone faced harlot replaces God as the leader of the 7 churches, and a woman
disguised as a man which would be YaH from JA. The Second beast, the Red Dragon is probably Pagan Rome while the Third beast of Horned Asp is Egypt.
Third is the Son’s number, which also reflects Philitis the Shepherd as the earlier Christ upon Egypt.
Egypt was first to be stained from Kenya thus they became Khem. From Egyptian Pharaohs it passed into Phoenicia, Mesopotamia and Europe. These would
have been the 3 main powers of middle Earth as the 3 headed beast out front that is manipulated by Satan as the Ram’s head and his family beside him
working from behind the scenes.
The number 5 as the Cleaving Son, who is actually a 3 is indicative of the Changing of The Son for Satan to have dominion. Thus 3 of 5 make 8 = Satan
for that specific time.
8 is two Serpents intertwined or Two Suns, one white one black, thus if Christ prevails the 5 reverts the 8 back to 3 for the age.
So the power of dominion resides in The Son of which the object is to free The Cleaving Son in exchange for another. Black Horus for Golden Orus in
this case for the return of Christ for our age of Aquarius. These objectives have to be done in both the material and
immaterial, thus I found the objectives of the immaterial as my spells and photos have demonstrated while God will handle our material. The magic was
simply revealing the Secrets of Satan’s intentions to try and destroy the Son as Carina Nebula demonstrates and our Creator JA Mn. So it thought.
.111.[R].Aeons of our Alpha Geomatria by AeJor Mn.[R].111.
Precessional Cycle of Procession;
1000 year cycles for 4000 year eras separated by 1000 years of change. (each number and letter represents 1000 years up to 26 letters of our
Modern = 12 Zodiacs of 2160 yrs = 25,920 years, should be 13 Zodiacs of 2000 yrs for 26,000 year era. Christ and the 12 Disciples.
Our first constellation is hidden but not. Our constellation of the Royal Crown of 5 points or Giant M is visible 90 degrees west of the big dippers
handle and above your head when the big dipper is low on the horizon.
So it was that God was also hidden and disguised by another. (JA for YAH)
Aeon of Air
A)-1 = God; AM, Alpha, (I-AM, AMN) = Ja Mn (Aeternal Aeon, Amen) (23,594.bC)
B)-2 = God's Wife = Beauty, Ba - Spirit of God (22,594.bC)
C)-3 = Son = Christ = Ray of Orus (Ca, Ka = duality = Reflection of God )(21,594)
D)-4 = Daughter = Diana, Diva, Lux of Ipse = Light of Beautiful Self(20,594)
E)-5 = 1st Change of 5 = Two Suns (sons) = (19,594-18,594.bC)
Aeon of Fire
F)-6 = Evil Father - Blue Reptilian - Foul Flesh of Faust - Phanes (18,594.bC)
G)-7 = Mother - Laughing Pig- uGly = Glutton of Mutton (17,594.bC)
H)-8 = Satan - Horn(less) Ram - Hat of Horus (16,594.bC) (Same era of Egyptian ---______Hercules/Orion -ref;Herodotus Histories)*
I)-9 = Sister of Shadows - Introverted IsIs / Io (SerammIS, IShatar) twIn ob harlotS ______(15,594.bC) (Era of Osiris/Isis-Herodotus Histories)*
J)-10 = 2nd change of 5 (14,494-13,594.bC)
Aeon of Earth
K)-11 = Ka = Duality of The Sun or Twin Sons = Knowledge (13,594 - 12,594.bC) _______(Atlantean Azilian Alphabet)
L)-12 = Lordship of Land, Dominion of The Sun = Language (12,594.bC)
M)-13 = Motion of Omen, Fate of The Sun's Dominion = Memory (11,594.bC)
N)-14 = Novus Dominii - New Dominion of The Sun = New Natal = New Birth _______(10,594.bC) (Ice Age Ends)
O)-15 = 3rd change of 5 = Ominus Orbus Ordum = Order of The Sun's Presence _______(9,594.bC - 8,594.bC) Ice Age Recedes
Aeon of Water
P)-16 Pharaoh, Egypt city state of Nun = Water God (8,594.bC)
Q)-17 Quest of The Queen, Isis poisons Ra, Osiris Murdered, Destruction of Mankind to ______follow (7,594.bC)
R)-18 Recreation or Resurrection of Adam after the Great Disaster of 6482.bC.
S)-19 Sin (5,594.bC) Cain murders Abel, change of Tribes to barbaric warrior cultures
T)-20 = 4th change of 5 (4,594-3,594.bC) (Atlantean Double Falcon era Egypt, approx _______age of Pyramids)
Aeon of Air
U)-21 - Undoing of Utnapishtim (Biblical and Hathor Flood, 3253.bC) (Philitis The _______Shepherd, Dec.10th,3474.bC)(3,594.bC)
V)-22 - Vexation of Venus, Tyre, Sidon, Byblos - Phoenician advent (2,594.bC)
W)-23 - Wisdom Returns, Athens Greece city state, (1,594.bC)
X)-24 - X = Ch = Christ Appears, Jesus The Christ - Zero to our Calendar)
Y)-25 = 5th change of 5 - Fall of The Library of Alexandria and Hypatia,
Y = Ya = Shovel = JA hidden and buried in literature by YAH and Judaen uprising from the Bible of Constantine. YaH gains dominion from Phoenicia.
Aeon of Fire (Fire Extinguished = Satan Falls, reverts to Water = Age of Aquarius)
Z)-26 = 8 = infinity = Omega = End of our 26,000 year cycle around The Sun (sons), _____8888 = 2406.aD. (current age from 6482.bC = 8491)
Herodotus in his Histories books written ca.440bC, stated the Egyptian Hercules as 17,000 years prior and Osiris as 15,000 years prior.
You can also try to figure out planets or the zodiac signs, or any other histories that would apply, but I think this enough for now. 10:10 is the
order of Universal Time that was altered ahead to 11:11 from the Evil families intervention on Earth, thus you were psychologically programmed to see
11:11 which now is reverted to 10:10 as God ordained for His Creation.
Well, I hope you understand that it’s not easy trying to figure all this out by myself and figure an easy way to explain it to you all. Anyways,
like many of my posts that may seem confusing and out of place at times, the object was to get as much info out as possible for you all to provide you
with clues also whether here or in the material or out there in the immaterial or for our Atlantean Heritage.
For All we are truly Atlanteans.
Best of Aeon’s Ages to you and your families.
I Love You All to Never Fall
And Remember, Be Good, Be Bad but know not Evil.
AeJor Mn
Son of AeJA Mn
Sword of Avila
Obsidian Dragon Slayer
Opener of The Ways
And Riven my White Horse wishes you Prosperity.
12/1/2009 9:10 PM
[ 12-01-2009, 11:16 PM: Message edited by: Riven ]
.111.[R].Riven The Seer and Royal Bloodline to Atlantis.[R].111.
Posts: 4649 | From: Azores Atlantis Isles. | Registered: May 2003 [Atlantis Rising Forums.com]